A caring action

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Tanjiro did his morning routine he woke up washed himself and prepares a breakfast for Nezuko after making the breakfast he would leave a little note how much he loves his sister and he'll be going out for work

The letter:
To: Nezuko
I prepared breakfast for you and all your things I also left a couple of money in the table Incase you need to buy something I'll be leaving home early I don't know when I will go home so I left you some food in the refrigerator you can either heat it up or cook a food for yourself love you


That's the letter he wrote before going out he wore a great suit he also bought extra clothes for himself Incase that "incident" happened again he also bought new pills to prevent his heat or his releasing pheromones Tanjiro went out and waited for the bus

That's the letter he wrote before going out he wore a great suit he also bought extra clothes for himself Incase that "incident" happened again he also bought new pills to prevent his heat or his releasing pheromones Tanjiro went out and waited fo...

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After about 20 minutes he arrived at the company


I arrived at the company and it's lucky I'm not late I met Mitsuri outside the door waiting for me "Tanjiro-kun good morning how are you?" She said "I'm good good morning how about you?" I said greeting back "I'm also good" she said we walked inside the company I remembered something about yesterday when she was with that snake guy (should I ask?) I said to my thoughts but my curiosity won again "if it's okay to ask who was the guy you were with yesterday?" I asked she looked a little bit confused "what guy?maybe describe him?" She said while looking at me "well he has bandages on his mouth and a snake on his shoulders" while describing him Mitsuri blushed "is something wrong Mitsuri san?" I asked worriedly because she's red as a tomato "w-well that Iguro san I like him..and I'm not sure If he likes me back" she said looking down "well I'm positive he likes you whenever your not around I can smell something dark in him but when you're around I suddenly smelled something sweet and happiness inside of him" I said comforting her and patting her back "you really think so Tanjiro Kun? Well he eats the lunch I cook for him and he even gave me his coat and his sweet to me even tho he doesn't talk that much" she said while smiling happily "I see.. now I'll be going now Mitsuri san before Im late again" I said while waving her a goodbye I took the elevator alone and 2 minutes passed I arrived at the office as usual I would knock before coming in

"Good morning kyojuro sama" I said greeting him and bowing down "good morning Kamado" he said hearing his words makes me happy already and I don't know why...
Couple minutes later we started out work today "Kyojuro-sama you have 1 meeting for the whole day the other schedules you have has been cleared" I said to him while reading the other information about the meeting he'll have "what time Kamado?" He said turning his head before his eyes we locked eye contact I stutter a bit "1-1:00 pm" eye contacts makes me nervous he continued doing his laptop work while signing the files we left yesterday I sat down the sofa normally he would tell me what should I do but now his quiet (I can't just sit here I need to do something) I said to my thoughts I kept thinking of the things I can do (maybe I should bring him a cup of coffee?) I said to my thoughts but then I could ask him if I could help (is there anything I can help you with Kyojuro-sama?" I said to him he stopped working for a moment "you can help me sign this files Kamado if you want " he said sliding the files in my direction I sat next to him and started my work i started signing the files of course I read it first before signing we should all be aware of file scams

(Exp: file scams are so common in the companies its where the 2nd party would hide the secret contract which contains the agreement of giving all the things that belongs to 1st party to 2nd party once the 1st signs the paper it cannot be undo so read the files or papers front and back and read the agreement carefully)


I've been singing and reading the files for an hour now and it's almost lunch time I looked at the clock ticking it's 11:45 am almost lunch *sigh* I said while reading the papers back and front "is something wrong?" A deep voice asked me oh it's Rengoku San "n-nothig" (he must've heard me sighing) I said to my thoughts worriedly

*Time skip*


(It's already lunch!!) I said to my thoughts happily I looked at Rengoku sama who is still working "is it okay if I have my lunch?" I asked looking at him he nodded silently "aren't you going to eat? I'm sorry to bother but I never seen you eat anything since this morning nor the other day" I said standing up "Do not worry about me Kamado go eat with the others" he said coldly if there is one thing I do not like it's when the person works with an empty stomach! "Please Rengoku sama eat something maybe we could eat together?" (oh no what did I just said!)


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