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I stopped from a moment then suddenly something grabbed my thigh aggressively I moaned In pain

"Why are you doing it alone Kamado?" He said whispering in my ear in a raspy voice "you're wet should I shove it in right now?" He said teasing me which made me hard I stopped what I was doing and didn't answer him I stood up trying to break free but he grabbed me and he touched me down there which made me moan "hng~" I moaned in pleasure I covered my mouth and tried to get free "where do you think you're doing? Touching your self while I was light asleep?" He said smirking (wait does that mean he was awake the whole time) I said to my thoughts "You...you mean you were awake the whole time?!" I asked him while I was red as a tomato he pulled me closer and made me sit on his lap facing him "mhm? Well yes I heard you moaning my name earlier" he said teasingly while thrusting his fingers inside me slowly I wrap my arms around his neck as I moaned in pleasure "n-no stop ng~ m-my~ hng~ my suppressants" I said he let out a sigh and picked me up he carried me to his chest holding my thighs he stood up and walked towards my bag and took out my suppressants "these?" He said I nodded he took out a water bottle and helped me drink my suppressants "finally!" I said chuckling we looked at each other (he has lovely eyes) I said to my thoughts as I was drowning with he's charms "y-you can put me down now Rengoku-sama" I said to him he dropped me down gently making sure I get down safety from him "Kamado are you alright?" He said while I was blushing "you seem like you had a fever no?" He said sitting on the sofa "how will I be okay if it seems like a typhoon passed through your office?" I said to him he laughed as I said those words to him face to face (it's my first time seeing him laugh but tho he shows emotions he still feels cold but now he feels a little bit warm) I said to my thoughts "w-well! Don't embarrass me by laughing!" I said to him as I turned red like a tomato "Kamado my boy come here" he said patting his lap I went closer to him as he spoke "you're special Kamado keep your presence away from any other men living in this universe" he said putting my hair in the back of my ears I was to stunned of what he said he the slipped his hand on my thighs

I flinch on what he did "shall we continue what we were doing earlier?" He said grinning at me and slipping his hand further "but.. you have work" I said to him while crossing my arms "work can wait but this can't" he said putting his fingers inside me fingering me "Ahh~" I moaned as I lean closer to him resting my face in his shoulders while moaning in mess "R-Rengoku-san~" I called out his name he continued fingering me until I came "...." I heavily breathe while gasping for air he took his hand out and looked at me I looked out and I saw him hard (isn't it a little too selfish if I was the only one who came?) I said to my thoughts as I got up from his lap and got on to my knees I opened his zipper and his big thing touched my cheeks "Kamado are you sure?" He asked me as he caress my hair "Can't I?" I said to him as I licked and played with his thing he groaned as I slowly put in my mouth moving up and down I "ng~" I moaned knowing his about to cum he held my head and shoved it in "Hng!~" I was in total shock "Good boy" he said in a raspy voice I looked at him while licking his cum on my lips "You're more good at seducing me than stoping me from fucking you Kamado" he said stroking my cheeks I turned red he picked me up and put me into his lap we faced each other

No one:

They faced each other admiring one another *grumble* the two of them heard Tanjiro lowered his head while Rengoku chuckled "come on up let's go have breakfast Kamado" he said picking up tanjiro "wh-where" Tanjiro asked as Rengoku picked him up in a bridal style

Tanjiro wasn't wearing any pants and his only wearing the oversized shirt Rengoku made him wore after they were done with the yk

Before they left the office Rengoku covered Tanjiro's lower part with a cloth they left the office and took the elevator someone was also with them the person beside Rengoku took a glance at Tanjiro, Rengoku noticed the actions of his worker

He gave him a disgusted and glaring look the man didn't say anything and completely looked away they had an awkward silent except Rengoku as he was glaring at the man the whole time while Tanjiro was snuggling to rengoku's chest as he fell asleep Tanjiro didn't notice what was happening but he find it weird that he's smelling anger from Rengoku and the man was having mixed emotions so Tanjiro can't smell or read his facial expressions if he's mad, sad, happy or in state of fear the elevator opened up and The man exited the elevator in hurry "you.. are fired" Rengoku said coldly looking straight into the man's soul as he ran away "what was that all about?" Tanjiro asked Rengoku "nothing Kamado" he said the moment Tanjiro spoke was the moment Rengoku changed his facial expressions to a softer one the elevator door closed and moments after it opened a whole penthouse blew Tanjiro's eyes "Whoahhhhhhhh!!" Tanjiro said in shock Rengoku walked closer to the sofa and put Tanjiro gently "It's good seeing you this kind towards me Rengoku-sama(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)" Tanjiro said with a soft smile "do you have any shirts or pants I could borrow?" He said questioningly "Yea" Rengoku answered as he walked out leaving Tanjiro to rest after a couple minutes he returned with clothes "the shorts are from my brother you could use them" he said handing it to tanjiro "thank you so much!" "Where's the bathroom?" He said asking Rengoku pointed at the door near the kitchen Tanjiro understood and went there carrying the clothes he opened the door to the bathroom and went in he washes a bit and changed into new clothes he looked around and saw a towel he wrapped it around his wet hair he opened the door seeing Rengoku cooking Wagyu beef and some bacons and a few greens like veggies "Ohh hello Rengoku-sama" Tanjiro said smiling Rengoku looked at Tanjiro up and down while grinning "the smell is delicious!!" Tanjiro said walking closer to Rengoku "it is" he responded Tanjiro looked at rengoku's cold face "it's finished go ahead and sir " Rengoku said Tanjiro nodded and sat down.

The meal was very tasty and delicious indeed and the Wagyu beef was nicely done and close to perfection both of them started eating


(Come think of it no matter how much I look at Rengoku-san he looks cold but I can smell something warm in him and I feel same and warm whenever I'm near him tho he gives me a cold glaze sometimes) I said to my thoughts as I was eating the veggies I looked at Rengoku-san's face he looks so cold as if he's made of ice he noticed me staring "what's wrong Kamado?" He said staring at me I reached up to his face and caress his cheeks "Rengoku-sama even tho you look cold I can still feel warmth in you" I said to him warmly as I smile he gave me a smile he touched my hand which was touching his cheeks "Kamado." He said my name

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