Chapter 18: You Make Me Feel Low

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"Alli, you need to get out of bed." Jaime said. It's currently one in the afternoon, and I'm still in my bed. "No." I rolled over. "I know you really liked Dalton. I get that. You need to get up though." Jaime rubbed my back. "When do we perform?" I asked. "Four." He replied. "Then wake me up at three." I yawned. "Fine." Jaime said. He walked away and I went back to sleep.

Dad walked into the principal's office to sign me out. "The best way to clean a dirty mouth is to have a clean mouth around her, Mr. Fuentes." The principal said. "Yes ma'am." Dad grumbled. "And you should consider being a role model for your child. Not say that you aren't already. Just, help her be the best she can be." Principal Wilson said. "Yes ma'am." Dad said again. We got into the car. "What the fuck did you do to get in trouble?" Dad rubbed his temples. "I asked my teacher if she likes to play sex because we were talking about games! She asked me where I knew about it from. I said that my uncle and dad were arguing over not playing sex around children. She said I didn't need to know if she played sex or not. I said, 'fuck you dickhead! I'm out!'" I said proudly. Dad chuckled a little next to me. "Okay. Let's go home." His face turned from a smile to a frown. He turned on his music. I jammed along.

We got out of the car. Uncle Jaime and Uncle Tony were there. "Uncle Jaime and Uncle Tony!" I screamed. I ran over to them. "Hey Alli Cat." Jaime picked me up. "Hey Alli." Tony said. "Why are you home from school early?" Uncle Mike came out of the kitchen. "Don't tell him dad!" I yelled. "She said, fuck you dickhead' to her teacher." The guys busted out laughing. "Since I don't want to get anymore calls from the school, try not to cuss in front of her please." Dad rolled his eyes. "Okay. Is she going to watch practice?" Uncle Jaime asked. "Can I daddy? Please?" I begged. "No. There are bad words." He said. "Oh. I guess I will go upstairs." I sighed. I treated up the stairs to dad's room. I never said I was going to my room. I learned how to play one of dad's songs. I started to strum on his acoustic guitar that he kept by his bed.

Were you honest when you said,
"I could never leave your bed",
Wake me up and let me know you're alive
And will you fall in love again?
Is the scent slowly spreading?
I've been answering machines all night

And are the doctors dancing in
While the ambulances sing?
Another boy without a sharper knife...

The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a knife that loves to feel
How do you know how deep to go before it's real?

(Take me home)
Can I even complicate your breathing?
I guess I'm just your average boy
This is me with a knife in the back
And a grip on the grass
It's cold and I don't want to be here
I guess I'm never comfortable or situational

Are we losing or beginning
To try a new life without you?

The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a lie that I'm enjoying every minute with myself
And she could make hell feel just like home
So I'm never leaving her alone
But if your lightning lips aren't mine
Then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right
(But she's crying)

I only need one hand to drive
When you're with me
You are my getaway
Oh, no!

And don't you ever feel alone? And don't you wish you were home?
Cut the lust tonight; all right, all right
Tell me why my little Mona Lisa told a lie, lie, lie, lie
Do you want me? Do you want to let me know that you're okay?
A diamond gold ring customized to cut your circulation
But I couldn't let you go; no, I'd never let you go my dear
So keep talking 'cause I love to hear your voice
(Love to hear your voice, love to hear your...)
Voice again

I only said one bad word so I was fine. I looked up from the guitar. Uncle Jaime was standing there. "Wow. That was good." He clapped. I blushed. "Thanks Uncle Jaime." I smiled. "I need to get that guitar though. Why don't you come downstairs with me?" He asked. I nodded. I gave him the guitar, and we walked downstairs. "Dude, you should have heard Alli play. She is amazing." Uncle Jaime said. "Whatever. We need to practice." Dad said. "You aren't going to listen to her?" Uncle Jaime asked. "No. Go back upstairs Alli." Dad shooed. I walked up the stairs into my room. I cried and cried and cried.

I woke up. I hated that moment. Why are these all the sudden coming back now? I rolled out of my bunk. I got ready and walked out into the living area. Jaime was there. "The memories are coming back, and I don't know what to do." I said quickly. "Which ones?" He asked. "The one where he didn't take me to the father daughter dance. That came two nights ago. The one were I came home from school early and you found me playing the guitar was the most recent one." I said. "Well, that's strange." Jaime commented. "What if this means dad is going to ignore me again?" I panicked. "He won't, trust me. Let's go perform okay?" He stood up off the couch. "Sure." He said.

I waited next to dad backstage. He wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my forehead. Click! "Adam!" I groaned. "Hi." He waved. "Hi." I waved back. "Give me a copy of that." Dad said. "Yes sir." Adam joked. Well, dad definitely isn't ignoring me now.

A/N: look some short chapters for once! Haha they are all short in my opinion.

QOTD: age?

AOTD: 14

I messed up on the years in the flashback. *facepalm* I fixed it though. I try to be reasonable lol.

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