🌻Chapter eleven🌻

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Chapter eleven

"I'm his little spider."

3rd person pov;

Muzan, [Name] and Thirteen are now in the Usj waiting for the students. Muzan look at [Name] sensing his worries, "What's the matter?" He asked.

[Name] snap out of his thought looking at Muzan. A rather forced smile formed on his lips, "Yes, of course why wouldn't I be?" He said rather unsure. He let out a sigh seeing Muzans serious face. He frown looking at the whole USJ, "I just felt like something is going to happen.. Like really bad. The accident that happen yesterday felt kinda off. Don't you think?" He stated.

Muzan hum giving [Name] a side Glance. "You still worried about that? Do not worry. Maybe you're just stressed. Wanna hangout after this?" He suggests giving [Name] a close eye smile. [Name] smile back "Sure." He said.

2nd person pov;

"So your son is one of the Class 1-A right? Maybe, I can meet him." Muzan smile, "Oh yeah! Rui will be happy to meet you!" You said excitedly. Muzan flinched at the mention of the name, a small sweat fall on his cheek. "Something matter?" You asked, "N-No. Hahaha sorry, I just know someone that had the same name as your son." He stated nervously. You nodded, "Alright I'm gonna go talk to thirteen. " You said, He just nodded looking at the fountain at the middle of Usj.

For some reason he felt that your son Rui is the Rui he know. Lower moon 5. "Did they get reincarnated too?" He whispered putting a finger on his chin slightly zoning out.

"They're here!" Your voice rang through his ear snapping him out of his thoughts. His lips form to his signature fake smile.

Rui point of view;

Me and my classmates enter the USJ and we were greeted by Thirteen, Father and. Wait. 'Who is that?' I thought looking at the familiar male besides my father.

I could fell my heart raising as i stare at them. The man look away to my father scanning our class. Once his gaze landed on me I felt my heart left my throat.

Our eye widen staring at each other. I could feel my body go limp as I stared at his Bloody red eye. 'What is. What is he doing here?!' I thought my iris shaking in fear.

I snap at of my thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at my side to see Izuku looking at me. "Are you okay? You're shaking." He asked with worries. "Yes don't worry." I assure giving him a close eye smile.

While Thirteen was explaining a portal open near the fountain at the ccenter "Gather together and don't move!" Uncle instructed. Father stood in front of us protectively taking a stan while some of my classmates look amaze. "Those are real villains everyone." I warned in a serious tone. Some of them stared at me in shock and fear.

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