Zashikiwarashi Act 1 Part 1

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A/n: The fact that I finished this arc in act 1 like on Thursday last week in AO3 but forgot to put here lmao. 

As usual, English is not my first language so be prepared for a lot of grammar errors bcs I suck on grammar //sobbed 

Have fun reading!

Summary: The journeys continue where [Name] finds a lot of matryoshka in front a certain Inn.

A week has passed since Bakeneko's accident involving Sakai's family, and the wounds on [Name]'s head appear to have healed. The bandage was removed since they felt it was no longer necessary. However, it had been a week since the two sellers had spent a week sleeping in the forest, and it was pouring rain when they reached the next town.

Fortunately for both sellers, Murasaki's wooden luggage contains an umbrella.

They are currently looking for a spot to spend the night. As he explored an inn while holding his husband's hand, [Name] noticed a bunch of matryoshka right outside the establishment. They even come in a variety of colors, such as blue, orange, yellow, etc. After staring at it for an extended period, [Name] sensed that these matryoshkas needed assistance for an unknown cause.

"Ne, Murasaki-san...?"


"I think those guys need help..."

When Murasaki looks where his husband is gazing, nothing is there. But he knew that [Name] had stated that there had to be Mononoke living in the Inn following what happened during Bakeneko's attack at Sakai's residence. "Let's reserve a room now. We can sleep in a room because it's been so long."

Seeing his husband's radiant face, Murasaki had to chuckle, knowing for how long the (H/c) haired man would like to curl up in a warm futon.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's head there, Murasaki-san!"

"Right, right. But don't forget, Mononoke came first."


The medicine sellers move in the direction of the inn, but just as they are about to enter the gate, Murasaki abruptly stops, confusing [Name] and making him halt too. "Murasaki-san?" [Name] called out, but it appeared like Murasaki was speaking with his other side when he heard the blade within the wooden suitcase clatter and noticed his husband's lip twitching but not speaking. Thus, while counting the Matryoshka, [Name] waits patiently for his husband to conclude their conversation.

However, there are so many of them that [Name] is left wondering if this inn is a-

"Mr. Medicine Sellers!"

[Name] was startled by the sudden voice and looked to the door, where he saw a man who might have been an inn employee calling out.

"Medication is not necessary! Standing there like that will scare off customers!" [Name] also noticed an elderly woman behind the desk; based on her age, it's possible that she owns the inn. "I'll have to ask both of you to leave!" [Name] looks at his husband and tries to give a signal, but his husband gets there first.

"Oh no, please. We want to spend the night in a room. Kindly...?"

When Murasaki lifts his umbrella slightly to let the innkeeper and employee see who they are, [Name] is silently repulsed by the elderly woman who blushes visibly at the sight of his attractive husband. [Name] became slightly jealous of this and clenched his hold on Murasaki's hand.

Luckily, Murasaki also strengthened his hold.

And with that, they secured the room successfully.

As [Name] sits next to Murasaki, who introduces the innkeeper to a variety of medications, the (H/c) haired man feels a little repulsed by the innkeeper for pursuing the married spouse after observing how the innkeeper looks at Murasaki. "But it's bitter, isn't it?" Asking while holding one of the prescription bottles is the innkeeper.

"Well, it is from China."

"Do you have anything else?"

As [Name] surveys the space, Murasaki and the innkeeper converse about the medications. In the modern world, [Name] enjoys watching dramas in his free time. Some of these dramas even feature brothel structures. This shares a striking resemblance with the structure they are now residing in.

"Do you own this inn, ma'am?" [Name] was inquiring because he was curious about the response.

"Yes, in fact. Since I was a young girl, I have owned the building itself."

"I see. However, I apologize if my question comes out as a little impolite. When you converted it to an inn, what was it? [Name] inquired once more, pondering the response once more after noticing how very similar the structure appeared to the brothel and recalling the numerous matryoshka outside this inn.

"Well, what was it, exactly? Guess I'm getting old because I forget."

However, upon hearing her tone, [Name] casts a fleeting glance at Murasaki, who nods in understanding at the signal from the man with (H/c) hair.

"Excuse me!" When the innkeeper and the medicine sellers heard the commission from downstairs, they both went to look and noticed a woman with a veil covering her face. "Do you have a room for the night?" The enigmatic woman asks as she puts her umbrella away. After giving it some thought, the worker shakes his head. "We apologize, but we're sold out. Go elsewhere to look."

Full? Does this mean...?

"You're the only one open!"

"There're no vacancies tho."

"I also have plenty of money! I'll even give you my umbrella!"

[Name] feels awful since he heard the screaming from downstairs and saw how frantic the woman is to get a room. And judging by the size of her belly....she must be four months pregnant.

Seeing the curious look from his husband's look, [Name] was sure that he wondering the same thing. "Could it be...?" Murasaki asked, wanting to confirm their room. "That's right. You took the last vacancy." Oh no, now he feels bad... "Well, what about this?"

[Name] is still watching the action from upstairs as the Innkeeper and Murasaki continue their chat. He finds out that the pregnant woman is being pursued by an assassin who wants to assassinate her. When the expectant woman removed her veil to expose her stunning face, [Name] could tell that he was hesitant to eject her. Having lovely blue eyes and blond hair. Naturally, though, the innkeeper gets irritated when the commission from downstairs interrupts "her times" with Murasaki. [Name] saw it in her eyes, but when her employee let out a startled cry, she instantly got to her feet.

"You're pregnant?!"

That means that his forecast came true, which hurts him.

If only he...

A quiet sigh from [Name] attracted Murasaki's attention. "Something wrong?" Murasaki enquired. "I'm feeling awful right now. We could offer her the remaining room if I would simply ignore the matryoshka." Staring at the pregnant woman arguing with the innkeeper, [Name] muttered.

"Like, she's a female and she's four months pregnant! She could endanger both her unborn kid and herself! What happens if the account of her being pursued is accurate? I feel like I'm to blame for this."

Aside from Mononoke, the thing that Murasaki detests the most is witnessing his husband's misery.

When Murasaki notices that everyone is focused on the commission from downstairs, he grabs [Name]'s arm and pulls him onto his lap, causing [Name] to yelp.

"Wha-Murasaki-san! This is pub-!"

With one arm around [Name's waist and his other hand pulling [Name]'s head so that [Name]'s face is buried on his shoulder, Murasaki draws [Name] into his embrace, causing [Name] to widen his eyes. "[Name], it's not your fault. Thanks to you as well, at least we were able to locate another Mononoke to seek. In fact, we can ask her to share a room if you're still feeling sorry for her."

With a wide set of eyes and an instantly relaxed frame, [Name] put an arm around Murasaki's body in exchange for his husband's devotion.


Mononoke © Yaeko Ninagawa

Reader © You

Others © Their owners

Book © Me

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