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I called Nick two days after the makeout.
"Hey Nick, umm this is Lily from the bar" I said.
"Are u the girl who was my best makeout session?"
I laughed "Yes , I am her"
"What took you so long?" He asked.
"Long? I thought that you weren't serious and I didn't want to come as a needy person"
"Trust me I was serious and I don't think you are needy. But anyways, do you want to hang out sometime?"
"Yeah sure, we should hang out at The Company"
We agreed to meet on Friday at 4pm. I was kind of excited for the date. And also the store is a cafe plus bookstore.

Days before meeting up with Nick, I had told everyone that I had a date. They were happy for me except Noah. He thinks that he is not a nice guy, since he knows him from Cornell. I am not gonna listen to him and my feelings for Noah are starting to get suppressed.

I am currently in the Romance Lang class. Mr. Angelo said the wise words that writer's are like genius because They can create their own world.
I like his class. It is full of interacting informally and mind games to improve our writing. Sometimes, he makes a student start a story and the other's put their twist and turn as they get their chance and the last student finishes the story.
After the class, I go to the business school for my Economics class. The teacher tells us about the country's inflation and how it affects us.

The class finishes around 12 pm. I have approx 4 hours for the date. So , I go to the cafe. Since, the exam season is going for the sophomores , most of them have occupied the cafe. I could see my friends struggling with the service.
I put on my apron and start getting coffees and sandwiches.I checked the time after the rush hour was over, it was 3:30pm.
I started hurrying and when I opened the door , Chase and team entered the cafe.
"Hey lil, Where are u running?"
"I am late for the date " I yelled , still running towards my apartment.

Luckily I had my dress ready and I had hidden talent of getting ready in 15 mins. I was ready by 4, but the cafe is 20 mins by subway and I am currently running around the house to find my other sock. "Where the fuck are u?" I get another socks and put it on.

I texted Nick to tell him that I am running late. He said that he was late too.

Subway ride is long enough for me to listen to 5 songs of Taylor Swift and complete a scene.
It started raining when I reached the cafe. And my clumsy ass fell the moment I entered the cafe.
Everyone was staring at me and I was embarrassed as fuck. I faked laugh and I could see Nick sitting in the corner and not bothering to help me. Maybe Noah was right. I got up and went towards Nick."Hey, sorry to embarras you" I said.
"Please don't do that again" he said.
I got up and walked away from there.
That bitch , who does he think he is. I bought myself a meatball sub and went to the central park. Since it was fall, the leaves were soo aesthetic and calm. The wind was blowing all around and couples were cozing up to each other.I wished like I had the boyfriend like the one I was writing.
I sat on a bench , took out my ipad and started sketching my coverpage.
I wanted to make my own coverpage and had an idea on mind. I drew about 2 hours. The sun has started to set down.
I packed up and started walking home.

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