Chapter 24: It's Half Of The Fun To See You Throw The First Punch

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"You'll be fine!" Jaime assured me. I sighed and stepped out of the car. Ah high school. "Bye! Love you!" Jaime said. "Bye. Love you too." I grumbled. I walked onto the campus of the wonderful Mission Bay high school. I saw walked around looking for a group of people to hang out with. I saw some people who were wearing my dad's band's shirt. I will try them out I guess. I walked up to them. "Hi, I'm Allison." I smiled. They all stopped talking and looked at me. They frowned as they looked at my clothes. "Wait, you're Vic's kid right?" One boy asked. I nodded. "Oh my God! You went on Warped!" He squealed. "Yeah. I could tell you about it, I mean if you want me to." I said quickly. "Sure." One of the girls smiled. "Uh well it was pretty cool. I got hit by a car. I got to perform. I almost got into a fight. I met someone really cool... I ran away. I met some cool people." I said. "That sounds awesome." The boy said. "I'm Dalton." The boy smiled. Dalton. I felt tears form at my eyes. "Woah I didn't mean to make you cry. Is my breath that bad?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head. "It's just... I met a Dalton on warped tour. He committed suicide." I said quietly. "Oh my... Well I'm sorry that I brought up bad memories uh, talk to Crystal!" He pointed to the girl who talked to me earlier. "Sorry. He gets nervous." Crystal said. "I can tell." I laughed dryly. "Well you seem pretty cool Allison. What's your schedule?" She asked. "First period is pre AP English. Second period is U.S. Government. Third period is physical science. Fourth period is Lincoln-Douglas debate. Fifth period is softball. Sixth period is geometry." I said proudly. I memorized my schedule the night before. "I have second, third, fourth, and sixth with you." She squealed. "Cool." I laughed. We heard the bell ring. We all said bye and headed to class.


I got a text from Jaime in fifth hour.

Jaime: hey I need you to walk home today k? Jess and I will be home around 8... ;)

Ew. They are going on a date. I shuddered as I changed back into my regular clothes. This was the first time I have played since I broke my arm and leg. Overall it went well. I think I'm going to be starting this year. I walked out of the locker room. I was five minutes early. I walked back to school. It takes five minutes to get to the school, so when I say I am five minutes early I have ten minutes until the bell rings. I walked to my locker. I saw Dalton in the hallway. I forgot he played baseball. He told me in second hour. I walked up to him. "Hey." I said shyly. "Oh hey. You scared me." He said after he turned around. "Sorry. I didn't know I'm that ugly." I covered my face playfully. "No, no, no. You're perfect." He moved my hands. "Really?" I asked. "Really." He nodded. He leaned in. I leaned in too. Our lips were barely touching. His eyes were asking for permission. I press my lips against his as an answer. He kissed back. He slammed me into the locker. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms snaked around my waist. "Fuentes! Capps! To the principal's office!" The softball coach, Coach Karr, called out. We both groaned.


"So you're telling me, she has to leave early because she made out with this boy?" Dad asked. Apparently I can't come back to school until tomorrow. Not that it matters. I only have one hour left anyways. "Yes Mr. Fuentes. Rules are rules." The principal said. "Okay. Let's go Allison." Dad sighed. I smirked at Dalton and threw a piece of paper with my phone number on it at him. He smirked back once he saw my number. I walked out of the school with dad. "Take me to Jaime's." I said. I put my earphones in.

We ended up at his house. Damn. "I said take me to Jaime's." I snapped. "Jaime isn't your father. I am." Dad snapped back. "Then fucking act like it." I yelled. Dad stepped forward. "Maybe if you stopped being such a bitch I would!" He yelled back. "Whatever Vic! Just because you gave birth to me doesn't mean your my dad!" I yelled. He slapped me. "Fuck you!" I yelled. I ran out of the house. Fun fact: dad leaves his keys in his truck all the time. Fun fact: I know how to drive. I took off in his truck. I saw him running after me. I laughed. I drove towards Jaime's.

I took the truck keys and locked the door. I walked up to the bathroom. "Razor razor, where are you." I said aloud. "If I were you, I wouldn't do that." A man's voice said from behind me. I turned around. It was only Tony. "You gave me a fucking heart attack!" I gasped. "Sorry. Let's go watch a movie." He said. Why is he so calm? "O-okay." I stuttered. Well that was awkward.


"You could have died! You don't know how to drive! You're not even old enough!" Jaime shouted. I rolled my eyes. "Well I needed to get away. He slapped me!" I defended myself. Jaime's eyes widened. "He slapped you? He fucking slapped you?" Jaime yelled. I nodded. "That motherfucker!" Jaime shouted. "Allison, Tony, and I are going to Vic's!" Jaime said calmly. She nodded. We walked out to Jaime's car. We jumped in. Jaime drove to Vic's. We immediately got out. Jaime and Tony ran into the house. I quickly followed. "How dare you slap your daughter!" Jaime yelled. "She was being a bitch! Dad yelled back. Jaime punched him. "Sorry! You were being a dick!" Jaime mocked him. Dad punched Jaime. They started to fight. Tony broke it up. "She is coming with me." Jaime snarled. "No, she is staying here." Dad snarled back. "Who are you staying with Allison?" Tony asked. Good question.

A/N: cliffhanger c:

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