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Nsfw warning (oopsiedoopsie)
Also I'd like to say that I am very thankful for every vote and mostly comments, as they are really keeping me motivated❤️

A few days had passed, and as expected, Gandalf and Gimli arrived.
Elrond called everyone together, and they met in a slightly bigger room, where food was served and privacy for the 5 was given.
„So, why was I called?"
Gimli asked, already stuffing himself up
with the food and wine.

„Because, Gimli, son of Gloin, Gondor and the Elves are in danger, and Aragorn can prevent both nations from it. But for that, he
requires some help and as I thought,
you came to my mind as you and the others already know each other. Apart from that, you are a talented warrior, and that could always be used."

Gimlis face reddened a bit, as he was flattered by those words and he quickly averted his
eyes away from Elrond, only to see a
big evil grin on Legolas' face.

„Now Elrond, enlighten us about what is
going on in Gondor."
Gandalf said, locking eyes with the old elf.
Elrond explained the Situation, Gandalf disappointingly shook his head in response, and Gimli grumbled something about how he would kill the king who was ruling at the
moment before he could even lay his hands on another creature, with what Legolas,
in his mind, agreed with.

As they finished their foods, Elrond and Gandalf distanced from the others, whilst talking about what they should do.
Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn walked around and quickly found an entertainment.
It was a training ground, and they quickly grabbed a few weapons, to make out who was the best fighter of them all.
They decided that they first would fight all at once and against each other, and after that they would do a little competition, with first, second and third place.

And with that, the fight started. Gimli had picked his dear axe, Legolas his two daggers and Aragorn a longsword.
Legolas quickly jumped aside, watching
Aragorn and Gimli fight.
A big grin was plastered on his face.
*Those fools*
He thought, and had to suppress a giggle.

Aragorn twirled his sword while Gimli either jumped over it or slithered under it. Gimli lunged with his axe and knocked Aragorn's legs aside, causing him to fall. Just as Gimli was about to pounce on him, he was pulled back
by a strange force. Legolas!
The elf had grabbed Gimli and pressed him onto the ground, foot on his chest, his daggers pointed towards his throat.
„You are dead, dwarf."
He grinned, letting go of the grumbling Gimli.
Legolas turned around and saw Aragorn, who just stood up again. The prince tilted his head slightly to the side and retracted it, before he rushed at him and let his daggers race down on him. Aragorn fought them off quickly and smoothly, yet a gasp still escaped him. Legolas darted around him, again and again, which confused Aragorn slightly, but he did not let himself be distracted for long. He drew his sword around him, almost hitting Legolas, but luckily he was able to dodge it.

-nsfw starts here-
Legolas took the opportunity when Aragorn stumbled slightly, since he missed his target,
and pushed Aragorn against a tree that stood quite at the edge of the training field.
One of his daggers was pointed at the bigger one's throat, and the other at his stomach.
But then he realized, Aragorns sword (wich one tho??😨) was between his legs, exerting a slight pressure on his crotch, wich made Legolas blush extremely.
„Guess it is a draw"
Aragorn said, grinning widely at the elf.
Legolas slowly put his daggers away, but the sword did not move. Instead, it even pushed up a little, and Legolas had to keep himself from letting out a small whimper.

They were in public! And Gimli was-
he looked around. Gone?
„Gimli left, he had to go to the toilet"
Aragorn almost immediately answered
Legolas' thought.

The elf's attention quickly was driven back to the ranger, as he kept exerting pressure
between his legs.
Legolas half whispered half moaned, knowing he made Aragorn shiver with that.
„I will be careful, do not worry Legolas, meleth nín (my love)."
Legolas nodded and noticed that he already tiptoed, so he slowly let himself sink down, allowing the sword to put more pressure on him. He gasped silently, leaning his head against Aragorns chest.

„So needy are we?"
Aragorn teased, making Legolas blush even more. It looked so good on his pale
skin, thought Aragorn.
„No we are not"
Legolas answered, yet he did not move an inch.
Aragorn noticed with a grin, how his sword now pressed against a bulge in the others pants.
„You little pervert"
He said, planting a soft kiss on Legolas neck.
„You are annoying"
It came in response. Aragorn giggled and pressed the sword up even more, earning a desperate moan from his lover.
Valar how he loved that sound..

„Let us take this to the bedroom hm?"
Aragorn proposed, Legolas hummed in agreement and held back a whimper when Aragorn finally let the sword sink down.
The ranger started to walk away, Legolas stumbling after him. It was unfamiliar to walk so shaky and wobbly, and Legolas found it rather challenging, while Aragorn grinned and
watched in amusement.

As they finally arrived in Aragorns room, wich had felt like an eternity for the
poor and horny prince, the ranger closed the door and picked his elf up, carrying him to the bed and carefully placing him down on it.

They shared a deep and intense kiss, before stripping of their clothes, tossing them somewhere in the room, already knowing that they would regret it in the morning when they would search for something.
Legolas' hand carefully and softly combed through the hair of the other, who was just placing soft and hard kisses on the elf's neck.
As Legolas felt Aragorn's hand slowly moving down to his ass, he started to get a little nervous. They did not do something like that before. They did not have had sex, just petting and handjobs.
Legolas gulped and squirmed a bit under Aragorn's touch, wich was quickly noticed.
„Is everything okay my flower?"
Legolas smiled at the nickname and nodded.
„Just a little nervous.."
„If you only feel the slightest bit of discomfort, let me know, okay?"
Aragorn whispered in Legolas ear, wich made him shiver.
Aragorn placed a soft kiss on the pointy ear and smiled at how adorable it twitched
under his touches.

He pulled out a bottle of lube from his drawer (because Aragorn is magic) and put a bit on his fingers, slowly brining them to the muscle ring, driving around it and then, slowly over it.
Legolas gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the embarrassment that was building up inside of him. No one has ever warned him
about that feeling!
He made a sound that was something in between a moan, whimper and protest, but also something begging.
Legolas was confused with himself and just avoided Aragorns eyes by closing his own.
„Are you sure that you feel comfortable?"
Aragorn asked, placing a kiss on the
elf's stomach.

„Yes, please keep doing..whatever you are doing"
Legolas mumbled, slowly starting to relax into his lover's touch.
As Aragorn decided that Legolas was fully prepared, he let his member softly push against him, waiting for Legolas' permission to enter.
A minute passed and Legolas took a deep breath, before speaking his affirmation.
The ranger carefully pushed himself in, taking everything in him to not just moan out, but Legolas felt perfect. Everything felt like it was made for Aragorn and it was so, so good.

Again, i'm sorry if there are any mistakes but as I said, i really don't have the time to read through it, I'm already staying up late again- I usually read it in english and then in my native language (german) but it's just too much work ❤️

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