Chapter 30: You And I, We're An Overnight Sensation

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As I walked out of my room I remembered the whole reason I went in there. I walked back in. Dad and Danielle were too busy arguing. I looked through my closet and eavesdropped on them. "I can't believe you Vic! I haven't ever cheated on you! I loved you!" Danielle yelled. "Maybe if you would actually give me a reason not to cheat I wouldn't!" He yelled back. "What reason are you fucking talking about?" She screamed. "Maybe if you would actually have sex with me this wouldn't happen!" He yelled. I looked at them with a shocked expression on my face. He did not just say that. "Oh I'm sorry that the last time we had sex was a month ago! Maybe that's because I'm pregnant!" Danielle dropped to her knees. Oh my God. Danielle is pregnant. "Y-Y-You're pregnant?" Dad's jaw dropped. I quickly took the clothes I picked out and walked into the bathroom. I'm going to have a little sibling. I don't want this. I don't want a brother or sister. I want to be a single child! I threw my dress on the ground and stomped out of my bathroom. Danielle was still on the ground crying. Vic looked like a deer in the headlights. I walked right up to him. "One for cheating." I slapped him. "One for saying that shit to Danielle." I slapped him again. "And one for being too fertile." I slapped him one last time. "I'm so sorry Danielle. I didn't know." Dad sank down to her level. "Of course you didn't know! You were too busy cheating on me to even care!" She moved away from him. "But I do care! I love you so much Danielle!" He had tears running down his cheeks. "Prove it." She whispered. He leaned over and kissed her. I took that as my cue to leave.

I walked back over to Jack who seemed very lonely. I took this as a good time to look at his features. He had black hair and a blonde patch. He was a tall and scrawny guy. "Heyyo." He slurred. "Hey Jack." I said seductively. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking in, but I didn't have a care in the world about anything. "Want to go somewhere more private?" He winked. I nodded. He took my hand and lead me to the guest room, even though I already knew it was there. He threw me on the bed. I smirked as he got on top of me. He leaned down and kissed me. It was gentle, which surprised me. It then turned to rough. He licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I denied him. His hands trailed up to my breast area. He gave them a squeeze, which caused me to moan. He took that as an opportunity to invade my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance, but Jack won. Since I never changed, I was still in my bathing suit. He reached behind me to unclip my top. He took one of my small, C cup breast into his mouth. C cup is small right? Anyways I moaned. He started to roll my other nipple between his fingers. I moaned even louder. His mouth came back up to my neck. He found my sweet spot. "Jack..." I groaned. "What the hell is going on in here?" Jaime yelled. Jack jumped up quickly. I covered my bare breasts with my hands. "Holy shit." He muttered. "Jack you do know this is Vic's daughter right?" Jaime said calmly. "Holy hell! I didn't know okay! She had a beer in her hand so I thought she was fine." He threw his hands up. My cheeks turned red. Way to fuck everything up Allison. "Jack, get out of here." Jaime pointed at the door. Jack ran out, leaving Jaime and I. "What the hell Allison?" He yelled. Tears ran down my face. "He is twice your age! You're only fourteen!" Jaime yelled again. "I know don't what I was thinking." I sobbed. "I'm just some whore! I'm a slut!" I yelled. If it wasn't for being clean for a month and a half, I would have ran to my razor. "Shh... No you're not." Jaime sighed and sat down next to me. He pulled me into a hug. "I love you Allison." Jaime whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back. "Hey Jaime I saw you come in here alone, and I was making sure you're okay. Wait, what the hell?" Dad said as he walked in. I realized I still didn't have a shirt on. "Fuck." I mumbled. "Vic, it's not what it looks like. We didn't do anything." Jaime said calmly. Why is he so calm? "What happened then?" Dad crossed his arms. "Uh, Jaime caught Jack and I almost having sex." I said quietly. "Jack Barakat?" Dad's eyes widened. Jaime nodded. "She was drinking so he thought she was of age." Jaime added. "Go to your room!" Dad pointed at the door. "I would, but I'd rather go to a room you haven't fucked someone in." I smirked. "To your room now!" His face turned red. The smirk was wiped off my face. I ran into my room and locked the door. I quickly took a shower and changed into my sleepwear. I felt so ashamed of myself. Why did I let that happen? I sighed and checked Instagram. It seems all my friends are having a great time without me. Hell, I'm not going back so it doesn't matter. They aren't my friends anymore. I'm not going to school. I'm going on tour. I closed Instagram and checked other things. A certain tweet that I was tagged in caught my eye.

@AltPress: Is @piercetheallison and @jackalltimelow involved with each other?

It was a picture from the party. I looked at the replies.

@bandlife4life: whore

@carissafuentes: ew Jack is going to give her STDs

@queentaylor_ptv: maybe it's not what it looks like?

@purtygirlpurdy: she wouldn't do that

I tweeted back.

@piercetheallison: hey @AltPress, nothing is going on between @jackalltimelow and I.

I locked my phone and went to bed for the night.

A/N: follow my Instagram accounts:




QOTD: favorite Instagram account?

AOTD: @ungodlymeme or @plvjaime

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