The sudden hirement

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We arrived at the 50th floor "and here we ar" before mitsuri can finish her words a loud bang from a door cut her and a woman crying and running away from the office "w-whats that? " i asked "oh yeah.. That happens very often to the company" mitsuri said with a sad tone "why? " i asked following my words there's a man running towards the office the woman left "MR SHIZUKA! " misturi yelled the man walked closer to us "i dont know how to keep up with this guy every personal assistant he has quits they dont even last for a month!" The man said angrily he looked at me and said "is this young man looking for a job? " he asked misturi nodded "well can you do PA?(Personal Assistant) " he asked "w-well im un experience with being a pa i- i dont think i can do it" i said "well they pay high and you only need to fix's that mans schedule and your done! Being a pa pays alot of money kid alot of money" he said thinking about it if i take the job i can enroll nezuko to the bestest university and having tight budget wont choke me anymore
I instantly agreed and mitsuri asked me "are you sure about this tanji? " she said with a worrying face i nodded my head "Great you can call me Shizuka or mr shizuka whatever you prefer, you can start working Tomorrow I'll send you all his schedule and please i recommend dont interact with any of his business if you wanna last long " he said waving his hand as a goodbye "well i have works to so tanjiiii congratulations for your hirement:))" she said with a smile "thank you for everything" i said with a smile before leaving the company

"*sigh* its already night? Well time goes fast" i said while hopping on the bus hours later i got home

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"*sigh* its already night? Well time goes fast" i said while hopping on the bus hours later i got home
I entered the house "IM HOMEEEEEE! " i yelled

3rd party pov:

After he yelled nezuko happily hugged her brother "wheres Zenitsu and Inosuke? " tanjiro asked "i dont know they said they'll come back some other time something urgent came up" nezuko replied after a moment tanjiro cooked nezuko dinner and after that tanjiro tucked nezuko to sleep

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