Zashikiwarashi Act 1 Part 2

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When the employee screamed out of the blue, the two sellers were shocked. Both of them are wondering, as they watch from upstairs if there is a problem with that "Room" that is causing the employee to seem that way. 

It sounds more like "shocked" or "surprised," but perhaps "shocked" would be a better word to use. However, based on the way the blonde bowed to the staff and the innkeeper, I assume she was given a room. This provides [Name] comfort. Murasaki finds happiness only by looking at his happy face.

"Now, let's see the room, shall we?"

[Name] looks around the room, astonished at having such a large space for a room. Additionally, there's a window where you may take in the stunning view at night. There's also a large futon that may accommodate two persons. This makes [Name] nervous to consider curling up on a futon with his spouse, even though he is wed to an enigmatic pharmaceutical vendor. Murasaki saw this, but he was not of why.

"Are you alright?" Murasaki enquired.

"I'm okay, I promise! It's only a tad bit hot here, haha."

Murasaki laughed, but he didn't press the issue. "Remember, we're here because of-" When Murasaki saw the serious expression on [Name]'s face as if he were listening to something, he broke off his conversation. 

"There's something.... The sound of children running and laughing... Murasaki-san.." 

Naturally, both sellers were aware of what was required of them. But before that, [Name] hurriedly lay down for a little while on the futon since he felt it would be pleasant to do so initially. "So comfy~" Murasaki placed his wooden suitcase aside and took a seat next to [Name] on the futon, caressing [Name]'s hair with his finger.

"Remember, we still need to pursue the Mononoke."

"Please, just give me five minutes. I'm very sorry. This futon is cozy." With a grunt, [Name] moved to sit on Murasaki's knee and rest his head. "Alright, alright, 10 minutes if that's okay with you?" [Name] nods and his face brightens.

As all of this is going on, Kazuha, who has been hanging out in Murasaki's kimono, decides to come outside and lay down next to [Name], who purrs swiftly when [Name] scratches his head. "I'm tired... Is it alright if you let me know when something occurs?" [Name] whispered, rubbing his eyes wearily since he was feeling extremely drowsy. Naturally, Murasaki laughed once again and gently kissed [Name]'s forehead.

"Of course, go to sleep, my dear."

And with that, [Name] closed his eyes slowly and dozed off.

When he heard kids running down the hallway, [Name] opened his eyes slowly, moaned, and sat up slowly while massaging his tired eyelids. It's then that [Name] realizes he's sleeping by himself on the futon.

Glancing around, he saw his spouse, Murasaki, observing the rain from the window. Raising himself slowly from the futon, [Name] walks to Murasaki, who may notice too, as he offers his arm, waiting for [Name] to melt into Murasaki's arm while holding Kazuha in his arms.

"So noisy... So cold...." [Name] mumbles, snuggling into Murasaki's chest while putting Kazuha on his chest. Naturally, when Murasaki sees the person he loves cuddling in his arms, he cannot help but feel his heart rush.

"Can't sleep?"

"Those youngsters prevent me from doing so... Let's locate this stupid mononoke so I can get some sleep."

Naturally, Murasaki laughed.

They exit the room together and begin to look around, taking in everything. to check for any unusual activity that can provide information on Mononoke. However, [Name] does not see anything and believes that the Mononoke will not materialize just yet because he hears children laughing and footsteps thudding. 

"I believe they're not ready to show up yet... I suppose nothing has set them off yet." [Name] murmurs to Murasaki so nobody can hear them. 

"I see... What do you think can trigger them?" Murasaki sits down on an old sofa and asks, while [Name] sits down next to him and follows him behind. 

After hearing Murasaki's question, [Name] can only think of one thing that can cause this particular type of mononoke, albeit he is unsure of the exact form. However, he decided to try it.

"I have one theory... If this Mononoke's True Form is 'Zashikiwarashi'... There's only one thing that can trigger them..."

Murasaki blinked. "And that is...?"

They both sensed something and as a result, [Name] looked at his spouse, who was standing next to him, with a sly smile on his face.

".....why it's Fire of course."

Mononoke © Yaeko Ninagawa

Reader © You

Others © Their owners

Book © Me

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