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You believe me like a god
I'll destroy you like I am

Aria was distraught as she stepped into the restaurant, her eyes landing on the two Kooks as she walked over to them.

"Hey." Sarah cooed, watching as her friend grabbed a seat. "Is everything okay?"

"No." Aria breathed, shaking her head. "JJ and I broke up. Again. But, uh, it didn't seem like it usually does. What if we are actually over?"

Sarah reached for her hand, Topper shifting as he glanced between them. "He'll come back around. You know the way he works."

Aria nodded. She didn't believe Sarah. Sarah's eyes lingered behind Aria, her grip becoming tighter forcing Aria to follow her gaze.

Kie lent over the counter, waiting for her food as he her eyes trailed over to the three. The suspicion on Toppers face made her twist.

Topper lifted his hand in attempt to wave. Kiara had no reaction as she grabbed her food, walking out quickly.

"Shit." Aria pressed her lips in a flat line. "Sarah, come on."

The two girls hurried out of the restaurant, following Kie out onto the docks as the dark haired girl walked to the boat.

"Kie!" Sarah called out, panting as they caught up with her: "Kie...wait, can we...Topper and I were just getting breakfast."

Kiara shook her head. "It's none of my business."

"You should join if you want to." Sarah offered, watching Kie turn to face her as he set the bag down.

"Breakfast?" Kie trailed her eyes over the blonde girls expression. "Aria, what are you doing here, then?"

Aria shifted with a shrug. "I met up with them. It was just breakfast."

"Yo, Kie!" Topper called out from the top of the docks, his hand up as he greeted her.

"Yo, Top." Kie mimicked, her hands coming back down to her side in annoyance.

Sarah brushed her hair from her face. "Look, I didn't know what to do. Aria left early, Cleo is at Popes, JJ was MIA, and John B and I are...I don't know."

"I thought you slept at Phoebes." Kie crossed her arms, her eyes darting behind towards Aria.

"What?" Sarah raised her brows, glancing at Aria. "Oh, uh, Aria."

Aria pinched the bridge of her nose. "I didn't know what to say. John B put me on the spot, okay?"

"Okay, so you bring him to the Middle of the Island Restaurant on a Saturday?" Kie cocked her brow, brushing off Arias attempt to save her friend.

Topper came from behind them, holding his fist out for Kie. "Kie, what's up? Random, right?"

Kie looked down at his fist then back towards the girls. "Look, I'm just gonna go. I don't wanna impose. Gotta help my parents set up for their party tonight."

"You know what? I'm gonna go too. Aria?" Sarah blurted, looking forth her. "You coming?"

"Wait. Wait, our food literally  came out." Topper blinked, gesturing towards the restaurant. "How are you gonna smother your hunger?"

Aria glanced at Kie, the two sharing a wide eyed glance as Aria got into the boat.

"Topper, I'm going with Kie. But thank you." She leaned towards, kissing his cheek softly before pulling away quickly. "I'll call you."

Kie began to untie the boat, Sarah helping as Kiara stared the engine.

"Sarah, what are you doing?" Kie chuckled softly with confusion, staring down at her as she kneeled.

The sun beamed in her eyes as she shook her head. "I don't know."

The boat ride was quiet, Aria occasionally making conversation with Kiara as they docked. Kie leaned on the side of the house, slumping down till her bottom half met the floor. She patted the spots next to her as the girls sat.

"Okay. Both of you. Time to come clean." She glanced at both of them, Sarah had guilt written over her tan features.

"It's actually so embarrassing." Sarah groaned softly, staring forward. "He caught us slugging beer at the Tiki Bar."

Kiara parted her lips. "You weren't." She paused. "I'm not judging."

"Wouldn't blame you if you were." Aria chuckled, glancing down at the silver ring adorning her finger, she tucked her arms over each other.

"And then a couple kids from KCD rolled up, and they were all going to the Mase." Sarah explained, shifting awkwardly as she sucked in a breath. "I kissed him."

Kiara blinked, nodding slightly with a blank expression.

"Do you hate me?" Sarah asked, not being able to look at the girl she considered a best friend.

Kiara shook her head. "Hate's the wrong word. So, you and John B are just done?"

"No. Well, I don't know. I don't want to be." Sarah tilted her head back with a sigh. "Like, since the island everything has felt so abnormal and it just felt nice to feel something normal again. I'm a mess."

Kie crossed her arms over her stomach, will a shrug. "I think we're all a little messed up." She turned to Aria. "And, you?"

"I don't know." Aria brought her knees to her chest. "We've always had our differences but lately he's just been off. He stole that money clip from my dad and I'm still pissed."

"That's JJ. He's pushes people away when he needs them the most." Kie furrowed her brows.

Aria rolled her bottom lip into her mouth. "There's only so much pushing I can take. And, for starters, I hope you know there's nothing going on between Rafe and I."

"Wait. You've seen Rafe?" Sarah asked, sticking her head out from beside Kie.

"A few times. He's losing it. Worse than he's ever had." Aria licked her teeth. "But that's not my problem anymore. And, I'm not sure JJ is either.

Sarah glanced down at the chime of her phone, both girls looking at her. "Wheezie?"

She played the message, hearing the softness of Wheezies voice, begging Sarah to meet her at the Cameron's condo.

Aria shook her head. "I'll come with you. I don't trust that shit."

Sarah nodding, looking towards Kie.

"You guys go. I'll get slaughtered if I leave. Go." Kie urged.

the girls

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