Chapter 28: Oh My Sweet Little Girl Hold Your Mouth And You'll Be Alright

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"Hey you bitch!" I was slammed against the locker. "I said stay away from Dalton." Cecilia smacked me hard. "Speak dammit!" She yelled in my face. I remained silent. She threw me on the ground. "Sasha! Kick her ass." I saw Cecilia smirk. This Sasha girl kicked my side. I groaned in pain. "Wait! Let's take her to the bathroom!" Another girl said. I recognized her as Sarah. She is in my English class. Sasha grabbed my legs and dragged me into the bathroom. "Fight back! Fight back!" My mind screamed at me. I just couldn't though. It's like my legs won't listen to me. Sasha picked me up. She slammed my head against the sink. I felt blood trickle down the side of my head. She kicked my side again. I coughed up blood. "Look what I found!" Cecilia smirked. In her hand was a pair of scissors. "Cut her hair!" Sarah cheered. She unevenly cut off my long hair. She then snipped at the sides of my body. I knew I was a bloody mess. Cecilia jumped on top of me and punched me in the face. "That should be enough. Let's just leave her here." Cecilia spit on me. Everything went black.


"Mom? Dalton?" I called out. I was between real life and after life again. "Allison." Mom's voice said from behind me. "Mom!" I ran up to her. "You poor thing. I can't believe those girls hurt you." She pulled me into a hug. "Where am I going this time Mom?" I asked. "You don't have a choice this time. You're going to live." She told me. "I'm fine with that." I pulled away from our hug. "Good." She smiled and disappeared. "Dalton?" I called out. "Dalton!" I yelled. "I'm right here." He sighed from behind me. I turned around. "Dalton." I hugged him and smiled. "You know, I made sure Dalton went to Mission Bay." He whispered. "Why?" I asked. "So you two could be together for ever." He said before disappearing.


I listened to the machine beeping and people talking.

"Will she be alright?" Dad

"We thought she wouldn't make it. She is progressing though. She has a ninety percent survival rate. She should wake up anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple years." Doctor Hills

"A couple years?!"

"Sir calm down. That is very unlikely, but it could happen."

"Okay okay."

"Mr. Fuentes? Are you going to press any charges on the girls?" I don't know who that is

"Hell yeah!" Dad

I felt someone take my hand as they were talking. I tried really hard to squeeze it. I was about to give up until I heard shouting. "She squeezed my hand! She did!" It was Jaime. I squeezed it even harder. "Ouch!" He pulled his hand away from me. "Dammit Jaime." I muttered. Wait, I talked. I talked! "Did you hear that?" Jaime asked everyone. They stayed silent. Maybe they were nodding their heads. "Shut the fuck up Jaime. You're giving me a head ache." I muttered. "I heard that one!" Dad laughed. I felt someone hug me. It was probably dad. "Can you open your eyes honey?" He asked. "If I could don't you think I would?" I said sarcastically. "You should be able to." Doctor Hills said. "The light is on. I have a headache. I can't open my eyes." I smirked. "Give me a break." Dad said. "Turn off the lights!" I countered. "Lights are off." Jaime said. I opened my eyes. "Thank you." I giggled. "I'm hungry." I whined. "Classic Allison." Dad chuckled. "Can we interview her Doctor?" The unfamiliar voices were police officers. "Are you okay with that?" Doctor Hills looked at dad. Dad nodded. "Then we will get to it. Allison, do you want your dad in here?" One of them asked. "No because he needs to bring me food. I'm fine." I said. "Okay." Dad, Jaime, and Doctor Hills walked out of the room. "Can you tell us what happened?" One of them asked. "Can you at least tell me your names?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh. I'm Officer Rollins." The girl said. "I'm Detective Amaro." The guy said. "Okay." I shrugged. "Are you going to tell us what happened?" Rollins asked. "Oh yeah." I cleared my throat. "I was at my locker after softball. Cecilia came up and slammed me against my locker. She has a crush on my boyfriend. She called me a bitch and threw me to the floor. I mean, she told me to stay away from my boyfriend before so. She called over Sasha. Sasha kicked my sides. Then they took me to the bathroom. Sasha slammed my head against the sink. She then kept kicking me. Sarah suggested they cut my hair. After they did that, they snipped at my sides. Cecilia punched me in the face. That's a bout it." I said. "Did you fight back?" Amaro asked. "I mean, I was trying too. My body wouldn't let me though." I explained. "I see. Well do you know the girls' last names. "Uh. Sarah's last name... Hall! Sarah Hall! That's all I know though." I looked at the floor. "Thank you." Rollins said. Then they left. Doctor Hills came back in. "Am I going back to therapy?" I asked. "No." Doctor Hills said. "Good." I sighed in relief. Dad and Jaime came back into the room. "How long am I staying here?" I asked as dad put a plate of food on tray thing. "Overnight." Dad said. "Ew." I muttered. I hate hospitals.


"Go to sleep." Jaime said. Dad had to leave because he had a meeting. Meeting my ass. He is probably out with Danielle. "No." I retorted. "Fine." Jaime shrugged. "Will you cuddle with me?" I asked. Jaime nodded. I scooted over in my little hospital bed. He laid down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I put my head on his chest. "Why can't I be normal?" I asked him. "Nobody is normal." Jaime played with my hair. "Nobody is normal..." I repeated.

A/N: lol I accidentally posted this too early.

QOTD: what color is your hair?

AOTD: brown with blonde highlights

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