Chapter 3: When I'm Sober I Feel Pain

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I walked past dad in the house. I'm still mad at him. "Allison. Living room. Now." He demanded. I rolled my eyes and turned around. I walked towards the living room. "Yes father?" I smiled sarcastically. Danielle was on the couch. Vic sat next to her. "Danielle feels very hurt that you are being rude to her. Did she do something wrong?" I looked over at Danielle. She was looking at the floor. "Yeah she did actually. She came into my life." I said as I stormed out of the living room. Vic was calling my name, but I didn't care to listen to him. I walked out of the house. I took off in a full sprint down the sidewalk. I don't know why I'm being a bitch to Danielle. She has never done anything to me. I kept running though.

I ran into Anna. "Woah girl cool it." She said. Anna and I used to run in the same crowd. Gangs and drugs. Except, I wasn't really in a gang. I was just friends with a bunch of bloods. "When did you move here?" I bent over and gasped. I was out of breath. "Few months ago. You should probably come with me girl. You look sick or something." She put her arm around my shoulder. "I'm just out of breath. Is my dad behind me?" I asked her. "Yes. You should probably keep running." She joked. I heard faint calls of my name behind me. "Oh shit." I muttered. "Take my skateboard. I was on my way to get a new one anyways." She said quickly. I jumped on and took off. "Thanks!" I yelled. I gained speed. Being Vic's daughter means having skills on any kind of board. I kept going and going.


I ended up at Jaime's house. I ran into his house. "Woah Alli. What's wrong?" He asked me. "I pissed off dad so I ran out of the house. I ran into my friend and she offered me a skateboard." I held up the board that helped get me here. "Holy hell. What did you do?" He asked me. "I was being rude to Danielle yesterday. He asked me about it today in front of her. I was being a bitch for no reason. He was like 'what did she do wrong?' And I was like 'she entered me life." I explained. "Well damn." Jaime said out of shock. "I know it's not like me." I sighed. "Yeah it's definitely not like you." Jaime pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" I said quickly. "Telling Vic you are here. You can stay the night." He said moving his fingers across the screen of his phone. "Thanks. I'm going up to my room." I told him. "Do you want to watch a movie or Netflix?" He asked me. "Uh Netflix sounds good. Can we watch 90210?" I asked nervously. No one really likes that show anymore. "Sure Alli Cat." Jaime smiled.

We sat down on the couch with Jess and watched 90210. It turns out that Jess actually likes that show. We finished the first season and started on the second. "You girls and your dramatic shows." Jaime sighed over dramatically. "Okay dramatic boy. It's time you get your nap." Jess teased. "I don't want to sleep though." Jaime whined. I started to laugh like crazy. "I'm going to go to bed." I announced. "Okay." Jess said. "Want me to tuck you in?" Jaime asked in a girly tone. "Yes Mom." I laughed. Even though my mom died, I still joke about people being my mom.

Jaime and I walked down the hallway to my room. I opened the door and jumped into my bed. "I love you Alli Cat." Jaime kissed my forehead. "Love you too Jaime." I smiled. He turned off my lights. "Goodnight." He said before closing my door as well.


"Allison wake up!" Jaime shook me. "What?" I yawned. "Vic is here, and he is drunk, and-" "Why are you telling me this?" I cut him off. "He wants you to come home." Why would we want me to come home? "Why?" I rubbed my eyes. "I don't know, but he is going crazy. He is crying in the living room over you." Jaime seemed panicked. I rolled out of bed. I walked into the living room. Dad had his head in his hands. "Alli?" His voice was cracking. "Dad?" I sat down next to him on the couch. "I love you so much. I don't want to lose you." He kept kissing my forehead. I didn't say anything. I sat there and let him talk. "You just remind me so much of your mom, and it was hard to look at you and talk to you without thinking of your mom." He sobbed. "Let's get you home Dad." I stood up. "Okay uh... You should drive." He stood up as well and handed me the keys.


We made it home safely. I practically carried dad to his bed. What he said got me thinking. Do I act like my mom? What does she act like? These questions burned inside my head. Danielle was already in bed, but she was asleep. "Hey Alli." Dad whispered. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "That girl is pretty." He pointed at Danielle. I giggled quietly. "Do you think she is pretty? I think she is pretty." He slurred. "She is very pretty dad. It's time for you to get some sleep." I whispered. "Night night." Dad waved at me. "Night dad." I smiled. I closed their door quietly before walking over to the living room. I looked at the clock. It's three in the morning. I called Sofia. I know she is still up.

"Hey Alli!"

"Hey Sofia. Want to come over? I'm in my living room."

"Sure. Be there in a few."

She hung up. Basically, Sofia lives right across the street. Vincent lives next to Sofia. Then a girl named Mia lives to the left of me. A boy named Christian lives to the right of me. We all hang out a lot during the summer. We haven't so far though because Mia is on vacation with her family.

Sofia walked into the house. She shut the door quietly. She walked over to me where I was picking a movie. "Which one?" I held up Pitch Perfect and Mean Girls. "Mean Girls. Duh." She flipped her hair. We both started to laugh, but we quieted down since there was other people in the house. I put Mean Girls into the disc player and sat next to Sofia. This has been a crazy day.

A/N: I wanted to post this update yesterday but I fell asleep :((

I'm going to do a Question of the Day from now on. I want to interact with my readers!

QOTD: Favorite band?

AOTD: Pierce the Veil or All Time Low

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