Part One, Peace. Chapter Two.

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Yippee, another chapter. I have a lot already written, so bear with me as I upload it.


"I go out here a lot. It's really quiet and peaceful, and Dad either doesn't notice, mind, or care, when I sneak out. I think it's the latter. Dad ignores me most of the time, and when he isn't ignoring me, he's usually telling me off. Don't get me wrong, he's a good father and all, but- oh! Over here, Senn. I want to show you something!"

Ria stops babbling and pulls his hand. They run into a small clearing. Ria walks to a large pine tree and feels under one of it's large roots, then draws out two wooden objects.

"What are those?" Senn asks, walking to her side. Ria looks at him sheepishly, and holds out the objects. Senn takes them and examines the shapes carefully. One is a large 'T' shape, about the size of his palm. The other is about as long as his forearm, several inches in width, and one end is flat, the other a sharpened point. The bark is cut cleanly off the wood, and the smooth white pine is good and firm. "You're trying to make a sword," he realizes. Ria nods. "Why?" he asks, handing the pieces back. Ria sighs and sits down on the grass, curling her legs underneath her. She motions for him to sit as well. He flops down next to her and studies her face. Her solemn expression seems rather odd in contrast to her previous smiles and jokes. She sighs again and begins to speak.

"Dad's friend, Thalleous, would tell stories to me and my brothers about all the crazy adventures he would go on. I want to be like that. I want to travel, to see places I've never even heard of. But I realized a while ago that, to go on adventures like Thalleous, I would need to learn how to fight. Thalleous has this amazing diamond broadsword, with enchantments and everything-" Ria sighs, a wistful expression on her face, as if imagining the day she could wield such a weapon. "But, I can't even make a simple wooden one. I've thought and thought, but I can't figure out how to connect the pieces." she finishes glumly. The disconnected pieces of sword fall out of her hands to the ground with a quiet thud-thud.

Senn frowns. He wants to help her, but how? He doesn't know a single thing about woodworking, or swordsmanship...

He picks up the sword hilt, a sudden idea forming in his mind.

"Got any string?" he asks. Ria pulls a strand as long as her arm from her inventory and raises an eyebrow. He examines the hilt, scanning the pale surface. There's a slight indent where the blade would go... Senn scrambles to his feet and looks around, quickly spotting what he's searching for. He runs to a small oak tree. There's a puncture in the bark, sap dripping out. Senn picks an acorn, removes the lid and deftly fills it, then walks back to Ria.

"What are you doing?" Ria stands up, intrigued. Senn holds up the sap and string. "If we use the sap to stick the blade in place, then the string can hold the pieces together. When the sap dries, it'll be stuck in place." he explains. Ria's face lights up.

"Senn, you're incredible!" She tackles him with an enthusiastic hug and he laughs. He pulls her close, trying not to spill the sap in her hair. He holds her for a moment, feeling happy that he could help. She draws away after a few seconds and grins. "Well? Why are you just standing there? You look like a glowing lemon!" Senn splutters in mock outrage at the joke and Ria laughs.

"Come on," he says, kneeling on the ground and clearing the fallen autumn leaves to make a workspace. "Let's get started!"


Later, as they head back to the village, Ria's chatting away, her offhand comments and jokes occasionally making Senn laugh. They come to the boundary and leap over together.

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