I place flowers and a photo at the foot of the cross we made for my father, knowing that, this time, it's real. He won't come back like he did before—he's gone forever. Tears well in my eyes and my breath gets caught in my throat. I don't know what to think. How am I supposed to feel? He was an awful man, and there's no denying that, but he was my father. I feel nauseous as I replay the last year in my head and say a prayer in my head before standing up to walk away.
When I turn around, I'm met with Kie. She stands in front of me with a worried look, and it only takes a second before I fall into her arms and choke out a sob. She crouches down with me and engulfs me in a hug—one I've needed for a long time. Kie brushes my sun-damaged hair out of my face and rubs my back in an attempt to calm me down.
"Hey, hey, Sarah, it's going to be okay. I've got you." I look past her and see the others watching us. They don't seem to know what to do, but that's okay; Kie does. She feels my breath quicken. "Sarah, focus on my breathing. Just follow my breath." Her fingers find their way to my wrist to check my pulse.
I push her hand away and stand up, shrugging her off of me. I stumble my way past her and everyone else, standing face-to-face with John B. I don't have to say anything before he pulls me into a tight hug and places his lips on my forehead. Then I feel my body starting to go weak. I blink away my tears and start to look around frantically as everything around me becomes more intense. Sounds become louder, lights become brighter, and everything starts to close in around me before—nothing.John B.
Sarah is finally safe in my arms when all of a sudden her body goes limp and begins to slide out of my grip.
"Holy shit, Sarah!" Kie is the first to notice.
"Oh my God! Hey, guys- um, a little help here!" As a group, we lay Sarah on the ground and unsuccessfully try to wake her up.
"Sarah, please just give us something. We can't lose you again." JJ mutters out, and I can tell he's stressed. He and Sarah have come a long way—from literal enemies to the siblings they never had. I'm glad they have each other.
Everyone is talking at once, all worried about Sarah, but I can't take it anymore. "Everyone just shut up! Please. She has a pulse. She's breathing. Let's get her somewhere safe and see what happens then, alright? I'm just as scared as the rest of you, but you guys are just making it worse."
"You're right. Sorry, man," Pope says after a moment of silence. I pick up Sarah and stumble down a hill to the parked boat below. It's a difficult path but I won't let it stop me from getting Sarah somewhere safe. The others stay back staring at me in shock for a couple seconds, and JJ is the first to follow behind.
"Hey, John B. do you want me to carry her or something? Today's been a lot and you look like you're struggling," he offers, his voice laced with genuine concern.
"No, I've got it."
"Are you sure man? I'm just a little worried that—"
"I said I've got it, okay man? Just leave it be."
"Yeah, okay, um—I'm sorry man."
I get Sarah into the boat and lay her down on her back. Not long after, the rest of us are settled and JJ speeds off away from the Island. None of us have any idea of where we're going, but it will come to us—it always does.
We're in the boat for what feels like an eternity, but I'm by Sarah's side the entire time, my hand on her wrist monitoring her heart. It kills me knowing that this isn't the first time this has happened. My mind flashes back to the first time I had to check Sarah's pulse. I thought that was the end. It also kills me knowing that she's had to watch her father die more than once. My God she has been through so much. My girl really is a fighter. Tears start to well in my eyes as I lift her hand to my mouth and place kisses on her bloodied knuckles.
"Wait, do you guys hear that?" Cleo asks, looking around her.
"Hear what?"
"No, yeah—is that music?" JJ hears what Cleo is hearing, and I let out a breath of relief.
"Oh thank God." Kie stands up and walks towards where Sarah and I are on the boat. She kneels down beside Sarah and takes her hands. "We're gonna get you safe, pretty girl. It's okay, it's gonna be okay." Tears start to fall from her eyes. "It ha- it has to be okay." She places her head on Sarah's chest and begins to sob. I glance towards JJ signaling for him to help.
JJ moves towards us and soothingly rubs Kiara's back. He slowly removes her from Sarah and places her on his lap where he rocks back and forth until we reach a local boat launch.
We pull next to a dock and Pope immediately jumps out of the boat, putting his arms out to hold Sarah. I place her in his arms and the rest of us follow suit, leaving the boat behind. "We just need to find somewhere for her to lay down and rest, that's all. Leave it to me, I can find a place." Cleo takes charge, and I'm thankful for her knowledge. We don't give her enough credit, but honestly, we'd be nowhere without her.
Following Cleo, the six of us weave in and out of market shops, tourists, and sketchy deals on the street. Pope is still carrying Sarah, and although I feel guilty for not being the one carrying her, I know it's best to just leave her with him. Soon enough, Cleo has found a hostel for us to stop at, and we rush through the doors.
I take the initiative and run to the front counter. "Um, excuse me, ma'am. Do you um- do you have a bed we can use?" I ask frantically.
"Well, not for free, if that's what you're asking. We have policies here, it's not just some pigsty off the side of the road." The woman returns, and I can feel myself start to snap.
"Look, ma'am. I really don't want to bother you, but quite frankly, I don't give a shit about your-"
"John B. Stop." Thankfully JJ stops me before things get too heated. "Ma'am, all he's trying to say is that we really need a bed for our friend. She's really sick and this was the first place we could find to stay. I apologize if this doesn't totally stick with your policies and we really don't mean any trouble, but this is our best bet. We'll pay you when we can, I promise."
The woman behind the desk looks JJ up and down with a look of disgust, then says, "Fine. But one discrepancy and I'm kicking all six of you out."
We waste no time scrambling down the hall to find a room. "What a bitch." Kie blurts out a little too loud.
"I heard that!" We hear the woman shout from her desk.
"I know!" Kie is very obviously aggravated. That's one thing you learn very early on about Kiara. She doesn't like people knowing she's upset, so instead, she fights the sadness off with anger.
After a quick search, we find an empty room and Pope carefully places Sarah's body on the bed, her head resting on its pillow. I immediately sit in the chair adjacent to the bed and stroke her hair, my eyes making their way around her face. She truly is the most beautiful girl to ever be, how did I get so lucky? I hear someone say something from behind me, but I can't quite make out what it is. "What?"
"I said, she'll be fine," Cleo says confidently. "She's just exhausted, that's all. The best we can do is let her sleep, she'll be awake soon, don't worry. Well leave to two of you in here, John B. Let us know if you need anything."
Kie walks to me and places a kiss on the top of my head as Pope and JJ give me sad, sorry looks. The four of them leave the room and shut the door, and I'm immediately in tears. None of this should've happened. Yes, we found the gold, we did- but, we lost so much on the way. I miss the days when we could be normal teenagers; when we could just be Val and Vlad. I keep my eyes trained on her face and memories of everything we've been through flood back to me. I place my lips onto hers and say a silent prayer in my head.
It's been close to two hours and Sarah is still asleep. I know Cleo said that she's going to be okay, and I trust her, I really do, but I can't help but worry. Is she really okay? Am I going to lose her this time? I sit with my head in my hands, but I sit up when I hear a knock on the door.oh who could it be?!? thank you sm for reading!! everyone leave ur predictions below and don't forget how much i loveeeeee you <33333333
p.s. commenting and voting literally means so much you have no idea

what now? | outerbanks
Fanfiction'In his embrace, I feel myself start to cry. I don't even know why, but John B. notices and wipes the tears from my cheek. "It's over, Sarah. The chase is over." "Mhm." I nod through my tears, but the words mean nothing to me. "Hey, wha...