Chapter 14: I'm Tired Of Holding Up Your Back Up Plans

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The bedrest days slowly went by. I have done nothing but lay in my bed or on the couch. I have watched an endless amount of movies, TV shows, and documentaries on Netflix it isn't even funny. Fortunately, I finished 90210. I started on American Horror Story, but I stopped watching it after the first season. I've posted tons of the pictures I have took so far on Instagram and Twitter. Being Vic Fuentes' daughter, I have around three hundred thousand followers. Take that Kate Beckerson. I have gotten tons of likes and comments already, even though the pictures were posted in the last five minutes. My last picture was of my leg and arm.

@piercetheallison: don't play in the street kids.

A lot of the comments were hilarious.

@lauren.woodall (oh hey that's me): gosh dang Allison I thought I have told you that before!

@rhonda._ : the car must be fab now since it hit you.

@dark._kindness : I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!

@faithbr10 : that moment when you're running after the ice cream truck and you get hit by a car

@ashiaaa__ : dafuq?

@__peasants_ : oops

I laughed at the comments my friends left. I replied to a few people who were asking questions. Yes, I do answer questions on Twitter and Instagram. I looked at the time. It's noon. I called dad.

"Alli Cat?"

"I want food."

"What do you want?"




I hung up. This is the last day of this shit. Tomorrow, I will be out of bed. I waited for dad to bring me food. I really don't want anything special, just some food. I heard someone come on the bus. They walked back to the bunk area. It was Alysha. "Fuck. You're still on bedrest?" She whined. "Yeah... Why did you take off your clothes?" I laughed. "Because I told the guys I was surprising Mike today. What they didn't tell me is that there is a teen on the bus." She groaned. "Just go to the back lounge. I've heard sex noises coming from you know who a lot." I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "But, you might want to hurry up and get to the back lounge. Dad is bringing me food." I told her. She nodded. "Oh fuck. I left my clothes in the living area." She quickly ran to get her clothes. She came back. "Don't let anyone go back there except for Mike. They should know though." She said before continuing to the back room.


Finally dad brought my food. It was chicken strips. I love chicken. A lot. Chicken is my favorite thing ever. "Do you want to lay on the couch and watch Netflix?" Dad asked me. "Yeah. Front couch though." I specified. "Oh shit! I forgot to tell Alysha you are here!" He facepalmed. "She knows. Maybe I can crash Black Veil Brides' bus." I shrugged. Dad glared at me with the "fuck no" look. "Okay maybe I won't." I threw my one arm up in defense. "I will ask Lynn if you can stay bed bus." Dad said after thinking for a minute. I nodded. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. I grabbed the remote and launched Netflix. I decided to watch 13 Going On 30. I heard dad talking on the phone with Lynn. "She will come get you after her set." Dad said as he walked back to the bunk area. I nodded.


"We're here!" Lynn announced. We being Lynn, Alex, and Brian. "One of you pick me up." I laughed. "Ugh fine." Alex said. He came over and picked me up. He carried me back to their bus. It was small, like an RV. I was put on the couch. I played on my phone. "Want to watch some movies?" Lynn asked. "Totally." I said. She put in Holes. "You like this movie?" I asked her. "Yeah! Do you?" She smiled. "I love it." I replied.

Half way through the movie I was deemed safe to come back to the bus. Jaime came and carried me back. "Tomorrow I can walk on crutches!" I cheered. "Yep." Jaime said. As soon as I hit my bunk I fell asleep.

I woke up at midnight. The guys were surprisingly asleep. I hobbled over to Jaime's bunk. I made my way into his bunk. He noticed I was there, and he wrapped an arm around me. I went back to sleep.


I woke up still in Jaime's arms. I yawned and fell out of the bunk. "Fuck!" I cursed. Thank the Lord I didn't fall on my arm. I held onto the bunk next to me to support myself. I stood up and steadied. I hobbled into the living area. Ashley and Andy were there. "What happened Little V?" Ashley jumped up. "I got hit by a car." I said calmly. "How the fuck did you get hit by a car?" Andy yelled. "First off, people are sleeping. Second off, why are you in our bus? Third, I ran in front of it." I listed off. "Sorry. Vic invited us." Andy said. "Why did you run in front of a car?" Ashley asked me. "Because I can. No, I was running from Mike." I sat down next to Andy. "Why?" Ashley asked. "Because he was making me mad." I responded. "Why did dad invite you on the bus?" I asked. "Because I wanted to have a chat with them." Dad said from behind me. "You scared me." I gasped. "Sorry. Go get ready." He said. I nodded and walked off. I went into the bathroom and did my usual routine. I put on a Carrie Underwood Blown Away Tour shirt with knee length leggings. I put my hair into a messy bun. I walked back into the living area. "Really? Carrie Underwood?" Andy asked. "Yes, really." I snapped. I hate when people hate on me for liking country. "Sorry." He put his hands up. "Whatever. What were you guys talking about?" I asked. "Nothing. They were just about to leave." Dad said. Ashley and Andy stood up and left. "Am I performing today?" I asked. "Yes. We have an interview, but they want to interview you with us." Dad said. That's weird. They have done about ten interviews so far, but I haven't been in any of them. "Okay." I shrugged.


"So Bryan Stars is doing the interview." Dad said. All of us, including me, were doing the interview. "Okay." I nodded. We walked into a building for the interviews. I followed the band into a room with other band members. "Hey Bryan." Jaime walked up to Bryan and shook his hand. "This must be Allison." Bryan said. "Yep." I popped the p. "Well let's get started." Bryan said. We all sat on the couch. I sat on the left arm, and Jaime sat on the right arm. I sat my crutches down next to me. I just want a wheel chair. "Well first introduce yourselves for first time viewers." Bryan said after I zoned back in.

"I'm Jaime, and I play bass."

"I'm Tony, and I play the guitar."

"I'm Mike, and I drum."

"Vic, and I sing."

"I'm Allison, and I'm Vic's daughter."

We did simple questions at first. Then some were directed towards me.

Bryan: "So how do you like being a Vic's daughter?"

Me: "It's okay I guess. Sometimes fangirls get mad at me, but it's whatever."

Bryan: "How did you break your arm and leg?"

Me: "I got hit by a car. Don't play in the street."

Bryan: "Are you doing any singing on the new album?"

I looked at dad. I didn't even know he was releasing a new album. "I guess we will find out." I shrugged.

After the interview was over we went to main stage. Do I want to sing on the new album? Do I even want to sing? I mean, it could be big for me. What if dad was already finished recording? Why do I only care now?

A/N: omgz I didn't post yesterday1!1!

QOTD: lol favorite fan fiction?

AOTD: I have a lot... I really do like one of the Vic Fuentes' kids one where the girl is like a bad ass and lives on the street and vandalized the PTV bus... It's called One Hundred Sleepless Nights.... I also like a trilogy about Kellin Quinn. The first one is called something like I Can Hang So Close The Door and its really good but I absolutely hate the ending.

Oh and those Instagram names are the people from the Oklahoma City chapter besides Bella :))

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