Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    E's endorsement filming is scheduled to take place in a primary school in Haicun Village. The school holds a sports meeting. They act as temporary teachers and also participate in the sports meeting.

    The E family also found two young actors. As their childhood, they appeared in the sports meeting wearing their own clothes. When asked about their dreams, they hoped to wear sportswear to participate in the sports meeting in the future.

    When they grow up, they will look like Jing Yuanyuan and Zhong Yueyi. In order to realize their childhood dreams, they will wear the new E family sportswear and become elementary school teachers to participate in the sports meeting.

    Because there are two groups, first shoot the video when you were young, then shoot the video when you grow up, and finally the combination of the videos is modified by the staff.

    It’s a way of video presentation, and there’s a way of them taking a few sets of photos and videos of them growing up in sportswear.

    "This is our shooting plan. Please read the script first, and if you have any comments, you can raise it." "

    These are two young actors, you should get to know them first."

    The director gave them the script endorsed by the E family, and greeted the two. A young actor came over and looked about six or seven years old. She was about the same height, fat and thin. A little girl had long hair and looked more lively, and the other had short hair that reached her ears and looked gentle.

    "She is Luo Yueyue, and she played the role of Miss Zhong when she was a child." "

    This is Li Yuan, who played the role of Miss Jing when she was a child."

    Luo Yueyue is more lively and good at talking, "Hi everyone, my name is Luo Yueyue, you can call I am Yueyue, I am seven years old, and I am in the first grade of primary school, and I am the first in the class."

    She finally introduced that she can dance, sing, and play many kinds of musical instruments, and she is very confident in her words.

    Li Yuan is more obedient, looking a little shy, "Hi everyone, my name is Li Yuan, I like painting and acting."

    Then she was speechless. Her mother taught her a lot of words, but she forgot them when she was nervous. up.

    "Hi there."

    I have to say that the young actors that the E family found really fit the images and personalities of Zhong Yueyi and Jing Yuanyuan.

    There is a scene where the four of them need to be in the same frame, so they need to run in and chat with each other in advance.

    Luo Yueyue was very good at talking, and when the four of them sat together, almost all of them had her voice.

    Before the official start, Zhong Yueyi saw the rabbit dolls and bear dolls that she met in Company E. They should be staff members who were shooting videos on the spot, and they were also keeping the new sportswear.

    It's just that every time Zhong Yueyi looked over, she could feel that the rabbit doll seemed to be looking at her, and when her eyes turned away, the doll looked away again.

    She just felt a little strange and didn't think about it deeply.

    Shang Shiyi wanted to appear directly in front of her, but he thought about the consequences, and he would definitely be scolded, because she couldn't accept him now.

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