Chapter 16: I'm Just A Moment So Don't Let Me Pass You By

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I woke up with a killer hangover. Groaning, I sat up in my bed. I walked into the kitchen. Thankfully, Tony was already making coffee. "I know you have a hangover." Tony smirked. "What? How?" I asked. "Coke doesn't smell like beer." He replied. "Fuck off." I muttered. I sat down on the couch waiting for the coffee to be ready. Soon, everyone was up and groaning. The coffee was finally finished. We all got a cup and drunk it along with aspirin. "Wait, why do you need coffee and aspirin?" Dad asked me. "Hungover on Coke?" I shrugged. "You drank last night!" He gasped. "Yes. Yes I did. Congrat-u-fucking-lations." I said sweetly. "You are so grounded." Dad crossed his arms. Blackmail time. "But dad, remember what happened last night?" I winked. "Ew! Ya'll are a nasty family!" Jaime said. "That's not what I mean you little shit." I spat. Dad knew what I was talking about. "Fine." He mumbled. I hobbled over to the bathroom to get ready for the day.


"Alli! Hey Alli!" A familiar voice yelled from behind me. "Anna! What are you doing here?" I hissed. "I'm moving. More supply up here." She said. "To New York? Really?" I said. "Yeah, obviously." She smirked. "Well I have to go." I said walking away from her. "You know, they pay a lot up here." She said. "I'm not in that lifestyle anymore." I shook my head. "Suit yourself." I knew she rolled her eyes without looking at her.

"Look it's Allison."

"I heard she ran in front of a car."

"Yeah because she is suicidal."

"Did you see the cuts on her wrist?"

The fans were whispering in the meet and greet line. I became furious. I'm not suicidal. Or am I? I mean, I would never kill myself. I was away from the guys, closer to the line. "Hey!" One girl said. "Hey!" I said back. "Which band member did you sleep with last night?" The girl's friend said. The group around her snickered. "Hey stop! That's not funny!" A guy behind them said. I blushed a little. "Oh so are you the knight in shining armor?" One of the girls asked. "Just leave her alone. She isn't a slut. I can't say the same about you guys. You're what? Fourteen? Your boobs are falling out of your shirt." He rolled his eyes. I smirked a little. "Whatever." The leader of the pack huffed. I walked up to the guy. "I'm Allison." I smiled. "Dalton." He smiled back. "Thanks for that." I thanked him. "No problem. Do you mind me asking what did happen though?" He pointed to my arm and leg. "Well, I did get hit by a car. I didn't look both ways before I crossed the street." I shrugged. "Well that's a big deal! Are you okay?" He asked quickly. "Haha yeah. Calm down." I blushed. "Okay good. Will I see you again in Hartford?" He asked hopefully. "I will be here all tour." I giggled. "Cool. Um let me write down my number. That is if you want it..." He trailed off. "I want it- I mean sure." I looked down. "You're too pretty to look down." He lifted my chin with his fingers. "Uh thanks." I blushed. Wow okay. I have never felt like this before. "Well here is my number. Can we walk around like, with each other?" He asked. "Yeah, I would like that." I giggled. "Allison! Send 'em up!" Mike yelled. "Well it's your turn. I guess I will wait until after your done?" I said. "Yeah sure." He laughed.

I waited at the end next to Jaime. "Saw you talking to a boy." He winked at me. "Shut up." I mumbled. Finally Dalton reached Jaime. "Ready?" He asked me. I nodded. "Use protection!" Jaime shouted. I glared at him. I finally turned around. Dalton was laughing.

We watched Pierce the Veil's set from the crowd. It was awesome! Until dad made eye contact with me and Dalton. After the song was finished he spoke into the microphone. "I see my daughter has made her way into the crowd with a boy." He frowned. The people surrounding us laughed, while others wolf-whistled. "Can we have help from the crowd to get them where they belong, side stage?" Dad smirked. We were suddenly picked up by people surrounding us. We surfed to the barricade. I flipped my dad off. "Thanks Allison. Love you too." Dad said sarcastically. The next song was the one I performed in, Hold On Till May. Dalton stood side stage while I went out to sing.

I came back after the song. "Let's go before my dad sees me." I giggled. "Yeah." Dalton laughed. We walked around the venue, occasionally running into band members I knew. "Hey do you want to watch Asking Alexandria or As It Is? I will see them both either way." Dalton asked. "I haven't seen As It Is yet." I shrugged. "Let's go then!" He interlocked his fingers with mine. I blushed a little. We walked over to the stage that As It Is was performing at. We jumped around to their songs. It was awesome.

"I'm starving." Dalton rubbed his stomach. "You should come with me to eat. We have a whole tent and everything." I explained. "Will they let me back there?" He asked. "If you are with me they will let you in." I assured him. He finally agreed, and we walked to the catering tent hand in hand.

I think I'm cursed. Jaime and Tony were in the tent. "So this is the boy that Allison was in the crowd with." Jaime smirked. "Yeah Jaime. His name is Dalton." I rolled my eyes. "Hi. I met you guys at a meet and greet." Dalton said confidently. "I remember you. Thanks for the letter." Tony said. He then whispered something in Dalton's ear. "Thanks man." Dalton nodded. After chatting for a while, we got some food. I was playing with my French fries and messing around. "Hey look, I'm a vampire." I held up two fries to my teeth. "Me too!" Dalton laughed and repeated my actions.


We sat next to a tree that was by the entrance of the venue. Not a lot of people were over here. "You're pretty cool Alli." Dalton smiled. I blushed. "I wish I lived in San Diego. I could see you a lot." He frowned. "Me too. We have now and tomorrow though." I smiled. He leaned in. I leaned in too. Our lips connected. We moved in sync. Dalton fell down onto his back. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his around my waist. He licked my lips asking for entrance. I was about to allow him access when we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away. "Dad." I gasped.

A/N: cliffhangerrrrrrr!

So.... Do you guys think this is getting boring? I'm going to write an All Time Low fan fiction after this!!

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