The meeting

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Tanjiro woke up early and prepared for his work he arranged his paper works and the schedule and he brought all the things he needs he cooked breakfast before leaving and left it there in a fancy way he wrote a note to nezuko saying he'll be at work


After a while i waited for the bus stop i hopped in and payed i sighed because its my first day at work and im nervous no im not nervous im scared i don't have any experience and what if i got fired the first time i ever stepped on that office? I overthink the situation and didn't realize we drove past the company i was stunned and yelled "Please stop the BUS thank you" the driver stopped and i ran back to the company i was in sweat and i can barely breathe but i cannot be late never! I said to myself while running after about 10 minutes of running i finally arrived i met mitsuri at the company


I waited for tanji at the entrance of the company i checked the time and theres only 10 minutes left before i knew i saw him running towards me he stopped and grabbed his breathe "Oh dear! Are you okayyy?" I said worriedly "i-I need to c-catch my breathe hold on" he said while panting "a-am i late" he asked while trying to breathe "well no your not but you only have 7 minutes left! " i said "WHAT WAIT PLEASE IM SO SORRY" he said while getting ready to run again i yelled wait and he looked back "Y-your shirt tanji your chest is very visible from the sweat! Here take my jacket! " i said handing him my warm fuzzy jacket he took the elevator and i waved as a goodbye


While tanjiro was in a hurry he ran through the office


"I-i arrived? " i said i straighten my back and put on the jacket to cover my chest i sighed and knocked *knock knock* no one answered i knocked again and a deep voice said "In" well i guess he meant come in? I opened the door then i saw him in the shadows there were barley lights on and i can only see half of the office "h-hello Ceo Kyojuro im Tanjiro Kamado your new Pa! " i said "so? Do your job" i was shut at that moment i sat down to the sofa and i heard something click and all the lights turned on with this brightness i can see his face "a shoulder length hair with eyes of flame" i whispered i was amazed i straighten my back and


Tanjiro straighten his back withour knowing the jacket fell of his chest were clearly visible and kyo seems to he interested to look kyojuro moved his head a little bit so he could see but he kept his cold ice glaze and posture to make it more formal


"I saw the Ceo staring at my eyes i was totally feeling awkwardness and i looked deeper and it seems that he wasn't looking at my eyes? More like" before i finished my thoughts i heard a pen break "huh? " i said then i looked at his hands there was it the pen was broken into pieces i got worried because there was blood i stood up and tried to help i held his hand and took out a bandage


Tanjiro walked closer to Kyojuro while kyojuro was stunned he was staring at tanjiro while he was in a panic trying to stop the blood and he smelled something..


"What the fuck is this kid doing!? " i said to my thoughts being pissed I've never been touched like this "GET YOUR HANDS OF M-" before i could finish my sentence a sweet smell interrupted me "whats that!? " i said looking at his eyes


Tanjiro went blank a loud heartbeat could eco in the room I guess he didn't take his medicine before entering the office

"O-oh no i didn't take my pills!" I said while getting my hands of at the Ceo "p-please excuse me" i said running through the door but my legs collapsed "w-what? " i said in a panic the Ceo stood up and then.

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