🌼Special Chapter🌼

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Thank you for the 50k reads everyone, As a thank you enjoy this special chapter! Just to let you know this chapter will NOT affect the story.


Kny Rui • Mha Father Reader
(3rd person pov)

Time taken: After the USJ incident

[Name] look at the unfamiliar surroundings, He didn't know what happened all he remember is falling asleep with his children then waking up in the dark forest.

He wonder around trying to find a way out or someone that could help him. [Name] ear twitch when he heard rustling, He immediately ran toward the sound to see three boy, He blink in surprise and so is the three. A boy with burgundy hair, A boy wearing a boar head and a normal black hair boy.

"Mister You're not supposed to be here, it's not safe here!" The burgundy hair boy stated. Base on the uniform he knew that the man wasn't a demon slayer. "I'm a pro hero do not worry I can help, Tell me what happened"

What [Name] said confused the three male, Pro hero? What's that? Just then the four male heard multiple footsteps and metal-like screeching?

They all look at the sound to see multiple people walking like a dead corpse. [Name] eye widen, Who would do such a thing? They look like a walking corpse. One run toward the black hair male, Just as he was about to attack a string wrapped around the male sending him up in the air.

[Name] jumped in front of the three protectively "Hide!" He demand, Making more strings on his hand trapping multiple swordsman/woman tied in the air.

The three watch in utter shock how can he do that? Creating string in his hand. Telling by his scents the three know that the man in front of them is a human. But, how can he do that? This is the first time they saw a human having an abilities like demon.

[Name] notice something on their back, His eye widen to see strings attached to parts of their body. He frown 'Who would to this to this kids.' He thought continuing to send them up in the air.

Soon there was no more he look back at three. "Are you two okay?" He asked running up to them, "Do you have any injuries?" He questioned worriedly scanning the three.

"How did you do that?!" The black hair boy shouted pointing at his comrades who were tied up In the air. [Name] look baffled at their questions "What do you mean? That's my quirk. " He stated. "Quirk? What's that?" The black hair boy asked.

[Name] look at them surprise before he shook his head, "It doesn't matter, Are you two okay?" The burgundy hair boy finally snap out of his dazed "We're fine sir, But you shouldn't be here it's dangerous." He said worriedly.

[Name] smile at them reassuringly "I'll be fine, I'm Moonless how about you too?" He asked. "I'm Tanjiro! Nice too meet you Moonless-San" He introduced, [Name] smile looking at the black hair boy and the boar head boy. "I-Im Murata"

Meanwhile, the boar head boy look at [Name] with some imaginary sparkle around them. "Woah." He mumbled, Tanjiro smile awkwardly at the boar head boy before looking at [Name], "He's Inosuke." He introduced.

[Name] nodded and smile, "I see, Well you three should leave it's dangerous here." [Name] warned, Tanjiro however shook his head, "We can't, We got a mission to defeat the demon on the mountain." He said.

[Name] tilted his head in confusion everything was so confusing, Yet, he decided to follow along, "I see." Just then [Name] thread was cut making him surprise. No one ever break his thread before.

A shadow cast over [Name] and Tanjiro. [Name] immediately react and went in front of Tanjiro protectively. His eye widen when he look up to see a familiar boy standing on the thread.

They both stared at each other having completely different feelings. [Name] was shocked while the boy look at him feeling something strange on his heart. "Rui?" [Name] called.

Rui look at him his eyebrow knit in confusion. Then [Name] felt something wrapped around him before he was thrown in the air. "Mr, Moonless!" Tanjiro yelled.

[Name] felt a small arm wrapped around him. He look up to see Rui. "Rui... Is that really you?" He asked. Rui glance at him before looking back at the three, "Don't disturb my family's peaceful life.... Mother will kill you all, Right away." He said.

[Name] broke the thread, He stood up on the string with ease surprising Rui. [Name] would do something if he tried anything to harm the three but for now he just stood beside Rui looking at him. Inosuke jump down trying to attack but he didn't reach their spot.

Rui grabbed [Name] hand and walk away with him. [Name] look at the three worriedly before looking at Rui. He jump down dragging [Name] with him. The two landed on the ground softly, "How did you know my name?" Rui asked looking at [Name].

He rub the back of his head speechless on what's happening, "Sorry, I just mistook you from my son." Rui stopped walking, He look up at the [Hair color] man "Son?" He mumbled. "Yup, You two look like each other." [Name] kneeled down softly putting his hand on Rui's cheek caressing it.

Rui lean on the male touch feeling something warm on his heart, He grab [Name] hand looking at him, "Be my father." He demand catching [Name] off guard. "Join my family." He ordered.

[Name] blink in surprise before letting out a soft laugh, "I'm serious." Rui stated, [Name] wipe an invisible tears on his eye patting Rui's hair, "You're so cute like My Rui." He cooed. "I would be glad to be your father but, didn't you said you already have a family?" He asked. "Yes, But you'll be more fit to be a father." He said.

Before [Name] could say anything a thud was heard behind them [Name] and Rui turn around to see Rui. [Name] face brighten it was HIS Rui. (Kny) Rui look at his look alike, His eye widen in surprise. (Mha) Rui grumble, He stood up to see his father. "Wait Father?"

[Name] immediately ran to (Mha) Rui Hugging him, (Mha) Rui hug back then at the corner of his eye he saw a familiar figure.

The two Rui locked eye and their eye widen especially (Mha) Rui. His heart dropped when he saw his past self. His past that he pushed away a long time ago.

(Kny) Rui pointed at him, "You." He mumbled walking towards the two. [Name] let go of (Mha) Rui looking at them. "Ah, It's you." (Mha) Rui said. [Name] blink in surprise not knowing what's happening, "You two know each other?" [Name] asked.

(Mha) Rui clenched his fist "Y-yes... He's... My past self." (Kny) Rui and [Name] look at him confused, "He's my past life, I was a man eating demon, A monster, I died then got reincarnated as your son. " He explain looking down.

He don't want his father to see him like how he see himself. A disgusting monster, A heartless creature, A murderer.

But, to his surprise [Name] hug his past self, "I knew it! My father instinct is telling me you are my little spider!" He squealed. (Kny) Rui look surprise but he return the hug.

Meanwhile, (Mha) Rui look shocked at his father action, "You're not scared of us? Of me?" He asked, [Name] just grin at him, "Why would i? You two are my son." He said continuing to hug Rui's past self, He grabbed (Mha) Rui hand and hugged him too. "B-But we kill people. "( Mha) Rui stated while (kny) Rui nodded in agreement.

[Name] ignore them, sure he was shocked when (Mha) Rui said they are a man-eating demon. But, he knew that no one is born evil, something or someone just made them that way. No matter what, He will love Rui unconditionally.

"I will accept the two of you whatever or whoever you are.. As your father I will do my best to lead you two to the good side and make you have a better life. "


Well, It's not the best special chapter but I hope you like it! If this book reach 70k reads I'll create another special chapter. But I have no idea yet so y'all can recommend something.

Anyway thank you all so much for the 50K reads you lovely people! See you on the next chapter!

Metanoia ➮ʙɴʜᴀ • ᴋɴʏ | kny RuiWhere stories live. Discover now