"We need to get the rest of the gold, guys." Pope looks around, searching for answers in others' eyes.
"What part of "let's get home" do you not understand?" The boy's right, and I know this, but we can't put ourselves through anymore danger.
"Look, Kie; I know it's dangerous and I know it's a stretch but- it's just- we've worked so hard to get here, you know? I can't just let it go to waste like that." He makes a point; and a good one, at that.
"I agree." JJ says shortly. I know he would say more, but he doesn't in an attempt to keep me sane. I shoot him a glare. "Kie it's true."
"Big John blew it up, guys, you don't even know if you can still get to it." Sarah says, and I'm surprised to hear her speak.
"We won't know if we don't try." The rest of us stay silent and tense after JJ's comment. After a few moments, Cleo chimes in.
"Okay well, all three of you can't go."
"I'm going." Says John B. He's confident, and in his defense, he's right. He has to go, this is his "thing".
"You can go, Pope. He needs your brains, and I know my way back home."
"You sure, man? It's really okay, I'll go home and you can-"
"I'm sure. Go." The blonde boy looks my way and I can tell in his eyes he did this for me. I feel bad for holding him back, but I'm glad he's staying by my side.
"So, how are we doing this?" John B. asks now, visibly worried about the ordeal.
"I can get you a boat." Of course she can, she's Cleo, after all.
The boys simultaneously murmur words or agreement. "I believer her," and "Yeah, okay," and "In Cleo we trust."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" The boys sprint out of the room, leaving us girls in shock. Are they really just leaving without us? I help Sarah up and we start to walk. We start slow, but she knows how important this is so she speeds up quickly. Cleo runs ahead of the boys and as we pass the woman at the front desk, I remember our conversation from the day before.
"Hey, where's my money at?!"
"Oh, uh, we're so sorry ma'am! We'll get it to you soon, don't worry!" I know that's a lie, but at least Pope was respectful about it. I'm scared for the woman's response, though, like usual, we run off before she can even speak.
I came here once for a job and I remember a dock of rental boats my boss brought me to. It may not be the safest option by any means, but when have the Pogues ever picked the safest option? Never.
We run through markets and under overhangs, apologizing to the people we run into. Finally, we reach the dock which is full of rental boats- small rental boats.
"Yeah, uh, thanks Cleo, but... There's no way these boats will be able to hold all of the gold." My boy says as he checks out each of the boats.
"What if you guys and JJ take this boat somewhere to get home, and we use the boat from before to get back to the gold? Would that work." Good thinking John B, but how the hell will this boat get us home?
"You think this'll get us home?"
"Well, no, but it can get you somewhere to get a better boat, right? I mean, you have some of the gold already, you can spend that for a boat."
"He's right guys. It's the only way." Sarah doesn't look up when she speaks, but keeps her eyes trained ok the ground.
"Okay, c'mon guys. We should start heading to the other boat, you guys get headed to the gold."
We walk away reluctantly after exchanging hugs- you never know what can happen, and I notice that Sarah lingers behind for a couple of seconds. "Sarah, come on." I yell over my shoulder as I wonder if I should go back and see if she's okay, deciding not to when I see that she's talking with John B. I grab JJ's arm so he'll stop walking. "Hey, JJ, wait a second for Sarah."
"You alright?" I usually hate it when people ask me if I'm okay, probably because I never am, but I don't mind it when John B. asks. I know he actually cares about my response, and I know I can be honest with him.
"It's just- I don't know. What if you guys get there and make it back to the gold and then get hurt? You'll have no way of getting in touch and you'll be stranded and-"
"Sarah, Sarah, hey. You know we can do this- we've done it before. There has to be a way to get to the gold, okay? We'll be fine, and we'll get back home as soon as we can."
"But what if you aren't?"
"What if we're not what?"
"What if you're not fine?"
"In that case, you can look for me in the stars. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay." I brush his hair off of his face and place a long, loving kiss on his lips. He kisses back, as if it were the last. "I love you."
"I love you too, Sarah Cameron. Or should I say, Sarah Routledge."
"I'm still waiting on a ring..." I send my boy a wink as I walk away, making sure I leave on a good note to calm my worries. My anxiety gets really bad in moments like these and although I don't like talking about it, all of my friends have learned by this point. I'm the luckiest girl to be able to have them. Shooting Kie a certain look, she can tell i'm worried, but she can also tell that I'll be okay, and that there isn't too much to worry about.
I can tell by the look on Sarah's face that she's having a lot of anxiety right now. I gesture for her to come over, knowing that all I can really do is give her a good hug and get back home. She walks over and accepts my hug, which lasts a couple of seconds before JJ and Cleo rush us, telling us to come on. We catch up to them and the four of us make it back to the other boat. We load ourselves in, look at one another gif a moment or two, and take off. There's a heavy weight over the boat, but we don't acknowledge it. There's no one I'd rather be doing this with.
hey guys! sorry it's been a few days i've been super super busy lately! hope this chap makes up for it, and i hope you've had a good week!!! keep reading and voting and commenting and sharing it's helps so so much!! love you guys ❤️🔥❤️🔥

what now? | outerbanks
Fanfiction'In his embrace, I feel myself start to cry. I don't even know why, but John B. notices and wipes the tears from my cheek. "It's over, Sarah. The chase is over." "Mhm." I nod through my tears, but the words mean nothing to me. "Hey, wha...