Chapter 7: Shouldn't You Be In Bed?

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Tonight was crazy. Everyone was on our bus for a party. Everyone meaning Black Veil Brides, Memphis Mayfire, This Wild Life, Mallory Knox, PVRIS, Hands Like Houses, Blessthefall, We Came As Romans, Beartooth, Neck Deep, Bebe Rexha, and many other random band members. I was in my bunk though. Some people were outside, some were inside. All I know is that they are making a ton of noise. I looked at my watch. Gosh dang. It's already three in the morning. It takes five hours to get to the next venue. We need to be there by nine, and I had enough of this party. Time to shut things down.

I walked into the living room. Jaime was surprisingly the only sober person besides me on the bus. I stood next to him. "You know we have less than six hours to be at the next venue right?" I asked Jaime. "What time is it?" He asked me. "Three. It takes five hours to get to Mountain View." I told Jaime. "Okay I will shut it down. Go back to sleep." He waved me off. I scoffed, but I walked back to my bunk.

I started to scroll through Instagram for the tenth time this hour. I refreshed my feed. A picture of Sofia appeared, but it wasn't posted on Sofia's account. It was Oscar's. I read the caption.

@oscar_has_nachos: this girl, @queen.bee.sofia, is officially taken! Lay off of her boys! ;)

I squealed after reading it. I texted Sofia right away.

When were you going to tell me you and Oscar were dating??

She texted back quickly.

I was about to text you! I'm so happy I could die! :)

I laughed at that.

You're always happy! Anyways, I'm going to sleep. Congrats babe! Love you!

I locked my phone before she could reply. I was about to fall asleep, but someone started to shake me. "Who the fu- oh." It was dad. "Alli! Alli!" He slurred. "Yes dad?" I yawned. "Look at my dad!" He pointed at a towel that was on his head. "Cool. I'm going to sleep okay?" I said slowly. He nodded and walked away. Finally! Sleep!

Just kidding. I couldn't sleep. I walked into the living area. Thankfully, Jaime was there too. "Hey Alli Cat." Jaime said as I sat next to him. "Hey Jaime." I yawned. "Selfie!" He pulled out his phone quickly to take a picture. I stuck my tongue out. "Hey Jaime, remember the day I first met the band?" I laughed. That day was horrible. Even though Vic wasn't there for me a lot, he still had me meet his band.

My seven year old self was walking home from school. Dad was waiting at the front door. He never does that. I suddenly got excited. "Daddy!" I yelled as I ran towards him. "Alli!" Dad smiled and picked me up. "I got some people I want you to meet okay?" Dad asked as he walked through the door. I nodded. I saw Uncle Mike and two strange men sitting on our couches. "You know what a band is? Like the Jonas Brothers?" Dad asked. "I love the Jonas Brothers!" I shouted. "I know. Well, we are going to be like the Jonas Brothers! This is Tony, and this is Jaime." Dad sat me down. I jumped onto Uncle Mike's lap. "These people scare me Uncle Mike. Their drawings aren't cool like yours." I whispered into his ear. "Oh really?" Uncle Mike raised an eyebrow. I nodded. "Sorry Daddy. You can't be like the Jonas Brothers." I crossed my arms. Dad's smile fell from his face. "Why not princess?" He asked nervously. "Because you guys aren't pretty like the Jonas Brothers!" I yelled. I jumped off of Uncle Mike's lap. I ran into the backyard. "Alli?" Dad asked. I was hiding behind the bush. I started to cry. He found me. "I'm sorry Alli." Dad hugged me. "It's okay Daddy." I sniffed.

"Oh my God! I totally remember that!" Jaime whisper yelled. "You guys still aren't as cool as the Jonas Brothers." I giggled. "We are cooler." Jaime wiggled his eyebrows. I facepalmed myself. "Oh shut up." Jaime scoffed. "I didn't say anything!" I defended myself. "Whatever. You need to go to sleep." Jaime poked my cheek. "You need to sleep as well." I poked his cheek back. "Fine." He rolled his eyes. We walked back to our bunks together. I rolled into mine. 'Twas times like these I am grateful for the bottom bunk being invented. A short lady like myself shall be able to access her bed easily. Wait, what the fuck? My mind is weird.


"We are here!" Tony yelled. Of course, he has to yell. The early riser has to yell at us. I heard a chorus of "Shut the fuck up!" in the bunk area. I walked into the living area. "You look like a million bucks, Alli." Tony said sarcastically. "Lol at your face, Turtle." I replied. "Did you just say lol?" He asked me. "Fuck off." I muttered. I took a mug and filled it with coffee. I added creamer and sugar. I sat at the table and played on my phone. I'm seriously into Clash of Clans. "So who are you going to watch today?" Tony asked me. "PVRIS, Hands Like Houses, A+ Dropouts, and Bebe Rexha." I listed off. "Will you still be able to perform?" Tony asked me. "Duh." I rolled my eyes. I want to start listening to bands or whatever. "Well cool. You will have to have someone go with you." Tony told me. "Cheska, the lead singer of A+ Dropouts is going with me." I told him. "I don't know her." Tony said quietly. "Oops. She is a teen like me." I told him. "Okay. She is coming to the bus right?" Tony asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she would love to meet you guys." I told Tony. I stood up and put my mug in the sink. "I'm going to get ready." I told him. He nodded. I walked into the bathroom. I put on a blue sports jersey crop top. I had on black denim shorts. I was wearing my white converse. I put my hair up in a straighten ponytail. I put on my waterproof mascara, and I was ready. By the time I came out of the bathroom, the guys were up. I looked at my phone. It was ten. Cheska should be here in thirty minutes to get me. I sat on the couch next to dad. "Damn, you're already ready?" Dad asked. I nodded. "The lead singer of A+ Dropouts, Cheska, is taking me to a few sets." I explained. "Okay." He shrugged.

Cheska knocked at the door. I opened it and let her in. "Hey girl." I said as she walked in. "Hey. Wow." She said as she looked around the tour bus. "You guys are just in a van right?" I asked her. She nodded. "That sucks." I said. "Totally. This is so cool." She looked around in awe. After she met the band, we walked around the venue. This girl is pretty cool. It's nice to know I have friends here.

A/N: so I heard Hands Like Houses on the radio and I'm going to watch them at Warped. I'm so excited!

QOTD: have you heard of A+ Dropouts?

AOTD: YAS! They are life!

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