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„I miss you"
Said Legolas.
„What do you mean? I am right here meleth nín (my love)"
„I know.."
He mumbled while stroking through
Aragorn's hair.
„I can not explain it. You are right here, so near yet you feel so far away"
Aragorn watched his elf, who tried to
detangle a knot.
„I do not really understand.."
He admitted.
„I know."
The ocean eyes slowly pierced their way through Aragorn's body once again, making him feel like he was melting.

They both lay next to each other in Aragorn's bed, hair still wet because of the quick
shower they just took together.
Legolas could not stop himself from looking at the beautiful ranger.
Everything about him was interesting.
And for a human, Legolas thought, he was
a really fair one.
Oh, who was he kidding?
Aragorn was beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous. Magnificent. Breathtaking!
How Legolas adored that man.
How he loved him.
How he would die for him, he thought to himself.
„Kiss me"
Legolas said.
Aragorn did not have to be told twice and did as his elf wished, placing his lips on the soft ones wich belonged to the other.
"I wish I could explain how I love you, but if I said that I would give up every breath for you, fly to the moon and plant a chicory there just to try and keep it alive with the oxygen I have left, so everyone could see the beautiful colour of your eyes, it would, at least, a little bit."
"Aragorn, I do not think that that would be possible, nor really clever of you, but I love you too my beautiful ranger."
Aragorn grinned his beautiful grin and pulled his dear elf into another kiss, having to smile even more as he felt how Legolas snuggled up to him.

A knock on the door made them rip apart. Legolas jumped up, trying to run around and get dressed, yet a little sharp pain in the lower region of his back made him slower and he had to keep back a whine about how Aragorn should be more careful. But the other ran around too, quickly pulling up his pants and dressing himself.

"Who is it?"
„Gimli, what're ye doin' laddie?"
„I am talking with Legolas-"
Said Aragorn before he was cut off by the opening door.
Gimli eyed the scene before shrugging
and coming in.
"Where were you yesterday? When I came back, you both had disappeared!"
He started to complain.
Aragorn felt himself blushing slightly, but luckily, Legolas could swift him off with ease.
"Well, we both decided it would be better if we did not have to face an angered dwarf who just lost against an elf."
Gimli growled slightly.
"Well, who won then?"
He asked.
Now Legolas blushed and turned away.
"I did."
Answered Aragorn, grinning his wide grin.
"It was a draw"
Mumbled Legolas.
Gimli laughed loudly.
"Ye, sure it was"
He said before Legolas told him to
shut his mouth.

The trio decided to take a small walk.
While Gimli talked about something that made Legolas yawn, Aragorn did not listen at all, since he was just distracted by the beauty of Legolas.
He always thought elves were stunning.
How they walked, talked, moved.
Like they were floating. So elegant, so smoothly.
They even felt their feelings so different.
So much more intense.
It was fascinating. He could watch them all day, and maybe sometime, he could find the time to observe his elf the whole day.

„Ohh do you see those apples, laddie? How about you get me one of 'em?"
Gimli said, drawing Legolas' and Aragorns attention to him.
Legolas grinned.
„Why do you not get one yourself?"
Gimli rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.
„I bet you are too fat to get one and now make fun of me"
Gimli said.
Legolas stared at him, then at Aragorn who had to keep himself from giggling.
„Are you saying that I am fat?"
Legolas climbed the tree in seconds and threw an apple at Gimli.
„Who is fat now, dwarf?"
He said confidently, whilst snatching two more apples, before letting himself land elegantly on the ground and right in front of Aragorn.
As soon as Legolas saw Aragorns grin, he knew that he had been tricked.
A slight blush spread on his cheeks, and he quickly put one of his apples in Aragorns hand.

They continued their walk till evening.
After the trio returned, they were greeted by Elrond and Gandalf, who made up a plan.

„So, we will just go to Gondor, kill the king who is ruling right now, make Aragorn king
and that is it?"
Asked Gimli.
„Perhaps it will be a bit more difficult than that, but yes, that is quite it.
Elrond answered, letting his wine stir around
in his glass.

"Oh, and a letter arrived from Mirkwood. It is written by your father, Legolas."
Legolas' eyes darted away from the red candle, wich stood in the middle of the table,
focusing on Elrond.
The older one handed him the paper, watching how Legolas unfolded it and let his eyes run over the letters.
Aragorn eyed his elf, slowly bringing the spoon to his lips, not realising how seductive he looked whilst doing that. But Gimli noticed, yet he dared not to bring it up, since everyone was silent. So he just looked around to see if anyone else except him saw it. But the others were focusing on the prince who read the letter.
"It is just my father telling me to be careful..and a few other rather privat things."
Legolas said, folding the letter smaller than it was originally, before putting it in his pocket.

"Well, you shall go and get some sleep. Tomorrow, you will start your journey in the early morning, when the sun is just coming out and the morning dew drips from the leaves."
Elrond said whilst standing up,
the others doing so as well.

That night, almost no one could sleep.
Either the moon kept them awake, worries or in Aragorns case, an elf who wandered
through his mind.

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