Part Four, Betrayals. Chapter Two.

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The chapter count is twenty chapters, if you can believe it!

Wow. This is turning into a full-blown novel, and we're not even halfway thru. (yes, you read that right, there is a lot more)

Guess the song b/c I'm bored:

🎶Will you hold the line? Whenever one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me, In this house of mine.🎶

Let's get writing.


"...and we managed to find the Protisium Prime," Ria finishes. "We almost got killed by the ice dragon but, hey, it was worth the risk." Denny notices that she's still holding the gold medallion, fingers clenched tight over the medal so tight that her knuckles turn white. Hubris frowns. Yeah, that guy definitely never smiles, Denny decides. He speaks.

"With two Prime Songs now in our possession, we need to decide who will use them. I think the choice is obvious." He looks round at the four present Enderknights, Greck and Onyx, a Magnorite, who also had a great sense of humour and many a crazy tale to tell about his family. Everyone nods, and Denny grins at Ria. She blinks.

"Me?" Abbigail smiles.

"You can do it, Ria. You're the best Ardoni at wielding, from what I've seen so far. And besides, you're the Captain." she says. Ria nods, a determined expression coming over her face. Denny guesses she's thinking of her friend, the one she thought had died. What was his name again, Senn? Yeah, that was it.

"I'll do it," she says. "But... we have to retrieve the Mobilium Prime from Crown Peak first." There's a murmur of agreement and Ria smiles weakly. Trevor speaks.

"I've heard about the Prime Songs, read lots about them too. Is it true about their corruption?" Hubris's expression darkens.

"To an extent," he agrees. "But that's only if they are used excessively. We hope to end this war quickly, and-" Ria interrupts him.

"I'll only use the Primes when absolutely I have to," she says. "And, even when I do, I'll stick to one of the ten abilities only. If Tygren or any other Voltaris sees me wield, I'll just use specific ones. They'll never know I have the Primes." Greck nods.

"That's pretty smart," he agrees. "Then again, that's why you're the Captain." Everyone laughs.

"You're not short of brain cells yourself, Greck!" Onyx jokes. "Though I sometimes wonder." Greck feigns indignation, and Denny laughs again.

"So, are we gonna talk strategy now?" Saxon asks. "Because I'm not the best at that." Ria shrugs.

"There's not much to discuss," she remarks. "Abbi, can the Enderknights come with me to Crown Peak? I'll need the backup, just in case." Abbigail nods, and Ria smiles gratefully.

"Meeting adjourned."


"You okay?" Denny doesn't turn, but Abbigail links her fingers in his. He nods, frowning, and looks over the village from the inn's balcony where he stands. "I- is there something up? You don't look yourself." Denny sighs.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he says briefly. Abbigail mutters something under her breath, and her voice wobbles slightly. Denny's about to turn to her, but his ribs twinge slightly and he has to bite his lip to hide the pain. His brow creases as he thinks about Allister's warning.

You stay away from her, or this happens again, and worse.

He pulls away from her, and leans against the balcony railings. She puts her hands over his but he draws away, conflicted emotions bubbling inside of him. For one, he liked her. He knew that... and he wanted to tell her. But Allister would hurt him again. He knew how Abbigail had reacted the first time, and he didn't want to do that to her again. Denny didn't understand why Allister thought Abbigail would like him, anyway. She hardly paid any attention to him.

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