Brewing coffee

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No one:

Kyojuro turned his left and saw tanjiro awake "I'm sorry that I had to bother you.." he said looking down "it's fine" he replied closing the book

I looked at him and saw his deep eye bags (when I take a glance at his eyes it looks like he doesn't sleep at all..) I said to my thoughts "do you wanna lay down?" I offered "it's fine I'll just sit" he said coldly putting the book back "n-no I insist" I said moving a little to give a big space for him to lay down he gave a sighed and stood up he sat on the bed and layed down, we both faced the ceiling "do I bother you sometimes?" I asked "never." He replied his answer made me happy I closed my eyes as I was tired from all the work I looked at him and saw him with his eyes closed "are u asleep?" I whispered I poked him in the cheeks he didn't budge (he's sleeping) I said to my thoughts "guess I should sleep too." I said quietly I closed my eyes and went to sleep

Time skip:
7 days has passed and their relationship seems to be going well Tanjiro would often come home without having no one to greet him

At the office:

Tanjiro:While I was working on some papers I thought I should give him a coffee I stood up and walked Infront of his table "Rengoku-sama do you want a cup of coffee? I was getting a hot chocolate and I thought maybe it's good to offer you coffee" ...

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While I was working on some papers I thought I should give him a coffee I stood up and walked Infront of his table "Rengoku-sama do you want a cup of coffee? I was getting a hot chocolate and I thought maybe it's good to offer you coffee" I said he nodded his head with a sigh (his been working overtime.. I feel bad) I said to my thoughts while walking out, I reached the building kitchen and started brewing coffee while I heated up the chocolate "humm~ lala~" I hummed quietly as I sing a song to my head someone entered the kitchen I didn't mind at first not until I saw him struggling to make coffee "do you need help?" I said as I stopped humming "y-yes I'm sorry to bother" the man said "it's okayyyy!!!" I happily helped and taught him how to brew coffee

 I feel bad) I said to my thoughts while walking out, I reached the building kitchen and started brewing coffee while I heated up the chocolate "humm~ lala~" I hummed quietly as I sing a song to my head someone entered the kitchen I didn't mind at...

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3rd party pov:

"There! Looks cute right?" Said Tanjiro with a smile as he looked at the man "yeahh it's really cute" he responded "I'm Tanjiro Kamado" he introduced while making a handshake "Sai Himoto! Nice to meet you!"


We talked for a while and he seems really nice "Sai I need to go" I said with a sad face i don't really wanna leave a friend behind "that's okay!" He replied I walked away as I carried the coffee and the hot chocolate with both of my hands I carefully walked towards the office as I reached I noticed I couldn't use my hands to knock (meh that's okay I'll just use my forehead) I said to my thoughts as I started bumping my head to the door "come in" a voice was heard i happily pushed the door I walked towards him and put the coffee down

We talked for a while and he seems really nice "Sai I need to go" I said with a sad face i don't really wanna leave a friend behind "that's okay!" He replied I walked away as I carried the coffee and the hot chocolate with both of my hands I caref...

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(Is it really required for rich man too have a gun anywhere.. I MEAN EVEN THE TOILET HAS A GUN BESIDE THE SINK) "here's your coffee sir" he nodded and took a sip I nervously waited for his rating "it's good" he said I walked away and drank my hot chocolate

Time has passed and it's already dinner time.. in still not done with my work (I wanna start a bakery..) I said to my thoughts while thinking of the breads I could bake

YALL IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE FOR TOO LONG I HAD A LOT OF EVENTS THAT CAME INTO MY LIFE AND I will keep updating I'm so sorry it's been months 😭 I'll see ya and prepare to shed tears bring a bucket if you can

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