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Is it better to speak or to die?

He smiled at his name leaving her mouth, he could hear the fear in her voice and the way her body became tense as he moved closer, her head shooting to the side to avoid the closeness.

"Did you think you could avoid me forever? That I wouldn't forget the way you threw me off of my own boat? You're a little bitch, Ari!" Rafe spat, his hands slamming on either side of the table, completely trapping her in.

Aria squeezed her eyes shut, the panic in her body making her blood run hot, "Rafe, please. I'm sorry. I couldn't leave them."

"No, of course not." He whined, pouting his bottom lip while grabbed her chin forcefully, "Good ol' you! Who got you out of there? Me!"

"I know, I know, I know." She mumbled over and over again, his grip on her chin lowering to her throat, "Rafe, please. I'm sorry."

Rafe's face began to grow red with anger, their chests now touching as he leaned her down against the table, her back arching, "I've done everything for you and you never fucking appreciated it."

Aria whimpered as he grip got tighter, the sinister linger in his voice sent chills down her spine, "I do appreciate it. You've hurt me, Rafe. You're hurting me right now. That's not love."

"You don't know love!" He grunted, making her choke out for air, "You're a Pogue lover. That's not going to get you anywhere in life! You and my sister."

"Rafe." Aria begged, "Please, I'll do anything."

This sparked Rafe's interest as he furrowed her brows, sitting her upright with a grip on her throat, "Mhm. Here's what you're gonna do, and if you fail, I'll kill you. Okay?"

Aria nodded through tears, "Yes. Okay."

"Tomorrow night in Wilmington...I have some business I need to take care of. I need you to distract your friends and keep them from gettin in my shit, alright?" Rafe panted, his eyes staring at her facial expressions.

"Okay, fine." Aria nodded once more, "What business?"

Rafe chuckled, shaking his head, "And you think I'm that stupid to tell you. You'll run right to that Heyward boy."

"Pope?" Aria drew her brows together in confusion, the realization dawning on her as her eyes widened slightly, "The cross."

Rafe's hand tightened around her throat once more, "You better keep your fucking mouth shut or-"

"Rafe!" A voice screamed, the door to the office being pushed open with such force it almost fell of its hinges.

Victor stood there, his chest heaving as he flicked his eyes between both Kooks, watching his daughter helplessly, "That's enough, Rafe."

Rafe stared at the girl, watching as she squirmed in his hold, his jaw tensing as she was let go, she leaned forward panting with a hand over her heart.

Aria shot a look at her father, "Did you know he was gonna be here?"

Victor folded his lips into his mouth, glancing down at his polished shoes, "Aria. It's his home."

"What?" She laughed in disbelief, "So? God, you're never gonna change. Here's you're stupid fucking map."

Victor jolted as she slammed the paper into his chest, hearing the sound of her footsteps leaving the house, he glanced at Rafe, giving him a small nod before leaving.

Aria ran a hand through her thick dark hair, her heart pounding in her ear drums as she picked up the beat up bicycle that became her new transportation.

She swallowed thickly as she pedaled, leaving Figure 8 as she entered the territory she'd come accustomed to, she threw her bike down on the rocks as she glanced up at the Heywards.

"Hi." She waved her hand as Mrs. Heyward stood by the front door, "Is Pope here?"

"Hello, Aria. He's in the back." The older woman shot her a concerned smile as she watched her disappear.

Aria stepped onto the deck, Pope sitting on a cooler along with Cleo, she knocked on the wood holding up the canopy, the two cocking their heads up.

"Ay, Ari." Cleo shot her a warm smile, her dimples showing.

"Hey, guys." Aria huffed, sitting across from them, Pope stared at her with concern, right away able to see something was off, he lightly hit her knee.

"What is it?" He asked, watching her play with the rings on her fingers.

Aria locked eyes with the boy, "It's about the cross. Rafe, um, he told me it's coming to Wilmington tomorrow night. I think he's gonna try to sell it. But look, we can get it back. We just have to stop it before he gets it to the all the potential buyers."

Pope nodded, his mind racing as he stood, "Okay, yeah, okay. That could work. Have you hit up the rest of them?"

"No. Just you guys." Aria dusted off her jean shorts, "Can you sneak out to the Chateau at any point tonight? Heard you're on lockdown."

Cleo side eyed the boy, "We'll try our best."

"Cool. Thanks." She nodded before leaving, smiling to herself with a head shake.

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