Drugged Wine

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Tanjiro was sleeping peacefully until a tear from his eyes was noticed by Rengoku he then wiped the tears from Tanjiro's cheeks

I was woken up from a warm fingers that was in my cheeks

I saw Rengoku looking at me "was it a nightmare hm?" He said softly I wiped my tears of my face and smiled at him "I don't know" I said to him my tears won't stop from dropping I started to get embarrassed "i-im *hic* sorry this must've been embarrassing for you to see Rengoku-sama" I told him while grabbing a tissue

"Kamado come close" he said "u-oh okay" I responded I got a little bit closer to him and he held my waist "stop crying now we're almost there" he said softly yet there's a seasoning of coldness I turned my body towards him we locked eyes to each other I raised my hand towards his cheeks

"You have a handsome face why don't you try to smile a bit?" I said to him softly I smiled at him brightly he looked at me and said "should I" he said those words to me he picked me up and put he put me in his lap he hugged me from the back and rested his head to my shoulders "do you prefer this than smiling? How cute Rengoku -sama" I said chuckling to him "Mhm." He responded

We stayed in that position for an hour (the meeting place must be far) I said to my thoughts since we're driving about 2/1 hours now (I can smell Rengoku-sama sleeping) I chuckled

Time skip:
Tanjiro fell asleep along with Rengoku Tanjiro was right the place must be far away

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"We're here boss" the driver shouted a little waking the two up "(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠) <-- Tanjiro being shocked" "I'm up I'm up!" Tanjiro said Rengoku holds Tanjiro's waist "5 minutes more" Rengoku said with a raspy voice (How cute I've never seen him like this before) Tanjiro said to his thoughts


Tan: Can you pull over?
Driver: sure
•while pulling over•
Driver: one things for sure I've never seen boss act like that from his other pa or other people *(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)*
Tanjiro: I see *chuckled*
2 minutes later:
Driver: were here care to wake up boss?
Tanjiro: sure


*Poke poke* I tried poking Rengoku-sama but he won't wake up "Rengoku-sama were here wake up!" I said but he hugged my more tightly" "re-rengoku-sama i-ican't breathe" I said gasping for air he loosen up a bit and I sighed "were here let's go the meeting was 1pm but we arrived 3pm" I said to him holding his arms "fine" he said coldly he let go of me and we got out of the car

A women wearing revealing clothes greeted us "welcome back Rengoku-san~" she said I could smell Rengoku-sama being disgusted I followed them and we arrived into a some what club I saw people dancing "Tanjiro!" I heard a voice called me I looked back to see who it was but there was no one I then looked forward to see Rengoku-sama gone "w-where is he?!!" I tried sensing his smell (Got him!!!) I said to my thoughts as I follow the smell I came across this big room (Vip room? I can smell him inside) I said I tried opening the door but someone stopped me "Who the fuck are you to enter there? Are you someone special?" A guard told me "listen my boss is there I'm his assistant!" I said to him "pft! You? A petite small omega like you? Being an assistant you must be joking" the man said laughing I walked out and then I saw a couple of men putting something inside a Glass bottle of wine *sniff sniff* "are they putting drugs?" I saw couple of women dressed so revealing entered the VIP room without the guard stopping them I can smell the people that they are gonna bring the drugged wine to the VIP (i-i need to do something they might make Rengoku-sama drink that!!) I said to my thoughts I saw a dressing room not from afar I ran towards it and grabbed the closest clothes and wore it as fast as I could



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Tanjiro walked out and saw the men still putting drugs to the wine tanjiro walked towards them "I-ill take that" he said the two men laughed "HAHAHAHA let him I think he wants to score!" The men laughed giving tanjiro the tray along with the wine "but if you get rejected feel free to sleep with me" the men whispered to Tanjiro he didn't feel comfy with it so he ran from the two men he saw the guard and walked towards the VIP good thing that the guard didn't notice him he opened the door and the strong pheromones of mixed alphas and omega made him cough a little he saw Rengoku sitting with the omegas in the sofa with a man Infront of him "HEY THERE" Tanjiro was stunned "Yeah you! Bring the wine over here will you? Goddamn do your job properly" he said Tanjiro, Tanjiro walked closer to the man and the man held Tanjiro's arm "This CEO Rengoku is my gift! This omega right here is perfect for you let's have a toast" the man said pushing Tanjiro closer to Rengoku the man handed the wine to him "Let's raise a toast!" The man said Tanjiro tried to give Rengoku signs that the wine is drugged "the wine is drugged!" Tanjiro whispered but Rengoku drank the wine anyone "oh no." Tanjiro said the man Infront of Rengoku smirked "You know...I do think people like you Mr Kim is pathetic" Rengoku said coldly putting the glass of wine down "We've been working together for quite a long time now and you know very well drugs don't work on me" Rengoku said in a sarcastic yet serious voice "tch you're just successful because of that brain of yours without it you're nothing" the man said pointing a gun on Rengoku "RENGOKU SAMA" Tanjiro yelled trying to defend Rengoku but the man held Tanjiro back and tried to assault him "see this omega?" The man said trying to touch Tanjiro but before his hand touched any part of Tanjiro a gun shot was triggered *BANG* everyone gasped Tanjiro looked beside him he saw the man who was trying to assault him was shot in the head Tanjiro ran towards Rengoku "how pitiful but I will be taking my gift" Rengoku said referring to tanjiro he got up and held Tanjiro by the waist "let's go" Rengoku said walking while holding Tanjiro by the waist "h-hold I'm dizzy from the pheromones" Tanjiro said

Tanjiro was becoming hot and his head was dizzy

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Rengoku carried Tanjiro in a bridal style and went to a private room

He then lay Tanjiro in the bed and Tanjiro was breathing heavily Rengoku turned his back proceeding to leave but Tanjiro grabbed his coat "p-please don't leave help me" Tanjiro said breathing heavily while releasing a sweet pheromones

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