Chapter 5: Manage Me, I'm A Mess

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"Dad! I don't want to go to Mimi and Papa's house!" I yelled. I may have sounded like a brat, but I don't care. I needed to pack for Warped Tour. "Sorry! We are going! Let's go!" Dad yelled from his room. I rolled my eyes and turned on my music. Later On by the Swon Brothers started to play. I walked out to dad's truck. I waited for him to come on. We leave for Warped Tour in three days, and I only have my clothes packed. I have so much more things. It was seriously upsetting me. My hands trembled at the thought of it. My thoughts turned into something else. Something, weird. "Dad! Dad help me! Help me!" I screamed. I threw my phone (along with my earphones) to the floorboard. "Dad! Dad!" I yelled, careful to only say it twice. I jumped out of the truck. Dad was just locking the front door. "Dad! Dad! Help me! Help me!" I screamed. I shut my eyes hard and put my hands over my ears. He didn't know what was going on. I squatted down. "Dad! Dad!" I yelled again. The thoughts kept getting worse. "What's going on?" He sounded terrified. "The thoughts! They're back! I need my medicine!" I screeched. I stood up and ran into the house. Must. Wash. Hands. I ran to the kitchen and washed my hands. I started to worry. What if I didn't wash good enough? I washed again. I stopped there because two is a safe number.

Dad called Jaime. Jaime came over and calmed me down. I may or may not have forgot to mention I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I don't know what got into me. I had it under control for a while now. I took the pill that Jaime gave me. "Okay?" Jaime asked me. I nodded. We continued to Mimi and Papa's house.


"Allison!" Mimi said as she kissed my cheek. "Hey Mimi." I waved. Most people don't know it, but Mike's and Dad's mom is actually Irish. She speaks some Spanish and cooks Mexican food yeah. That's all because of Papa though. "Mi mi , Alli ! Has crecido tanto querida! (My my, Alli! You have grown so much dear!" Papa hugged me. "Gracias papá ! Qué estás cocinando? Huele bien! (Thanks Papa! What are you cooking? It smells good!)" Papa usually cooks when we come over. "Tamales de carne , su favorito. (Beef tamales, your favorite.)" Papa smiled. "Thanks." I smiled back. I love Papa and Mimi. They are such a cute couple.

We sat down at the dinner table. Papa led us in prayer before we ate. With Mimi being Irish, and Papa being Mexican, we were definitely a Catholic family. Irish and Mexican people are mostly Catholic. After the prayer, we dug in. The food was delicious, like always. "Gracias por el papa comida y mimi. (Thank you for the food papa and Mimi.)" I said as I helped clear the table. "Welcome dear." Mimi said. "Hey Alli we are going to have to go. Bye mom. Adiós papá. (Bye dad.)" Dad kisses Mimi's cheek. "Bye Mimi. Bye Papa." I hugged them both and we left.

"Dad can you help me pack?" I asked once we got back. "Sure." He said. We went to my room. "Oh my God!" I yelled. "What?" Dad asked. "I can't play softball when I'm gone!" I love softball. I can't just leave it. "I already told your coach. He says it's fine." Dad sat on my bed. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I walked into my bathroom. I grabbed my straightener, blow dryer, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, makeup bag, body wash, deodorant, perfume, face wash, and hair brush. Don't worry, I have extra of everything. "Damn." Dad said as I handed him the body products. I also grabbed a package of tampons, but I didn't give him those. "Is this it?" Dad asked me after we packed everything. I nodded. I was so tired, I couldn't even speak. I zipped up the suitcase and gently placed it on the floor. I jumped onto the bed that my father was still on. "Are you already going to sleep?" Dad chuckled. I nodded. "Goodnight darling." Dad kissed my forehead. "Wait, sing me a song." I told him. "Well I'm going to sing a song called I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket." Dad explained. I nodded. He started to sing. It was a pretty good song. After he finished, dad stood up. "I'm flying to the first show of Warped tonight. We will perform tomorrow. Then we will fly back. Then we will go on the road." Dad explained. "So I'm staying here while you fly?" I asked him. "Yeah. Love you. Bye." He said quickly before leaving my room. What a dumbass.

Ever since I cut myself dad has been giving me a lot of attention. That's a good thing right? I wish he gave me more attention before. Hell, he didn't even know I had OCD before today. I shook my head at that thought. I figured he knew. I looked at my cuts. They are still fresh. Maybe I could add some more? No, two is a safe number. I tried to get some sleep. Like that was going to happen.


"Bye Erin!" I hugged her. "Bye Alli. Have a good time." She said. We pulled away, and I moved on to Alysha. "Hey girl. Keep Mike and Vic in line." Alysha giggled. "I will." I giggled along with her. "Bye Alysha. " I hugged her. I have a special connection with her since she is my aunt. "Bye." She said. I moved on to Jess, who is basically my mom. "Bye sweetie." Jess hugged me. "Bye." I said quietly. "Love you. Be good." She said before pulling away. I simply waved at Danielle. "Bye." I said. She looked hurt. Okay, cool. I stepped onto the tour bus. All the guys were still outside but Tony. I sat next to him. "Hey Alli." He picked up a few strands of my hair. "Hey Turtle." I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "Excited for tour?" Tony asked me. "Yeah. Where are we going first?" I asked. "Pomona, California." Tony answered. "I thought that's where you flew out to a few days ago." Maybe it wasn't. "We flew to Alaska." Tony chuckled. "Ew! It's cold up there!" I laughed.

The boys started getting onto the bus one by one. I wanted to yell "Jesus hurry the fuck up before I kill you all," but I didn't. Finally Mike, being the last person, got onto the bus. "Took you long enough." I heard Tony mutter. "Okay okay, chill. Anyways, the bunks. Mike is in the first left on top. Tony is the first left middle. Alison is the first left bottom. Jaime is the first right on top. Kevin (I think that's their tour manager's name?) is first right middle. I, Vic am first right bottom. The rest of the crew is lucky and gets to pick where they want to sleep." Dad announced. I immediately went to my bunk. I was going to sleep and play on my phone basically. "Allison, wait." Dad said. I groaned. "Yeah?" I went back to the living area. "We need to set some rules about Warped Tour. No giving your number out. No going somewhere with anyone who I'm not okay with you going with. Do not bring anyone to the tour bus unless they are hurt. For all shows you might want to see because I know you like This Wild Life, you have to stand side stage. No leaving the venue without an adult who we know. No wandering off. I guess that's it." Dad said. Damn, that's a lot of rules. How did he know I liked This Wild Life? Whatever. "Okay. I'm going to my bunk now." I said as I went back to my bunk. Warped Tour here we come!

A/N: what's uppp aye

QOTD: if you are going to Warped Tour what is your date?

AOTD: June 25

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