Angry for no reason

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"Yes?" I responded to his call he looked at me deeply

No one:
(Unspoken thoughts from Rengoku)
When you say my name there's this intrusive thoughts that I have.. to chain you up to never escape my presence nor my sight.

Rengoku said to his thoughts while looking at Tanjiro

"Is there something wrong with my face Rengoku-sama?" I asked him "no nothing will ever be wrong in your face Kamado" he said putting my hands down to his cheeks "now eat and rest" he said facing his food "okayy!" I responded eating my food (I haven't been in touch with Nezuko) I finished my food "Rengoku-sama I need to go home now I haven't been in touch with my sister" I said to him "mhm." He said coldly "thank you" I responded with a smile

Time skip:

11:00 pm before Tanjiro left the house Rengoku offered him a ride they both inside the car was silent no one dared to make a conversation Tanjiro could only bite his lip not knowing what he did wrong that made Rengoku silent and he's not feeling the warmth anymore rather he feels something cold inside Rengoku which made the situation even worst


"Rengoku-sama there's my house!" I said to him pointing small apartment
"..." He didn't respond..

No one:

Rengoku drove to the apartment Tanjiro got out of the car "Thank you I'll be back at the office later!" He said bowing Rengoku didn't even took a glance at Tanjiro he just drive his car away leaving Tanjiro standing "oh." He said while opening the door "Nezuko! I'm home where are you!?" He said yelling a bit


I heard a yelling downstairs "Here brother!" I said to him coming down the stairs I hugged him as soon as I saw him I was in a big bright smile "brother!! I got accepted at the University I applied to!! And the tuition is free and they said I could get a free dorm since it's a bit far away from here!" I said to him smiling he laughed and smiled at me "That's a great news Nezuko!! Tho... Don't you think we're getting a bit distant from each other?.." he said to me with a smile fading away "big brother were not distant to each other we just have our own responsibilities which we cannot escape from and I can always call you everyday and update you through text" I said to him lighting the mood "mhmm okay! When are you leaving?" He asked "tomorrow! I should've told you yesterday but I couldn't contact you" I said explaining.


We went on a further conversation but I just can't get it out of my mind Nezuko is leaving to continue her studies and I'm alone again.. I just can't imagine tho I can't be negative I still have Zenitsu and Inosuke and a couple of my friend but Nezuko.



"Nezuko!" I called her "Yaa?" She responded "let's have lunch together at the new restaurant!!" I said excitedly "woahh whereee!?" She giggled while asking "It's the new opened restaurant I think it's called Temichi they are famous for their special dish Tempura!!" I said to her "but big brother isn't that expensive?" She said looking down "Nezuko I wanted to treat you to somewhere special before you leave let's have a lot of memories even tho we only have a short time" I told her smiling softly as I grab my keys and held her hand and got out of the house

No one:

They left the house in such joy excitedly to try the tempura at the Temichi restaurant they

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