Part One, Peace. Chapter Six.

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Here we have a timeskip. No, there is no SenndaRia in the future. SUCKS TO BE A SHIPPER.

I AM MEAN. Sorry about that. I skipped into the future because I got bored.

Curse my writers block.


Clang! Clang! Clang!

Senn holds up his work in satisfaction. It was almost finished, and he couldn't wait for this afternoon. Despite the fact that, two months ago, Osivian had forbidden Ria and Senn to hang out due to, ah, an incident, they still trained secretly together in the far field whenever they were both free. Over the last year, Ria had been given an awful lot more responsibilities, and Senn had had to work in the forge a lot more. After he had finished his allotted work, he always had about half an hour to work on his own projects before meeting up with his friend.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

There. It should be finished now. Senn blows at the red-hot metal gingerly and, then, using a pair of blacksmiths' pliers, dips it into the water casket beside him. It cools with a loud hiss. Now, he just has to sand the shaft and everything should be ready. He glances at the clock. Two fifteen already? Senn has to hurry, or he'll be late, and last time that happened, Ria had been kind of cross. He laughs, recalling the playful insults she had hurled at him, before smiling and giving him a hug. That was one of the many good things about Ria – she almost never got seriously angry, and, when she did, she couldn't ever stay mad. Senn finishes perfecting the wood and attaches the grip to the shaft. Done – now it was really time to go.



"Senn, you're late!"

"By two minutes!" Senn laughs. "Chill, I didn't forget," Ria raises an eyebrow skeptically, and Senn grins. She relents, tossing his wooden sword over. "How could I?" he adds, catching it. Ria smiles, and assumes a fighting stance, ready to start their training.

"Bet I'll beat you again." she says cheekily. Senn snorts.

"Just 'cause it's your fifteenth today doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you." he remarks, swinging his blade. Ria catches the swipe on her sword hilt, and returns with a stab that he blocks deftly.

"You remembered?" she asks, and spins to parry his weapon again, smiling. Senn grins back, feinting to the right, and then slashing to the left. Ria blocks.

"Duh," he says. "How could I not?" Ria blushes.

"I didn't mention it," she remarks, stepping away. They twirl their blades, both waiting for the other to strike. "How'd you know?" Senn smiles.

"I have my ways," He strikes to the side and Ria parries it easily, then returns with a strike towards his head. He blocks the wooden blade, stepping backwards - but there was nothing to step on. "Whoa!" he exclaims as he tumbles into the lake.

Senn surfaces, coughing and spitting mud. Not again! Ria gasps.

"Oh, Senn- are you all right?" she cries, dropping her sword. Senn laughs, rubbing his arm.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Ria smiles, holding out her hand for him. Senn grins, and grabs her arm, pulling her into the water too, laughing again at her surprised yelp. She kicks to the surface and splutters in indignation at his amusement. Pondweed slides through her short hair.

"If I wanted a bath, I would've asked!" she grumbles, but her eyes dance mischievously, in the way that Senn always found slightly unnerving, because he knew she was planning some sort of prank, but it was also kind of cute. He shakes his head, cheeks reddening. Where did that come from? he wonders. "That wasn't fair, by the way." she adds, clambering onto the bank. Senn snorts.

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