Part Seven, Rise or Fall? Chapter Three.

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in over two weeks. My writers block has hit me hard, like I'm Jason and it's the brick. (Sorry, just had to throw that in.) I don't know if you guys worked out what I did in the last chapter. I sincerely hope you did because if not, then you're going to feel like you've been punched hard in the face by Part Eight. Repeatedly.

Does that sound ominous? That was the intended effect. There are one or two of us that know what I did... but they are going to BE QUIET, thank you!

Here's your new chapter. Expect these ones to come pretty slowly, because I need to re-read the script and get an idea of what the End is like and then convert that from play-script writing to novel writing.

For those of you who have read Percy Jackson, Trials of Apollo and the Heroes of Olympus series, there is one reference to each of those series in there. It's the dialogue. See if you can spot them, though they're pretty hard to see. Enjoy your new chapter!


"Easy, Luna," Abbigail soothes her dragon, knowing that she gets excitable very easily. "We're going to travel to the End today! Fun, huh, seeing our old roots?"

Her confidence is forced. They're going to the Ender Stronghold, entering the End realm and finding the ancient Palace. Nothing is in their way to stop their group – Abbigail, Denny, Saxon, Trevor and Vulcannus – so why, then, does she have a nagging feeling that there is something wrong?

Maybe it's the fact that it's all so easy. If being part of the Enderknights has taught Abbigail anything, it's that if it seems too good to be true then it probably is and nothing comes without a price.

But what hazards can await them in the End? They are the Enderknights, returning to their ancestral home. Sure, they've got a Netheran in their company, but Vulcannus has proved himself trustworthy.

No, it's not Vulcannus that's the problem. There is something else, something Abbigail can't quite put her finger on. A lingering sense of unease, a tiny voice at the back of her head whispering, Turn back while you still can.

Abbigail doesn't know, but she tries to hide her doubts as she watches Saxon, Denny and Vulcannus wave to her from across the square. Panic grips her. Where's Trevor? But then she notices the fifth member of their team emerging from the library – of course – and running up to her. Stop being so paranoid, she orders herself.

"Hey!" Trevor exclaims breathlessly when he reaches Abbigail and Luna. "I've just been in the library and I think that I've found something which could help!" Abbigail frowns.

"Let's go down to the others, then you can tell us." she suggests. Trevor nods and grins. He pats Luna's nose.

"I can't wait to see the End."


"All right, so if this book's information is correct, there should be an entrance to the Ender Stronghold right about here," Trevor explains, holding up a hardback book and tapping a page. "It seems to be concealed, but- Denny, what are you doing?" Abbigail looks away from Trevor to see Denny taking notes with an invisible pencil. He looks up at his friends with a goofy grin.

"Carry on, Professor," he jokes. "I want to get a good score on the test!" Saxon groans.

"Denny, for once in your life-" he starts, then seems to rethink his words. "Never mind. Nothing I say will make any difference."

Vulcannus watches the exchange with wide eyes.

"This is the moment I realize that you guys must know each other really well to say this stuff." he remarks. Abbigail shakes her head and nudges Denny.

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