Part Eight, Loss and Gain. Chapter Three.

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No, this does not mean I'm off hiatus. This means that since I seem to not be able to touch The Warning at the moment, I've decided to torment you with a new chapter of whatever this is.

Seriously, I don't even know what What Might Have Been has become at this point. Chaos incarnate? Seems about right.

Enjoy your new chapter. Love the fluff. Hate the angst. Squeal over the kind-of-kind-of-not date. Yell at the Sendaris master. I don't care. Just... read!

As you can all probably tell, I'm going a teeensy bit nuts.

Another example of that is there are several film/series references in here-- such as ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender), Last Life - CHAOS IN A BOX!! - and, surprise-surprise, How To Train Your Dragon 2. There's also a Rapunzel reference, but we don't talk about that.


*giggles evilly* Love you all! This is Evil Phoenix signing off.


It is later that same day that Ria finds herself in combat once again, perhaps trying to distract herself.

The Sendaris raises her spear and deflects a strike from the sword that the Voltaris in front of her holds, then takes a step back, gathering her energy. As her opponent's blade slashes towards her, she channels her Mobilium Song, hears the familiar tunes ring in her ears, and suddenly finds herself behind the Voltaris.

Having anticipated that move, the red-marked Ardoni turns quickly and Ria's next attack is parried by the glowing barrier of a Protisium. Not expecting that, Ria stumbles backwards and her heel catches on a rock, making her fall; but a hand grasps her wrist before she hits the ground and pulls her up to her feet. Vermilion eyes look triumphantly into hers.

"You need to work on your reflexes," Senn remarks, an amused smile dancing on his lips.

Ria laughs lightly, not letting go of his hand. "Says the guy that fell into a lake every other day back in Sendaria," she counters playfully.

"Touché." Senn's gaze is affectionate, and that same warm smile still tugs at the corners of his mouth. "But don't try and change the subject from the fact that I beat you for once."

Suddenly realizing how close they are to each other, Ria pulls back slightly. "Are you kidding?" she jokes. "That rock did all the work."

Senn pouts at her. "Oh, c'mon."

His eyes are wide and sparkling, like a baby seal's. It's cute, Ria thinks distractedly, then blushes. "Fine, you win," she relents, squeezing his hand. "Nice one, Senn."

With his free fist, Senn punches the air triumphantly, grinning. "Finally!" he cheers, then looks at her with a smirk. "That's the beginning to my payback for all those times you pushed me in the lake."

Ria can't help but laugh. "Don't count on it," she shoots back, then frowns in mock confusion. "But hang on a moment, I thought this was supposed to be serious battle training."

Senn shrugs. "You've got too much serious stuff going on, Ria," he reasons, his voice suddenly soft and caring, "what with the war and everything."

"And the Sendaris master coming over here," Ria continues, "and the Nether possibly preparing for something big, and having to convince all the new Knights that allying with your clan is the right choice, and--"

"Exactly." Senn takes both of her hands in his, his face colouring slightly. "You're way too stressed out, Ria... I'm not the only one that's noticed."

Frowning, Ria looks down at the ground. "I'm fine, Senn." She tries to brush his concern off, but he doesn't back down - he instead pulls her into a hug.

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