*awkward coughing*

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Well, hello there.

*more awkward coughing*

So... I'm not even sure what to say. As you might know by now, I like to do an author's note after every part of this fanfic is complete, and I talk about a bunch of stuff... but this time?


|               This is the arena in which you are allowed to try and kill me.

And yes... for those of you out there who are very very very mad at me... and for those of you who are just plain weirded out... I only have one thing to say.

You made the decision to read this fanfic. I know things may have gotten a little crazy. If you don't feel comfortable continuing to read this fanfiction, then I understand that and you're free to stop reading. It's your choice and I respect it. Despite my jokes and evil author remarks, I'm not really THAT evil.

(Future me, looking at the angry comments telling me that I AM that evil: "Eh..." And no, that was not me editing the author's note. That was me genuinely knowing that you guys are going to tell me I am that evil. And you might not be wrong.)

Onto other stuff which is more about what's happening next.

We're going to Ria's P.O.V and there's a reason for that. Mainly, everyone teasing SenndaRia. But there's another reason, which you guys will find out if you do wish to continue reading.

Abbigail. Poor Abbigail. I do regret what I've done... to an extent. To an extent. Guys, this is kind of going to be hard to write, because I'm not exactly sure what Abbigail's reaction to everything will be when the Enderknights (what's left of them) get back to Selos. And this is also, as I have told Rose and Snow, me trying to pretend I am still an innocent child and... it's failed majorly.

Confession time: When I wrote the first... what... 12 chapters of this fanfiction, I never intended the Felden arc to be included. I never intended for there to be a fifth Prime. I - gods, this is gonna sound weird - I never intended for Tygren to be Senn's uncle. And I actually didn't plan to add in the Enderknights arc, so THAT would have made for a whole different fanfiction.

And, biggest thing of all, I actually wrote this as some kind of boredom relief. I never thought I would ever publish this on Wattpad (Songs, what, five months ago, I didn't know Wattpad existed), let alone have readers who engage with the story. This is a bit of nostalgia for me, because my writing has gotten a LOT better from when I started writing. I have a completely different writing style now - if you look back at my earlier chapters, Nether, you can tell.

Now... I have plans for certain glowing cubes and Snow? You're going to get that "friction with the masters" thing I talked about a while ago. You're welcome.

This IS a kind of tiny sneak peek. Okay, I'm starting to feel like a TV presenter or something.

Up next - a few minor death threats are issued. The Knights of Ardonia make some new friends. A bit of teasing happens. There are some diplomatic conversations. A few tears are shed (a few is an understatement), stuff is talked about...

...and I'm going to stop now because this is the biggest spoiler paragraph I have ever written, but none of it is probably going to make sense. As you all know by now, nothing I write ever makes sense.

Updates are going to come pretty slowly now... like a chapter every two weeks if my motivation is low, but a chapter every like six days or so if I'm feeling good. We're nearing the endgame, guys. Only 12 chapters left of the story - and an extra 6 chapters because we gotta have ourselves a very long prologue with some celebrations and an oblivious Senn and Ria.

Nether, this is the longest author's note I have ever written.

Peace out (no kidding),

-Evil and Slightly Regretful Phoenix

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