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It was the next day, and the three friends sat together in Aragorns room. Gimli was sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall, and although the elf and the ranger didn't talk yet, Legolas shared the bed with Aragorn, whilst cleaning his beloved bow. Aragorn imitated him with his sword.
„So, what're we gonna do when Aragorn becomes king? Are Legolas and I going back to our homelands?"
Legolas didn't want to think about it.
He felt sick to the stomach when he thought about Aragorn becoming the king.
But, he answered his friend's question.
„I will stay until his time is over."
He said, really hating the look on Aragorns face and the feeling building up in his chest. He felt like he was going to throw up.
Aragorn noticed Legolas' fingers trembling and lay his hand on the others shoulder.
„Legolas, what is wrong?"
Legolas looked at Aragorn like his touch was hurting him, wich made the ranger pull his hand back immediately.
Legolas just said, grabbing Aragorns hand, like a lost child. Gimli watched the scene like he knew what was going on.
Legolas said, now holding onto Aragorns hand for dear life.
Aragorn now looked hurt, too.
„I can not. Not forever."
Legolas felt himself being choked up.
„Excuse me for a moment."
He said, before lifting himself off the bed and quickly leaving the room.
Aragorn shared a quick look with Gimli and stood up, but he was stopped by the dwarf.
„Let me talk to him."
He only said. Gimli went after his friend and left Aragorn alone.

Legolas was downstairs. Seemingly, Aveth was still sleeping, as she was nowhere to be found.
The elf was in a corner, his knees pulled up to his chest, his arms hugging his legs.
Even to Gimli, he looked small and crumbled up.
Not the strong, cold fighter Gimli saw when he met Legolas the first time.
Now, he was a vulnerable little ball.
Gimli kneeled next to him, saying nothing.
He didn't even look at his friend. He just sat there with him.
„I do not want him to be king. I know it is very egoistic, I know it is a- not smart thing to say but..I can not lose him when I just had him. Not to the throne, not to death. But to me, it will alway be „just had him", as the time I have with Aragorn in the future is mostly nothing compared to the time I will have to suffer in Middle Earth without him."
Legolas said. His voice was breaking constantly, but he still somehow managed to press them out.
Gimli felt his heart ache at the pain in the elf's voice. It must be horrible, to feel what he was feeling right now, Gimli thought.
He could not even say he was sorry. It felt like it was the wrong thing to say.
Someone says that he is sorry, when he is just glad that it is not him who is in the situation.
Although, Gimli was glad that he was not in the situation, but he would not dare to say that.
„If I could change it but i'd have to kill someone, i would kill even two people, just to make sure"
He finally said, making Legolas chuckle a bit.
„I would too. I would burn Middle Earth, and waive Valinor."
The elf mumbled.
„You really must love him"
Gimli said, smiling slightly.
„I do"
Legolas answered.

„You need a hug, laddie"
Gimli said, opening his arms and quickly having an elf in them.
„Thank you, Gimli."
The elf said.
Gimli patted Legolas' shoulder, and soon after, he felt wet tears sulk through his shirt.

Aragorn lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
He was dying. Slowly, but he was.
He wished that he could turn back the time, to the day when Legolas was cut by the little blade of grass, or to the night where Aragorn drowned in Legolas' eyes for the first time. No, even further, to the time before the ring war.
Aragorn wished that he could use every second of his time to spend it with Legolas.
He stood up and rushed down the stairs, finding his elf in Gimlis arms. He gave the dwarf a thankful look and grabbed Legolas, pulling him up. Legolas made an protesting noise, but quickly realised it was Aragorn who held him.
Gimli lifted himself off the ground.
„Gimli. Legolas and I, we are together. We love each other."
Aragorn said.
Gimli stared blankly at him, before acting like he was surprised.
„Oh, really? I didn't even notice! It is not like it is very obvious when you look at each other like you would- i'm not gonna say it but you know exactly what I mean."
Aragorn looked taken aback but Legolas smiled.
„I think it was pretty obvious too, but honestly, I kind of stopped caring when my father found out"
He admitted, shocking Aragorn even more.
„Well, let us spend our time that we have happily now, please."
Legolas said, patting Aragorn on the shoulder.

They were in Aragorn's room again. Now everyone was sitting on the bed.
Gimli asked.
„So, what?"
Legolas asked.
„So, when are you gonna kiss? I know i'm not letting Aragorn go before seeing you both kiss. You're my best friends!"
Gimli said.
Aragorn realised, that Legolas and he had not kissed in front of someone else ever.
Well, there's a first time for everything, is it not?
He thought to himself and pulled Legolas into a kiss. Gimli grinned happily.
But after a few long seconds, Gimli threw elbows at Aragorn. Legolas laughed, whilst Aragorn was wrestling with Gimli.

Another day had passed, and after it, the morning arrived.
Nothing special had happened, just Legolas and Aragorn flirting endlessly and cheesy, and Gimli mocking them and getting glances.
Roseth was working most of the time and Aveth was sitting at home, spending time with the three. They all teached her a few skills, Gimli how to break something with a hammer, Legolas how to hold a bow and almost hit a certain someone's head, who Legolas found was annoying at the moment and getting rebuked after by a special ranger, and Aragorn how to fight.
But then, the time had come where they had to leave. First, Aveth would not let them go, and Roseth had to pull her away, whilst shooing the three out of the door.

They walked back to the great halls of Gondor, where Gandalf said they shall meet.
On their way, Legolas already imagined his live for another sixty years in Gondor. He sighted a little garden, and already knew what he wanted to plant there.
They arrived in the halls and waited. Soon after, Gandalf came in, too.
„Please, come with me."
Gandalf said.
The three came with him, to the throne room.
There was no blood anymore. It was clean, like there never was any blood spilled.
Aragorn hated it.
„Your coronation will be the day after tomorrow. You shall be prepared, a guard will show you all your rooms. There is already going on rumours beyond the people, and they all will watch with happiness, when you will get crowned, Aragorn. They will accept you."
Gandalf assured.
Aragorn nodded, then, a guard came in and led the three into separate rooms, wich were not far from each other. Aragorns room was the biggest of the three. The bed had red silk sheets, and it was really soft, not as soft as the guest beds in the elven realm though, Aragorn decided.
He sighed and leaned against the wall that lay next to a big window, wich could be opened and would lead to a balcony.
That was his life now.

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