Change of actions?

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I left the restaurant in shame i wish i didn't go with him inside the restaurant there's this gut feeling i have and its really strange i went back to the car and sighed "are you okay?" The driver said looking at me "well.." I told him the whole story and he chuckled a bit "that happens every time to him he gets women on his side without knowing it you know his father arranged him alot of marriage with random women he doesn't know" he said sipping from his coffee "but why does he still agrees to meet up with the women?" I asked in curiosity "well you see he needs someone to take care of him and im positive this is the last women he's ever gonna meet i mean he has alot of dates women and men omegas and betas but he still haven't find his soul mate you see." He said i was curious enough to ask if "is love real? " i asked he laughed at what i said i was dumbfounded at his actions "well do you believe in love?" He smiled i felt warm with his smile its like i can tell anything to him i stopped for a bit and rethink every words i would tell him "i don't believe i love... Im Afraid of changes its like your happy with that 'someone' to the point hugging or seeing him is enough to cure your sadness but the world is cruel isn't it? They take your love ones from you either they go away and leave you there hanging and the memories will make you suffer as you remember every bit of memories you have with that someone" i said looking down and tearing up i wiped my tears and hw handed me a piece of cloth to wipe my tears "well my boy that's life everything will be taken from you worse part you'll have to watch them fade away but never give up hopes it may be hard to love thinking they'll go away but love will last long as you have each other god takes things away from you because he knows you and that person aren't meant together" he said finishing his coffee he smiled at me and i wiped my tears i smiled and thanked him but thinking about it makes me feel like not giving hope but im scared loving someone i said to my thoughts i got out of the car and went to the near by cafe i crossed the road and inside the cafe i met giyuu "tomioka-san" i said waving at him "Come sit here" he said patting the chair beside him i ordered some croissants and a cup of coffee before i sat next to him "so what's up?" He asked me i told him everything the job and about insosuke and zenitsu i also told him about nezukos situation and the fact im working on the company to enroll her to a good university and to buy whatever she wants i told him a couple stories "Mhm i see nezuko must've been so lucky to have a brother like you" giyuu said looking at me straight in the eyes i checked my watch and spoke to him that ill be going i hugged him before leaving the cafe i was shocked that Kyojuro was already outside he seems angry i ran to the car and apologize "im so sorry kyojuro-sama" i bowed "get in the car. " he said coldly while opening the door i was really anxious i started fidgeting my fingers as i bite my lip "no need to be anxious kamado" he said calmly he sighed and looked at the window I've never seen him talked calmly before "you have an appointment with shinobu at clinic" i said to him happily i don't know why i had sex with this man that i don't even know yet i act like i don't remember what had happened and he acted like it was normal and ignored the fact he doesn't know anything about me...

Minutes past and they arrived at the company

I got out of the car and opened the door for kyojuro i bowed as he entered the company we went straight to the clinic inside the company and we saw shinobu i waved at her happily "oh just in time have a seat" she said with a smile I sat down while kyojuro took his suit off as he revealed his back i saw that he has many bandages with bruises on his back i was shock i was more shocked when shinobu took the bandages off i saw many cuts on his back.

He applied some medicine before putting a new bandage on him after a while they were done i didn't notice it was already 4pm "you're done now kyojuro" she said with a smile putting the bandages aside and arranging the medicine she used "shes very ...

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He applied some medicine before putting a new bandage on him after a while they were done i didn't notice it was already 4pm "you're done now kyojuro" she said with a smile putting the bandages aside and arranging the medicine she used "shes very neat" i said to my thoughts "why don't i do a little check up on your little one?" She said smiling at kyojuro "n-no need im okayy" i said shaking my hands of as a sign to no "come on just a little check up will do its also part of the contract" she said i sighed and got up i bowed before passing by kyojuro as a sign of respect i sat down facing her " you can take your suit off for now"  i blushed a bit as im shy and kyojuro is watching us  loosened my tie and began to take my suit off she examined my body while shes looking at my chest she saw a couple purple bruises on me "i see have you've been beaten up hm" she said i didn't respond and she put some ointment on me i looked at kyojuro we had an eye contact he's eyes were looking directly at mine i looked away but i can still sense that he's looking at me "your done now little one take good care of your body" she said i nodded and put my clothes back on i stood up and went to kyojuro "lets go now kamado" he said standing up and putting his hand on my back i smiled at him i feel more safe and comfortable around him and now his more sweeter and easy to approach
Is this Change of actions? I said to my thoughts as i walked with him before taking the elevator i saw a guy i would he had bandages on his mouth and a snake on his shoulders he looked scary and serious we took the elevator and there's three of us now including the snake guy im getting a cold atmosphere he clicked 3rs floor we waited and then the elevator door opened up he walked out and mitsuri greeted him and waven she held his hand and walked out although he's wearing a bandages on his mouth i can see him smiling earlier i can smell darkness in him but now i can smell happiness i smiled after they left seeing people smile gives me a warm feeling "isn't it so nice to see someone smile" i said quietly as the door closed "indeed" kyojuro said i looked at him for a second i didn't know he can hear whispers i chuckled and waited for our turn to click the button

-Time skip-
Tanjiro went to the office with kyojuro they spend the day arranging documents and meetings for the next day kyojuro was signing a mountain of folders while tapping on his computer and drinking coffee indeed he is multitasking while tanjiro was finding information and also drinking a hot chocolate milk while writing on papers for the events both of them were exhausted after hours tanjiro went home at 9pm

Yall im trying to improve this story by making kyojuro less cold CUZ ITS NOT HIM YK AND I CAN'T WRITE A CHARACTER WHOS TOO COLD 😭😭😭😭😭 BYE NOW HOPE Y'ALL DON'T HAVE SHT DAY

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