The other Women

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After a while we got out at exactly 11:00 pm we left the company and he drove the car I didn't know where we're going an I didn't actually ask but recently he's been acting kind and sweet he takes me out to dinner, lunch and buys me gifts.. when we go to the mall whatever I touch he buys it (How cute) I said as I think of him much further *chuckled* I made an expression "is something funny Kamado?" He said while straightly looking at the rode while driving the vehicle "oh- there wasn't anything funny I just had a thought of you" I said (I wanna be honest when I say my feekings.. is that okay?) I said to my thoughts nervously waiting for his answers "How cute of you to think of me while meeting up with someone behind my back" he said (wh-what is he talking about?) I said to my thoughts I had a puzzled face as I stared at him "w-what do you mean meeting someone? I-im not dating anyone or seeing someone.." I said "we arrived." He said coldly getting out of the car as he slightly slammed the door while walking out (did I do something wrong? He never slammed the door before me..) I said with sadness he then opened the door and offered his hand for me to get out of the car safety "Thank you Rengoku-sama" I said we then walked inside the restaurant (woahhh! From all the restaurants he takes me this is the most perfect for me! It's not Soo very very fancy and he didn't booked the whole restaurant!) I said excitedly while walking happily with him


"Isn't that the CEO? He looks so much better in real life!! "

"Yeahh he looks so good in magazine and hot too even hotter when you look at him"

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend.."

"Well I heard he doesn't but for me I'm sure he doesn't have a girlfriend but I'm so sure im gonna be his first and last girlfriend"

"No gurl I will marry that guy!"

I heard a lot of ladies looking at him (with his bulk body.. no wonder he gets so much attention his looks too) we then sat on our table and the waiter took our orders.. tho we were there kinda long time the girls didn't stop looking (why am I becoming jealous? It's not like I'm his boyfriend.) I said to my thoughts he then looked at me and said "Are you alright you look red. Do you wanna go to other restaurants?" He said then I looked around and I saw the girls looking at him "I-" someone interrupted me "your order is hereeee" the man said handing our orders I then bit the muffin and it was so delicious "ish sho goord" I said with my mouth full of muffins he then got closer to me and reached his hand then wiped the muffin crumb off my lips "waht ar yo doirng" I said he then licked his hand which the one he used to remove the muffin crumb then the world stopped .. all the eyes that were staring at us suddenly disappeared

"What? I didn't know he had a boyfriend "

"Aww too bad guess he won.."

"Too bad.. I wish that was me"

"Cut it out guys let's respect them in my opinion they look good with each other!:

"Mhmm.. since I already designed my doughnuts with Rengoku theme why not have my bottle cups be Tanjiro theme as well?"

"Yeahh!! Sounds good I heard he uses water breathing!"


At what I heard I'm not sure if I should be happy or not there are positive and negative comments all around.. "after this let's head back.." Rengoku said while cutting the steak in half..

I stared as he cut and bite the steak I watched how he bites and devour it.
(what does it feel being devoured.?)
As I closely watched him I noticed he had fangs similar to a lion.. (unconditional hunger.. being eaten alive..) as I had those thoughts in my head I don't know why I have these weird thoughts in my head "Eat." A word from me spoke "What?" he asked "Ah- nothing I just have alot of thoughts in my head.. one of them happens to be a word devoured?" I said as I also question him what was the meaning of the thoughts in my head "hm.. devoured you say? Must be because your heat are coming." He said "what why? And how is being devoured alive related to heat?" I asked "You're so clueless Kamado. Isn't it clear to see that being devoured in bed also refers to being eaten alive?" He explained tho he did not say anything much but those words sting me.. "o-oh.." I said speechless he then started to cut the steak deeply as if he's teasing me about our conversation he ate the steak in a way he's showing me how he will devour me.. he then cut another and bite another and cut another but this time he reached through my plate and dropped the steak there. The steak was cleanly cut.. "th-thank you." I then picked up the steak with a fork and reached into my mouth as I chew the flavour reached every inch of me

After a while we finished eating the people around us stared less when we left the restaurant we returned to the company at exactly 12:30 "we might be late!" I said as I hurriedly run to the office until I bumped into someone "ow!" I said I then look up to see that it was sai he helped me get up and worriedly hugged me "I- I didn't know where you were so I called you many times but you didn't answer" he said "w-what" I stuttered "did you forget? We planned to have lunch together I asked everyone where you were but they do not know so I was worried" he said "it's okay!! I'm fine don't worry I'm sorry I didn't respond" I said in guilty (indeed I even promised him that we will eat together today) he then hugged me tight I hugged him back and went on my way

Time skip:

After preparing for the meeting they then left the company again and went somewhere Tanjiro followed Rengoku as they reached their destination
"A garden?"
Tanjiro mumbled it was a massive garden with every flower to ever imagine the flowers and plants were healthy so are the tree's the breeze also smells sweet clearly the garden was owned by a rich women/men

Tanjiro waited at the entrance as Rengoku entered the garden Tanjiro watched from afar

(Rengoku doesn't know that Tanjiro was watching as he knew that Tanjiro already left and waited at the car)

As he watches them Tanjiro noticed a women with a fairy dress she's gorgeous and clearly has a high status she has a long blonde hair, blue eyes, and blue fairy dress it does suit her beauty after all she then walked towards him and leaned to his chest as they started to hug each other

"Ohhh what a great movie you're watching darling" a voice was heard from behind Tanjiro "Miss Vivi!?" He said startled "do you know that women?" Tanjiro asked as vivi stood beside him "Well.. as far as I know they've known each other since highschool that women over there is the daughter of a highly status men she's known for her great beauty and kindness" vivi said (maybe my feelings doesn't matter at all...) Tanjiro said as vivi finished her words "they look good with each other" Tanjiro said "hurt to say but indeed darling.."
Vivi said in a painful voice as she knew Tanjiro liked Rengoku and knows that he's nowhere near Rengoku's standards tears rolling from tanjiro's eyes were noticed by vivi "D-Darling are you okay??" Vivi said in concerned "im sorry I can't."
As Tanjiro ran wiping his tears

"oh... poor child.. if only I could help."

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