Lucid dreams

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No one:

After what Tanjiro said they both looked at each other the silence was loud the caring actions were exposed the heart beats were fast and love can be found in this room between two people could it be truly love?

Tanjiro stutter as he said "i-its okay if you don't wan-" he was cut off my Rengoku "it's fine we could eat together" he said staring at Tanjiro and stopping what he was doing "that's good but where should we eat?" Tanjiro asked "follow me" Rengoku said standing up and walking out the office "o-okay" Tanjiro said while following Rengoku they went to the elevator to the first floor couple minutes later they arrived at a fancy restaurant


"Woah this place is too big for us and there's no people around" I said while looking around the place

No one:

Tanjiro said while sitting at the table beside him moments later a waiter walked towards them "What would the two gentlemen order?" The waiter said respectfully but with a happy tone while handing the menu Tanjiro looked at the menu with a big shock (i-i can't afford these!) He said in his thoughts he looked at Rengoku for a second and looking at the menu again "it's okay it's my treat" Rengoku said coldly yet you could hear the caring in his voice


(I can feel something warm in my heart after he said those words..I'm glad) I said to my thoughts smiling at Rengoku who was looking outside the window

Time skip
•the food arrives•

No one:

The food arrived Tanjiro ordered a Carbonara pasta with a side dish of kelp rice balls while Rengoku ordered Steak with sweet potatoes


I thanked the waiter as he left after giving us our lunch I smiled softly while I felt something warm in my heart Rengoku sliced the steak in pieces while he was eating I noticed that his hair was getting in the way
I stood a little and leaned to him and I put his hair in the side of his ears

No one:

After what Tanjiro did they both looked at each other "i-im sorry it thought your hair was getting in the way s-so I-" Tanjiro stuttered trying to explain but he was cut of by Rengoku "it's fine Kamado" he said Tanjiro backed out and sat on his seat he sat down quietly "I should've done that it was so awkward and embarrassing" he said to his thoughts while drinking a glass of bottle.

They both started eating and it was a minute of silence after what had happened no one dared to speak specially Tanjiro, Rengoku was pretty much cool with it he didn't say anything (I like this one.) Rengoku said to his thoughts

Back story explanation:

You ever guessed why every Personal assistant of Rengoku quits? It's because of his temper since Rengoku was a kid he was pressured by his father to handle the company all by himself and the stress that was given to him were unbearable until he developed his anger issues and hot tempter he either absuse his P.A or mostly he would rage into the office and throw big stuffs not to mention since Rengoku has a bigger body and muscle it's obvious that he could throw pretty much big stuffs and if it's not about his tempter it's about the assistant being to flirty or trying to attract Rengoku but after his mother died he never felt any love nor someone giving him love that's why he's a cold person but will Tanjiro be able to change his cold personality?

Time skip:
They finished eating


After eating a buzzing sound was coming from the iPad "Oh seems like the person you'll be meeting today already arrived at the meeting spot" I said to him while reading some of the information "let's go" he said turning his back on me (how cold) I said to thoughts following him we left the restaurant and there was already a car waiting for us we got inside and it was quiet I looked out the window.....

*Sigh* I made an expression before closing my eyes I rest my head a bit I closed my eyes softly

In Tanjiro's dream

I was in a field of grass and flowers the red flowers were surrounding me I walked and smelled the fresh air as I was letting all of my problems out I saw a tree and sat there for a while "guess I'm having a lucid dream again" I said chuckling whenever I have lucid dreams it's like a happiness place for me I can do whatever I want without any problems surrounding me as I was sitting beside the tree I noticed an interesting plant it was green and has red spheres on in kinda look like strawberries I walked towards it

*Step step step*

It has such a sweet smell I sat as I picked the plant up admiring it with an empty face

How pretty as I said to my thoughts as I looked at the flower I wonder what will happen when I wake up will I bee happy or sad? I always showed everyone how happy I am I smiled so bright that my problems cannot be seen under my shadows I've seen p...

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How pretty as I said to my thoughts as I looked at the flower I wonder what will happen when I wake up will I bee happy or sad? I always showed everyone how happy I am I smiled so bright that my problems cannot be seen under my shadows I've seen people crumble and died in front of me weather it was a friend or love of mine I'm sick and tried no. I'm not just tired I'm exhausted of losing every person I met I'm exhausted of losing someone who's special to me I've always believe these following words ("God takes people away from you because he knows those people aren't meant for you") if those people weren't meant for me then why did we crossed paths anyway? And why do they have to leave when I'm on my worst state can't I have someone who's not gonna leave me?

Some people say the sentence
("You met the person at the wrong time")

But I believe those words aren't true or those words are just a myth why?
Because we never meet a wrong person in our lives those people we meet are either a blessing or a lesson maybe those people are meant to leave us to teach us to stand up on our own feet maybe those people are meant to teach us to pick up the broken piece of ourselves but when will I ever meet the blessing? Why do I always have to meet the lesson?..

I said those words while tearing up in the grass I touched the flower beside me but it crumbled before my eyes the colors turned black and the moment I close my eyes it fades away like a bubble perhaps it turned into dust and flew away with the winds I lay down in the grass I put the plant I was holding gently to the ground a tear went down to my cheeks I slowly closed my eyes hoping I would never wake up

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