Bakeneko Arc 3 Part 1

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A/n: This chapter start at Ayakashi Japanese Classic Horror EP 11

Holy shit, just noticed my last update was on June lmaoo. Sorry for late update! Having writer blocks and focusing on Genshin at the moment.

As usual, english is not my first language so there will be a lot of error grammars, ehe


"I get it now... The Truth of Bakeneko....was you all along!"

To be honest, [Name] is not surprising if the main culprit was the Elder Master all along. In fact, [Name] notices how Bakeneko gives a long stare, as if ready to kill him. And seeing the mysterious woman in white who also stands in front of Bakeneko, also gives a hard stare toward Elder Master.

"I understand now... You are the Truth of Bakeneko. Tell us a story." Medicine Seller demands from the Elder Master who keeps staring at Bakeneko. "What difference would that make?"


Hearing this from Elder Master, [Name] couldn't help but think if all of Sakai's family is so arrogant.

"What do you mean?"

"The beast can't hold it anymore. Soon, I will be killed by it."

"I don't care whether or not you are killed."


"The fact is that I have to cut the beast down. And to do this..."

[Name] watches Medicine Seller stand in front of the Elder Master, ready to use all his power to push the Mononoke away.

"....I must know your story! Tell me!" Medicine Seller uses his power, pushing his hand straight toward Bakeneko, successfully pushing him away.

But, [Name] is worried for his husband, how long that Medicine Seller can handle it?

"You are the creator of the Beast. You have an obligation to talk!" Medicine Seller forces the Elder Master to tell the whole truth so the Elder Master starts his story.

[Name] listens to it carefully the whole story, searching the Regret of the Mononoke itself but for some reason, hearing the story from the Elder Master...

He didn't find anything that had to do with the Regret of Mononoke.... if, this Elder Master didn't want to tell the truth.

The story goes like this; 25 years ago, the Elder Master who is not yet the old man, is searching for something for his entertainment. As he rode with his horse, he saw something interesting a group of villagers carrying someone with them, as a sacrificial bride. Feeling the curiosity, the Young Master immediately grabs the bride and rides away as he ignores the pleas from the villagers.

That's where the Elder Master met the lady named 'Tamaki'.

Once they return, the Elder Master immediately showers them with any kind of expensive gifts, clothes, food, etc. Just to make Tamaki happy because he knew that Tamaki had nowhere place to stay. If he returns her back to her family, her family will kill her. The Elder Master doesn't want that. He even gives Tamaki a cute black kitten.

It was a happy moment in Elder Master's life until the day when Tamaki out of nowhere, died in front of him.

"So you're suggesting that the girl's grudge possessed the cat and became the Ghost Cat?" Medicine Seller asked and [Name] couldn't help thinking that theory was nothing but ridiculous theory but he didn't say anything as he tried searching the Regret of the Mononoke but found none.

"It's likely that her spirit couldn't bear to see a bride leaving this household. And of course, a woman's grudge is incorrigible indeed." Yoshikuni spoke out and something clicked in [Name]'s mind as he slowly turned his glare to the Elder Master.


[Name] tries to speak up but out of nowhere, the head maid suddenly screams. "You say it like it doesn't concern you! YOU BASTARD!" The head maid screamed in anger right at Yoshikuni who slowly glanced at her, you could see the glare from the second master himself sent it to the head maid.


[Name] quickly latch onto Medicine Seller when another earthquake appears. "I only did what I was told! I did nothing wrong! Nothing wrong at all! Everybody was using me for their own convenience! You figured I'd do anything I was told! You abused your authority!"

[Name] noticed that his husband was slightly behind him but he didn't say anything as he quickly went behind Medicine Seller and put his hand on Medicine Seller's back, forcing the said seller not to move backward, due to the force from Bakeneko who try to enter the room.

"That's so cruel! Cruel! Cruel! Cruel!" [Name]'s eyes widen in horror when he notices a lot of blood coming out from Medicine Seller's hand, due to the pressure he needs to hold.

"Kusuriuri-san!" [Name] calls out in worry and Medicine Seller slightly turns his head around, giving a reassuring smile. "I'm alright, just hold on." But [Name] could see the panic in his eyes.

"What is it?! What's missing!"

The pressure is too much making both of Sellers be forced back, [Name] lets out a yelp in surprise as he falls. Medicine Seller immediately went back to his feet and forced Bakeneko to back away.

'This is bad... Really REALLY bad!' [Name] thought to himself, immediately panicked when Medicine Seller slowly fell onto his knee, losing his strength, and a lot of blood came out of his hand. "Kusuriuri-san!" [Name] quickly went to his husband's side, panicking. "The Regret of Humans...and the Regret of Mononoke are entirely different..." [Name] heard Medicine Seller's muttered something as he fell into [Name]'s embrace and immediately slowly closed his eyes, ready to get eaten by Mononoke.

[Name] couldn't help but feel his sight become glass, the tears in his eyes were slowly streaming down his cheeks. Knowing this is fate, you tightly close your eyes, listening to Odajima's begging.

"I beg you! Please, I beg you! PLEASE!"

Both [Name] and Medicine Seller's eyes when they heard the sound of sword release.

"Please, do something!"

Mononoke © Yaeko Ninagawa

Reader © You

Others © Their owners

Book © Me

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