the book

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*Yawn* as I stretched my arms I rubbed my eyes as I look around I look at my lap and saw kyojuro wasn't there "Kyojuro-sama?" I said looking around "mhm?" A voice responded I looked at the side of me and I saw him sitting in his office chair and he has now a new table and it's now metal "did you bought another table?" I asked curiously "hm." He responded I assumed that was a yes "come here Kamado" he said I walked towards him facing his desk he turned his laptop around showing me a women's photo and full information "who's that?" I asked curiously then it shocked me I saw that she was engaged with giyuu it has photos of it and even a full video of giyuu proposing... "I.. I didn't know they were engaged..." I said quietly holding back my tears he stood up and walked towards me he then pat my head "h-huh?" I looked up he then pushed a button on his laptop then the screen turned red he pressed another button and then it went back to normal "what was that Kyojuro-sama?" I asked as I wiped my tears "mhm.. it's nothing I just sent some assassin's" he said it so casually "a-A WHAT? WDYM ASSASSIN?" I asked a bit loud "n-no no no Kyojuro-sama you can't just sent an assassin's on someone" I said panicking "why not?." He said blankly "*sigh* Kyojuro-san you can't send an assassin on someone you don't even know!" I said he just looked at me as if he's been doing it for years "cancel the assassin's you can't kill people!" I said he picked up his phone and called someone they didn't even said a single word then the laptop turned green and went back to normal again "d-did they retreat?" I asked nervously "ye" he said I sighed again "do you have work later?" I asked him he shook his head let's go and rest I said to him *knock knock* we heard i then hid somewhere else because I wasn't wearing any pants kyojuro walked towards the door and opened there was no one Infront of the door I peeked a little and I saw no one kyojuro closed the door "could it be a ghost!!" I said (I'm scared of ghost!!!) I ran to him and his under his coat "what's thattttt" I said pointing at the figure which was obviously a lamp he then carried me by the waist and said "there's no such thing as a ghost Kamado" "hmp there is!! I saw one!" I said to him he put me down in the side and asked me if I wanted to go to his house "ummm I'm not sure I need to go home.." I said to him "I'll drive you." He replied I nodded my head I took my jacket off and covered my bottom with it "okay!! I'm ready let's go " I said we went down and everyone seems busy so no one really noticed us he then picked up a key and pushed a button on in then a car appeared "woa-" I said amazed we entered the vehicle and it was so magestic everything on the car was so modern and high-tech (I keep wondering how much this car is worth probably more than my life!!) I said to my thoughts as I sat beside me "oh! Yeah I live in ******" I told him my address and he turned on the car he started driving it's been over 5 minutes and my home is still far away he made a turn and mistook my thighs as the gear lever he grope my thighs too hard that it left a red hand print on in he realized and then put his hand away "my apologies I did not notice.." he said "it's okayyy.." I said awkwardly i blushed a little and took a look outside the window "is it okay if I roll down the window?" I said "do what you want" he replied he clicked a button and the window rolled down by itself I smelled the fresh air and leaned a bit to feel the breeze of the night more I closed my eyes as I smiled


I took a glance at Kamado he was sleeping I sighed letting my stress out it wasn't easy being the CEO of a big company but having him by my side makes my day better.. after a few minutes I pulled over I took the blanket at the back of the car i wrapped it around Kamado to make him comfortable his house was far away I don't want him to be cold.. (I kept thinking how am I gonna lock you to prevent you from running away) I said to my thoughts while wrapping the blanket up.

Minutes past
And they arrived kyojuro carried Tanjiro out of the car and keeping the blanket over him he picked up tanjiro in a bridal style

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