🕸Chapter fourteen🕸

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Chapter fourteenUnexpected visitors

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Chapter fourteen
Unexpected visitors

"I'll make him proud."

3rd person pov;

[Name] was resting at the hospital with a sleeping Ume and Gyutaro besides him. After they heard the news, those two didn't leave their father side. It's only been a day since the incident but, thankfully he is recovering faster.

He look down at the two sleeping kid and smile softly brushing both of their hair with his finger. The door open to see Rui and Muzan. Rui quickly ran toward his father with Muzan trailing behind.

"Thank you for taking care of the kids for me Muzan." [Name] said. "No problem" He shrugged sitting beside Rui. "How you doing now?" He asked. The [hair color] hair man smile at the black hair man. "Doing great." He replied.


After an hour of talking Rui and Muzan left with the two young kid. [Name] stood up from his bed walking towards his room balcony.

A frown formed on his lips as he look at the sky. "What's with the face dove." A familiar voice said. [Name] chuckle looking at his red wing friends. "Hello to you too Hawks." He greeted, "Come on I told ya', just call me by my first name." He exclaimed. "Whatever you say Keigo." [Name] chuckle.

An comfortable silence fell between the two as they look up at the moon, "Once you got out. How about we hang out? That will cheer you up."

[Name] look at him and smile, "I would love to." Keigo smile at him and he smiles back. "Welp! I gotta continue patrolling!" He stood up and ruffled [Name] head, "See you around Dove!" [Name] wave goodbye at him.


Morning came  [Name] was told that he was going to be discharged tomorrow, this made him happy since, he could be in the UA sports festival to cheer for his students and son.

[Name] was currently reading a book when one of the nurse enter. "Mr. [Last Name] someone is here to visit you." She announced, soon a familiar woman enter the room, [Name] eye widen seeing his ex-wife standing at the door with a basket

" She announced, soon a familiar woman enter the room, [Name] eye widen seeing his ex-wife standing at the door with a basket

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The nurse excuse herself leaving the old couple. [Name] force a kind smile looking at his ex-wife. "I- it's nice to see you again... Jade." He greeted stuttering a little.

Jade walk toward the male sitting beside him. An awkward silence fell between the two. Jane cough breaking the awkward atmosphere. "I c-came here 'cause I heard what happened. And I was worried..." Jade pause averting her ex-husband gaze. "L-look... I may not be good at apologizing but.... I wanna know that I'm truly sorry for what I've done..." [Name] eye widen as he tried to process everything Jade was saying.

"I know sorry won't fix everything, but I just wanna let you know how much I regret those day.... I was hoping we could.. " "Start over?" [Name] said continuing Jade sentence.

Jade nodded looking away, She hear [Name] chuckle making him look at the [hair color] hair man. "Sure Jade, everyone deserve a second chance anyway." [Name] said giving her a close eye smile. A blush appear on Jade cheek she shook her head aggressively and weakly smile. "Really? T-thank god." She put a hand on her chest and sigh in relief. She look at her ex-husband and smile softly. "Thank you [Name]." She smile at him and [Name] smile back at her.

Jade stood up putting the basket on the table beside [Name] and taking a food in a Tupperware, She open it revealing a home made [Favorite food]. "I-i remember you love [favorite food] so i- I decided to cook some for you... As a... Apology." She stated blushing a little.

[Name] smile, "Thank you this look delicious." He stated. Jade gasped offensively putting a hand on her chest she crossed her arm and huffed, "Of course it is I cook it! You better eat it." She retorted jokingly. [Name] laugh at the childish behavior taking a chopstick/spoon/fork, He smile clapping his hand together, "Well then... Itadakimasu."

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