Zashikiwarashi Act 1 Part 3

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They keep searching everywhere, but they are still unable to locate it. The host inquires about their problems, and Murasaki senses that his spouse is holding onto his sleeve, sensing that [Name] doesn't want this innkeeper speaking to them—especially to Murasaki. Murasaki then decides to go by inquiring about the lavatory.

Fortunately for the two sellers, the innkeeper lets them know where it is, and Murasaki turns to go while holding his husband's hand securely but discreetly enough that no one can see them.

Even though Murasaki would like to clarify that he reserved the room with his spouse, he honored [Name]'s request to keep their connection a secret so that no one would judge their relationship. They are fortunate to have two friends who don't criticize their relationship: Kayo and Odajima. Both vendors remain hidden from view, holding hands the entire time, while Mononoke is still absent.

Just be careful in areas where Murasaki chooses to place talismans in case the Mononoke unexpectedly appears. Just then, the two sellers heard the woman yelling from the upper room—a place the innkeeper had forbade them from entering.

"I guess we found it."

The two sellers head straight for the top floor, where the door is ajar, and [Name] peers inside, his eyes bulging at the sight of the unconscious woman. The same woman who had earlier been begging for a room. [Name] hurried over without saying anything, feeling her pulse.

When [Name] felt her pulse on her wrist, he exhaled with relief. "She is doing alright... That's a relief."

As Murasaki enters and looks around, he looks up to discover a corpse hanging inside the ceiling rather than on top of it. [Name] groaned and hurriedly covered his nose with his hand when he took a sniff. "This place stinks. smelled like a burning corpse or something." Murasaki notices this as [Name] stammers.

Burning corpse...?

There's the sound of footsteps and the door opening farther, and there's the sound of a well-known innkeeper. "Just what is going on here?" Naturally, [Name] stiffened at the sound of the innkeeper's voice, but he kept his expression neutral. The employee and the innkeeper also make an appearance, but they do so in separate rooms. When they discover a corpse in the ceiling, they are both frightened. Something was absorbing the deceased man. "Did you do this?" The worker inquires, prepared to summon help for the crime scene.

"Of course not."

When [Name] looks up and eventually spots the corpse, he has one more question in his mind. This Mononoke... Is it protecting her? Wondering why? The innkeeper quickly assumes that both sellers are murderers and is about to order her staff to obtain authority. This gives [Name] flashbacks to Bakeneko's accident when his husband is suspected of killing the house's young lady.

"They didn't do it!" The woman is the center of attention for everyone, and [Name] helps her sit up fast. "I observed it. These two weren't the ones who did it." [Name] looked at the blond lady as well as Murasaki, but remained silent because the blond lady's response piqued Murasaki's curiosity.

"Oya....? What do you then observe?" The blond woman was shaking with terror; [Name] could feel her shoulder quivering, which was most likely caused by the fact that she had just seen an unusual killing.

He was caught and pulled up... Then spun around, around and around and around and around." "Oh? Is that it—around, around and around and around and around?" The employee and innkeeper are wary of both sellers, but for some reason, they grow suspicious of Murasaki in particular. As Murasaki attends to the needs of the employee and the innkeeper, [Name] chooses to look after the blonde, wishing for the safety of the unborn child inside her.

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