Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Li Zhi saw the live broadcast room of several guests, and everyone was doing the same but different things.

    The same thing is that everyone is very tired. After saying good night to their girlfriends, they go back to their rooms to wash up.

    The difference is that after Ji Ruodan took a shower, he started skin care and physical therapy. At the same time, soothing music was playing on his mobile phone, which was very quiet and comfortable.

    [No wonder Sister Dan's skin is so good, she does skin care every day]

    [Beauties need to be pampered, I am a lazy person, suitable for extensive care]

    [If you want to be beautiful, you can't be lazy, learn from Sister Dan from today]

    After Xu Li washed up, she started a series of health regimens. She scraped her face and neck, made another cup of wolfberry tea, and read a book seriously on the table.

    [It turns out that the dean also reads books, ah, so it’s a book on health preservation]

    [Xu Li teaches us math at school, she’s not capable, but she’s terribly fierce]

    Jiang Yuansong completes daily exercise, weightlifting, sit-ups, or push-ups, He wants to maintain his abs and stay in shape.

    [My Jiang brother is really self-disciplined, I exercise every day, no wonder I have such a good figure] [

    Of course, you can also develop abdominal muscles by exercising every day]

    [I can't do it, I'm too lazy]

    Lin Tian injured her palm while mowing the grass, so she washes up After that, I sat on the sofa and chatted with netizens.

    [Injury, rest early, be careful in the future]

    [Is Lin Tian planning to make a comeback]

    [It feels like]

    Ye Anjia is also exercising. Play soothing music.

    [Jiajia really worked hard, I found the yoga mat covered in dust, and I will exercise with Jiajia from today]

    [I'll come too, add me]

    Ruan Yingyang is not a star, he doesn't need to exercise, and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to his image. After washing up, he directly closed the live broadcast room and fell asleep on the bed.

    [Ahh, I went to bed so early, chat with us]

    [My future husband, you went to bed too early]

    Zhong Yueyi and Jing Yuanyuan are different here. On the sofa, while applying a mask, they discussed how to design a house.

    Zhong Yueyi rested her head on Jing Yuanyuan's lap, rubbed her cheeks, and asked, "Yuan Yuan, what kind of house design do you like, do you have any ideas in mind?"

    Jing Yuanyuan thought for a while, "How about Really, I have always wanted a sun room, in autumn and winter, it should be very comfortable to watch TV and bask in the sun.” Prepare

    a dining car snacks, cute plush dolls, beautiful flower arrangements, and exquisite crystal chandeliers .

    Her house is in the style of one floor to another in the community. Although there is an open-air balcony, she can bask in the sun and have a leisure time, but she still likes the sun room.

    [Sunshine room, I like it too, it’s so cool to play with cats in the sunroom in winter and bask in the sun]

    [It’s a dream life, but unfortunately I don’t have an old rural house, otherwise I’d quit my job and go home to renovate the old house]

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