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As I fantasize about my bakery ideas I noticed that Rengoku was a bit off it's like he's mad tho there's no expression on his face.. it's like I can feel his aura angry for some reason (meh I'll just shrug it off) I didn't payed much attention to it and did my work as early as I can and as fast as my hands could go

Time skip:

"I finished it!!" I said excitedly "oh.. I didn't meant to be loud" I said looking around if Rengoku noticed it but he was too focused *ring ring* an alarm sound was heard i picked up my phone and noticed it was time for me to go home (oh.. I must've forgot to eat dinner) I said to my thoughts (I'll just not eat..) following my thoughts I put my phone down and picked up all the items I had left in the office it took me to whole to remember where I put my belongings but I'm now done after a couple of minutes "I'm heading home Rengoku-sama" I said waving he didn't respond "are you okay?" I asked but he didn't spoke Ang words nor any signs he just focused on his laptop ignoring me "well Incase you get hungry here" I said with a smile putting the Sandwich I had prepared earlier it still looks fresh and good "I know it's not much but call me if you need something I'm heading home!" I said saying goodbye once more I closed the door and left the company "everyone seems busy.." I mumbled at the bus stop "mhm?? Who seems to be busy Tanjiro-san" I heard a familiar voice "AH! s-sai?? I'm sorry I was s-startled" I said as my words keeps breaking "it's fine Tanjiro-san" he said with a chuckle then putting his palm on my shoulders "is everything okay Tanjiro-san?" He asked I shook my head as a no "why is that?" He asked "well my boss is ignoring me and when I came downstairs nobody seems to spoke to me even Mitsuri.. normally she would greet me everytime I leave the company wether she's busy or not.." I said to him as I looked down "
"Well I see.. maybe they are just too busy today? That they focused on what they are doing a lot" he said comforting me "yeah... You're right" I said smiling then we heard a grumble *grumble* "oh.. that must have been my stomach I'm sorry" I said bowing" it's okay did you eat your dinner Tanjiro-san?" He asked I stayed silent "well that is a yes for me!" He said he then dragged me out of the station and took me somewhere

1 minute passed

It's been a minute and we're still not there "S-Sai hold on! The water is pouring ITS RAINING!" I said in panic voice "Please hold on Tanjiro-san" he said with an excited voice "o-okay I'm holding onto that" I said we ran and ran and we finally reached out destination.. *huff huff* as I breathe heavily catching some air "look up Tanjiro-san" he said

"Woahhh!!" I said as my eyes sparkled "let's go eat?" Sai said while pulling a chair so I could sit beside him "ah sai welcome back!" An old man spoke "how are you gramps? Oh! Btw this is Tanjiro-san we work at the same company!" Sai said I bowed ...

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"Woahhh!!" I said as my eyes sparkled "let's go eat?" Sai said while pulling a chair so I could sit beside him "ah sai welcome back!" An old man spoke "how are you gramps? Oh! Btw this is Tanjiro-san we work at the same company!" Sai said I bowed to the old man and he smiled "what a respectful boy! What would you like to have?" He asked "I will have the usual!" Sai replied "I would like the Wagyu ramen sir" I said as I turned red I looked down then I heard the old man laugh "no need for formalities call me gramps" he smiled "I will be preparing your food" he then left then I looked at sai "that old man raised me when i was abandoned" he looked really sad and I couldn't think of anything to cheer him up.. "that.." I couldn't speak my words when he interrupted me "no need for pity Tanjiro-san I'm happy now" he said smiling at me I smiled back "Here it is!! Your ramen!!" Gramps said putting the bowls at our table "Thank you!" I said smiling sai thanked gramps and we started eating "this is soooo delicious" I said speaking with the noodles filling my mouth "eat slow Tanjiro-san!!" He said concerned "I will sai!!!"

We spend most of the night eating and talking about life I learned that his gramps was the kindest and that Sai was working so that they could Improve the Ramen Shop though gramps doesn't want a ramen restaurant he still wants to keep his ramen shop the way it is right now when sai was a child he was tossed out by his parents as they only wanted a girl in their family.. turns out the reason why they only want a girl is so they could sell them to forced marriages or force their daughter to be raped for money when sai found out he couldn't save his sisters and he was glad he was born as a boy

After a while me and Said hanged out alot also me and Rengoku-sama he would often take me to fancy dinners and give me gifts tho he doesn't speak much I appreciate them both

•|1 month passed|•
~•At the office•~

As always I'm working on files and fixing his schedule "sigh" I made an expression come think of it I haven't spend much time alone as Sai and Rengoku often ask me to go out with them "Can you order me Tiger?" He said without even looking at me I was shocked and speechless "A- a what?" I said "don't make me repeat myself." He replied (SAAN AKO KUKUHA NG TIGRE BOI) I said in my thoughts "With all due Respect sir I don't think I can order a whole alive tiger.." I said with concerned face (why does he want a tiger all of a sudden??) "forget about it I'll do it myself." He replied and grabbed the tablet off my hands "there." He said


A total atmosphere... So silent and quiet.. "Let's have lunch together Kamado." He asked me breaking the silent "s-sure" I stuttered trying to process everything including the tiger and how he asked me to lunch out in thin air (oh wait... I remembered.. sai asked me to go out for lunch also..) "but sir are you sure? Your after lunch meeting is a bit early.. eating with me will make us late" I said thinking of any excuses "Why? Are you anxious you couldn't meet that boyfriend of yours?" He said without even looking at me I didn't hear It properly "pa-pardon sir?" I said "nothing let's just eat lunch early."

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