Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    After Jing Yuanyuan and Zhong Yueyi agreed on a time to meet in the evening, they passed the pet shop on the way home and picked up the kitten.

    I haven't seen the kitten for a few days, it seems to have grown up a bit, and its complexion is better than before. The milky white hair is very soft, and it is very comfortable to stroke.

    She found that the kittens are more docile and obedient during the day, but at night they become very irritable and very lively.

    "Thank you for your care, I will pick it up first, and I will send it over next week."

    The clerk nodded with a smile, "Okay, Miss Jing, you are welcome to send the kitten over at any time, and we will take good care of it." The

    clerk She is also a girl who loves to pet cats. Jing Yuanyuan's kitten is very good-looking, with milky white hair, soft and docile, and very obedient. Apart from having a bad temper at night, there are no other shortcomings.

    She also followed the Girlfriends Makeover Variety Show, and liked the pair of girlfriends Zhong Yueyi and Jing Yuanyuan very much. In fact, she also envied Jing Yuanyuan for having a celebrity girlfriend, but after gradually getting to know some things about Jing Yuanyuan, She found that she was excellent and beautiful in real life, and she didn't lose at all when she was friends with celebrities.

    Jing Yuan nodded with a smile, carried the little white cat out of the pet store, and went to the supermarket on the way to buy a few small balls that the cat likes to play with as toys.

    After returning home, I put the kitten on the sofa, "I'll call you Xiaobai from now on, Xiaobai, you can play by yourself first, I'm going to take a bath, and I'm going to have dinner with Yueyue at night." The little white cat lay down very docilely

    . On the sofa, big round eyes stared at her, very cute and cute.

    "It's so cute."

    She couldn't help touching its head, "It's fun by myself."

    She went into the bedroom to take a shower, changed into soft and comfortable home clothes, her long hair was wrapped in a towel, and was wet. Check to see if there are any new messages on the phone, check Weibo, and then go to dry your hair.

    There are no new messages on WeChat, but people in the study group send messages every day. Many people get her and ask about Zhong Yueyi's latest news. Most of the people who ask are boys.

    She paid little attention.

    On the contrary, in the dormitory group of the university, if they ask questions, she will answer them. After all, the relationship is different.

    I swiped through WeChat and saw Aidou’s WeChat. His profile picture was blank, with two words music written in the middle, in very beautiful lowercase characters.

    Idol is not only handsome, but also beautiful.

    Although there is idol's WeChat, she has never sent him a message, so she can't disturb his life. It is a good thing for her to have an occasional opportunity like this to catch up with stars at close range.

    She switched to Weibo, and there are a lot of news here. Her Weibo fans have been increasing since the day she started recording the variety show, and they haven't stopped until now.

    She occasionally posts benefits, some beautiful photos, or tutorials on photo editing skills on Weibo.

    There was nothing serious happening on Zhong Yueyi's side, she switched to the trumpet to watch Aidou again, the support fan group was very lively, everyone was discussing Aidou's album.

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