Bakeneko Arc 2 Part 2

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As soon as they enter the main room, Kayo enters to give the lord the sake he has requested, much to the surprise of everyone in the room that both sellers, Kayo and Odajima, have returned unharmed. 

While the other three work, [Name] assists the medicine seller by helping him draw a line with salt with his husband and Odajima on the opposing side. As [Name] draws a line, he realizes that his hand is empty and that he must go to Odajima, who is holding the salt pot, but he notices something out of the corner of his eye.

However, he didn't see anything, so [Name] shrugged and kept walking.

"If that's what you think, that's fine. But do not step into the enclosure of salt. For any reason." [Name] turned to his left and observed Odajima and Medicine Seller engaging in a staring battle.

Did something happen?

[Name] reflected himself as he moved in their direction. Is there anything I can do to help? When [Name] calls out, Odajima and Medicine Seller give him a quick glance. 

"Actually, there is. You are much more trustworthy than this big-mouthed dimwit." 

"Who are you to call me a big-mouthed dimwit?!"

Should I laugh or feel bad for Odajima-san-

"Hold this." [Name] is startled by the automatic movement as the bottom cabinet opens.

"Hand me each item in the box, one by one."

"O-Oh okay,"

When the well-known tools unexpectedly emerge from the cabinets, [Name] has a surprised expression on his face. Like it has its own consciousness.

"What is that contraption?"

"Ever come across a scale?"

That thing is a scale? 

"Hold out your finger." Leaning over, [Name] reached into the draw, but when he stuck his finger out, a scale land on it. The scale turns around so quickly to face the (H/c) haired man that he yelped in surprise as it spins to the Medicine Seller before spinning back to [Name].

To [Name]'s great astonishment, however, the scale tipped downward as if to bow to [Name].

"I think it likes you, [Name]."

The fact that the scale had recognized [Name] as the husband of his master or something made the said male pleased to hear what his husband had said. Even so, it brings [Name] joy.

"Lift your finger just a bit." [Name] followed the Medicine seller's instructions, and when it flew over to the said seller, it landed on his finger. Prior to repeating the action, Medicine Seller did the same thing, and the scale flew over, landed on the ground, and took the bell out.

"Do the same with the next one."


[Name] holds out his hand for a second scale, but this time only two appeared, landing one on his finger and the other, much to [Name's] astonishment, on his shoulder. As more scales quickly emerged, [Name] became a little anxious due to how eager the scales are. 

"Are you doing good over there?" 

"S-Sort of...?" 

Medicine Seller turn around to see what happen and immediately let out a small chuckle at the sight of his husband with the scales. When [Name] overheard his spouse chuckling, he blushed in embarrassment.

"What are the scales for? To measure the weight of Mononoke?"

"It's for distance."


"To determine Mononoke's distance."

"Do you not understand the purpose of the scales? They are for weighing, not determining distance."

For some reason, [Name] feels that he wants to kill this warrior by the name of Odajima for being so conceited. Can't help it, though, because a monster is lurking nearby, waiting for them to become its meal.

"Oi, do you even listen to me?"

When [Name] suddenly feels something brush against his leg, he looks down, and his eyes widen as he recognizes the cat he had previously seen in the arm of the woman in white. [Name] snaps out of the thought when one of the scales tilts to the right.

"You said you were going to get rid of the Mononoke," Odajima inquires, wanting to make sure both Medicine Sellers are on the same page about what needs to be done with the Mononoke.

"Yeah..." Medicine Seller murmured, thinking the Mononoke was directly in front of him, as he cast his gaze down at the scale.

"Then, we shouldn't be wasting our time like this! Hurry up and kill that evil beast! If you can't do it, then you've been lying all along!" Odajima cried out, and [Name] was finally unable to bear it any longer. 

"Odajima-san, could I ask you a question?" When [Name] calls out, Odajima and Medicine Seller give him a quick look. 


"Can you see it? The Mononoke, I mean?" 

Odajima blinks in disbelief at the sudden query from [Name]. 


"I repeat, can you see the Mononoke? It's a straightforward yes-or-no question, Odajima-san." 

As [Name] spoke, you could see the rage in his eyes as they drew closer to the samurai. 

"Obviously not-" 

"Tell me then. What did Kusuriuri-san say about the scale? What's the measurement for? A weight or a distance?" Medicine Seller, who observes [Name] with surprise while remaining quiet, has no idea that his spouse is THIS enraged. 

"Of course, it's a distance-"

"Oh, you are AWARE of how the measures work. I thought that you to be an idiot warrior who loves to engage in pointless combat."

Medicine Seller's eyes widen at the sudden insult that came out from [Name]'s mouth.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean-"

"Just because we volunteer to help you to kill Mononoke, that doesn't mean you can bully my husband like that. I have been watching you for a while ever since we step inside this stupid mansion. I'm this close want to smack your stupid ass face, did you know that? We are here, not for any of you but Mononoke. I even don't care if all of you except for Kayo-san who seems can cooperate to help us kill Mononoke, died in Mononoke's hand. If you don't know what to do or even better, don't want to help; shut the fuck up. Easy. Do you understand me or are you still an idiot samurai who don't know the meaning of shut up?"

Both Odajima and [Name] have a staring contest but it ends quickly when Odajima looks away. 

"You don't need to do that..." Medicine Seller whispers as he makes his way to the angry (H/c) haired male who still glaring at Odajima. 

"Just so you know, Kusuriuri-san. One thing I hate is somebody messing with my family. You're my husband and nobody can mess with my husband." 

Oh, how lucky Medicine Seller is, having the (H/c) haired male name [Name] as his husband.

Mononoke © Yaeko Ninagawa

Reader © You

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Book © Me

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