the dream again

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No one:

Rengoku smelled the sweet pheromones Tanjiro was releasing

"stop releasing your pheromones Kamado." He said coldly turning his back to Tanjiro walking out of the room he closed the door leaving a loud Thud Tanjiro cried in pai
Tanjiro was in a great pain since he's getting a fever from the strong pheromones like from the strong smell


"It's hot I'm cold I don't know I feel numb" I said while crying in pain I wrapped around the closest blanket I could find I was breathing heavily and it's so hard to speak without my voice shaking I feel depressed (I wonder how's Nezuko doing right now) I said to thoughts thinking about her "d-did she ate h-her lunch? or did she e-ever ate anything a-at all?" I said softly I wonder how's my family doing in the heaven are they having fun? Are they happy perhaps they are looking after us
No one:
Tanjiro stared at the ceiling blankly while breathing heavily "i-its hard to br-breathe" he said coughing he stayed like that for more than 20 minutes

After 20 minutes:

Someone entered the room
*step step*

"Kamado I'm here." A familiar voice woke Tanjiro up "re-rengoku-sama?" Tanjiro said while trying to reach rengoku's hand, "I apologize for being too late" Rengoku said while breathing heavily and sweating "did you run to the nearest pharmacy mhm?" Tanjiro said in a small voice that you could barely hear Rengoku ignored the question he opened the medicine and gave it to Tanjiro "n-no it's fine." Tanjiro said (how stubborn.) Rengoku said to his thoughts putting the pill in his mouth and holding Tanjiro closer to him he kissed Tanjiro softly and transferring the pill into Tanjiro's mouth "mhm~" Tanjiro moaned softly Rengoku let go of Tanjiro and layed him in the bed "is it okay if you sleep with me just for once?" Tanjiro whispered Rengoku took off his coat and layed gently next to Tanjiro even tho he showed coldness to Tanjiro most of the time he still cares "you know Rengoku-sama when I was a child I was never scared since I have my brothers and sisters beside me every time I sleep" Tanjiro said looking at the ceiling "mhm" Rengoku replied "and even tho were poor we're still happy to have each other's back everyday" said Tanjiro closing his eyes they stayed together like that "*sigh* what do I do with you" Rengoku said suddenly a phone rang it was coming from tanjiro Rengoku ignored but it kept ringing and ringing he picked the phone up and left the room he answered the call "when are you going home?" Said coming from the call it was a voice of a girl "he's not here" Rengoku lied "mh? Then who are you? Are you from his workplace? Tell me where's my brother" said the girl with a bit of yelling "your brother is fine" said Rengoku with a pissed voice knowing that a random girl was calling Tanjiro out of the blue "where is he!?" the girl demanded Rengoku ended the call and returned to Tanjiro he saw tanjiro sleeping like a child he then put his palm on Tanjiro's forehead "the fevers down now Kamado" he said silently he got up and left the room

Time skip:
6:03 am in the morning


*Yawn* "wh-where am I?.... Oh.. right" I said while getting up I tried looking for Rengoku but no traces were found I can't even smell his scent I tried looking for my phone and thank God it was in the drawer next to the bed I opened it up and there's like 50 missed call from Nezuko and I saw 1 call that lasted 2 minutes "I don't remember her calling me or hearing any ringtone from my phone last night" I said *knock knock* I heard "who is it??" I said while dressing up after a while the knocking stopped I was done dressing and getting ready so I opened the door I saw the guy who I saw in the elevator the one who has bandages on his mouth "how can I help you?.." I said not knowing what to do "follow me kyojuro told me to pick you up." He said I picked up my things and left the room we left the club and it was peace and quiet I sat in the back of the car I didn't get the chance to know the guy's name but I didn't payed any attention to it i was so tried even tho I slept for long I rested my head and closed my eyes

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