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I took a deep breathe as I was approaching him

We faced each other and we are still 1 step away from each other "why

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We faced each other and we are still 1 step away from each other "why.. why do you always get those look."He said with a sorrow voice he seems expressionless but I could feel him sad (why?..) I said to my thoughts "what can I do to make you feel better Kyojuro-sama?." I asked him as I look up (it's a bit embarrassing to look up because of how tall he is.)
"If you go out wearing those kind of clothes again I might just shoot their eyes so it would be fair since I wasn't the first person to see you in that outfit." He said looking at my body "yes Rengoku-sama" I said bowing (Oh! Right his coat!) I unbuttoned the coat and reveal the outfit I wore I then handed it to him "Here Kyojuro-sama your coat" I said as I looked at him in the eyes "are you doing this on purpose?" He said "what do you mean on purpose?" I responded I didn't get what he was saying, perhaps he was talking about me revealing the outfit? Tho I kinda get what he meant "If your gonna give back what's mine might as well give me back the rest." He said I was dumfounded on what he just stated "wha-" I said he cut me off by saying " I own the mall basically I own that shop and those clothes" he said sarcasticly as if he wants to see me naked!!! "Fine!" I said looking at him dead in the eyes "fine to me." He said crossing his shoulders he just stared at me for a moment then he walked away he was getting closer to the door I thought he was leaving but he just locked the door and put a code in it (what exactly is that for!?) I said to my thoughts he then went back to me and sat on his chair not to mention the broken pieces of the table was just beside him, is he waiting for me to strip? I gave him a confuse look "what are you waiting for? You said it yourself "fine" didn't you?" He said referring to what I said earlier I rolled my eyes and slowly removed the collar of the lewd outfit I took the mini pieces first before I remove the one on my member and my chest he looks at me deeply I couldn't see his facial expressions but I can feel him grinning few seconds later I took all of the clothes except the one that's covering my member I walked towards him handing him the clothes "here." I said "mark your words Kamado you said you'll return all of it." I flinched on what he just said (I can't argue with him right now..) I said to my thoughts I sighed and took the skirt off revealing all parts of my body I dropped the skirt and covered my member with my hand "there.." I said he grined more and picked up all the clothes he took one glance of me before burning the clothes with his bare hand (The fire technique!) I said to my thoughts as my eyes widen with shock and fear I don't know what to do and my head was going crazy I walked away from him and grabbed my bag I opened it and took the t shirt and jacket that I have (oh no.. I didn't brought extra pants!) I said to my thoughts as I hurriedly put on the clothes "Do you fear me Kamado?" He said walking towards me "n-no Kyojuro-san" I said as I mumble my words

 I didn't brought extra pants!) I said to my thoughts as I hurriedly put on the clothes "Do you fear me Kamado?" He said walking towards me "n-no Kyojuro-san" I said as I mumble my words

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