The Interview

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3rd party pov:

After that day tanjiro wakes up early and prepared himself for the interview he prepared all the files he needed including birth certificate and ID's he finished early and left the house while the 3 of them are still in bed tanjiro left a small amount of money on the table for Nezuko to spend

At the Bus:

It was about 30 minutes before he arrives at his destination he pulled out his phone and watched movies so he wont get board


Im happily watching the new released movie then suddenly i heard something falling to the ground i realized it was my important files and papers i quickly got up and started to pick all of my stuffs then suddenly a woman with pink haired helped me "t-thank you for your help" i said with a smile "sure your welcome" she said and smiled back when i sat down and held my envelope properly so it wont fall again the woman asked me "are you applying at the XXX Company? Not to interact with your business but i also work there i could help you" she said i was happy that someone would help me since im not really that familiar with this kind of things "sure that would be lovely" i said we talked about works and how we will handle adulthood "oh by the way im mitsuri nice to meet you may i know your name? " she said offering me a handshake "im Tanjiro nice to meet you" i said while accepting her handshake

3rd party pov:

After that they talked a little once more now they talked about their family it was sad rather than a happy talk tanjiro mentioned his sister Nezuko and his 2 friends that are like brothers to him after 10 minutes of talking they arrived "come ill show you the way" mitsuri said "thank you so much for your help" he said

"Woahh is this where you work??? " tanjiro said while looking at the tall ass building "yeah and this is where you'll work too if you get hired just act professional and you'll get it! " she said cheering tanjiro up


We went inside and it was so modern and clean it was so fancy we went to the counter and handed all my papers "sure we will have a fast interview so please go to the 12th floor and look for room 2006" she said bowing i said thank you and left with mitsuri while were at the elevator mitsuri said "i cant go with you any further its they forbid it here" she said "okayy and thank you miss mitsuri :)) " i said waving at her while she left i arrived at the 12th floor and looked for room 2006 i knocked and entered there were alot of people who are interviewing i sat to the nearest chair i could find and waited moments later a woman entered the room "the interview for today is cancelled therefore i ask you to leave because we are now full and wont need any more employees" she said she wore a very short skirt with a bold lipstick she glanced at me and rolled her eyes before leaving the room after she left everyone left also outside the room i saw mitsuri waving at me "how was it did you get hired? " she said with an exciting face "n-no they said they are full and won't need any more workers" i said lowering my head down "im so sorry to hear that but they might need workers again because every month 5 employees quits their jobs as for the reason they cant take it, i could give you a tour if you want :)) " she said with a cheering voice i agreed with a smile
3rd party pov:

They finished all the floors except for the last floor before the penthouse which is floor 50th "haaa haa" tanjiro said while panting "were almost at the 50th floor which is the CEO's office and the other important floors!!" she said happily and excited "i see THEN LETS DO IT!! ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ" Tanjiro said confidently

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