Part Seven, Rise or Fall? Chapter Two.

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I KNOW! I haven't updated for a whole week! I had a massive dose of writers block and I had several day trips out over the Easter break, so I didn't have as much time as I liked to write this chapter.

You guys... all I'm gonna say is... foreshadowing in the most unlikely places is my specialty. And none of you are going to like this foreshadowing, if you decipher it correctly.

Yes. Get the tissues and the deadly weapons. The Enderknights need both in the upcoming chapters.


"You're excited, Luna, aren't you, girl?" Abbigail laughs. The Ender Dragon makes a blah blah blah motion with her mouth and bounds around in a circle before nuzzling her nose against Abbigail's shoulder. "You know we're going to the Stronghold tomorrow, don't you?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did," says a voice. Abbigail turns to see Vulcannus. "Dragons are very intuitive."

"How did the whole agreement on an alliance go?" Abbigail asks.

"We've allied," Vulcannus replies simply. "Master Senn has also decided to support us, though I assume for reasons other than the ones we may think." Abbigail raises an eyebrow.

"What kind of reasons?" she queries, failing to stop a grin. Vulcannus, amazingly, keeps a straight face.

"Oh, I can't say," he remarks. "Though, if I were to guess, I'd say that a certain Sendaris may be involved." Abbigail snorts.

"Join the shippers club," she jokes. "Even you can see it!" Vulcannus makes the thumbs-up sign, smiling. Huh, Abbigail thinks. Maybe Netherans aren't that bad when they're not trying to commit murder.

"Did someone say shippers club?" Denny walks outside, grinning, and Abbigail's heart does somersaults as she remembers what she had found out this morning. Oh. Right. That. Abbigail suppresses another grin as Denny reaches her side.

Oh, well, guess it's mind-blowing news time, she decides, hand instinctively drifting to her stomach.

Denny continues speaking. "I was wondering when someone-" Suddenly, his face pales as he stares at something behind Abbigail. "Oh." Abbigail whips round to see an Ender Dragon who is definitely not her own standing there - Thunderdome himself. Beside Abbigail, Luna growls and smoke puffs angrily from her nostrils.

Abbigail reaches for her sword and draws the blade, steeling herself. She looks into Thunderdome's eyes but sees no anger nor will to destroy. All she sees is terror and regret.

"Thunderdome has to pay for what he's done," Abbigail says. "He betrayed us and he knows it." Vulcannus steps forward, his brow creased with confusion.

"What did this dragon do?"

"Thunderdome worked against us with his previous owner," Abbigail manages through gritted teeth, not wanting to say his name. "He now has to pay the price." The Ender Dragon bows his head, as if accepting his fate.

Abbigail doesn't want to kill a dragon, even if it's Thunderdome, but she knows it has to be done. Trust is an important part of wars. Knowing who to rely on and who to class as an enemy or a betrayer – it's harder than it sounds.

She readies her sword, but Denny puts a hand on her arm.

"We all have to stick together in this war," he reasons. "And we're going to kill one of the only two Ender Dragons alive?" Abbigail sighs, knowing her boyfriend has a point for once.

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